Patents > Search Colections > MPEP > 903.08(a) New Applications [R-3] - 900 Prior Art, Classification, and Search

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903.08(a) New Applications [R-3] - 900 Prior Art, Classification, and Search

903.08(a) New Applications [R-3]

New nonprovisional applications are assigned to the various Technology Centers (TCs) in the first instance by the Office of Initial Patent Examination (OIPE). **

The supervisory patent examiner or his/her designee reviews *>each< application to determine whether it properly belongs in his or her art unit. If it does belong in the art unit, it is processed as a new receipt. See MPEP § 903.08(b).

When a new application is received which, in the opinion of the primary examiner, does not belong to his or her TC, he or she may request transfer of it to another TC. See MPEP § 903.08(d).


If the search in connection with the first action develops art showing proper classification elsewhere, the transfer is usually initiated before the first action is prepared and mailed.

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