Patents > Search Colections > MPEP > 903.02(c) Establishing Subclasses and Cross-Reference Art Col-lections [R-5] - 900 Prior Art, Classification, and Search

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903.02(c) Establishing Subclasses and Cross-Reference Art Col-lections [R-5] - 900 Prior Art, Classification, and Search

903.02(c) Establishing Subclasses and Cross-Reference Art Col-lections [R-5]

**>Any examiner having the Technology Center Director's approval to create new subclasses should contact the supervisory patent classifier (SPC) for his or her technology< before work is begun. The SPC will assist the examiner in establishing any new subclass ** by >(A)< providing appropriate instructions on how to transfer patents from an existing subclass to a new subclass, **>(B)< determining the title >and definition< of the newly established subclass **, and >(C)< assigning the numeric designation to be placed on the new subclass **.

All newly created subclasses will be made official so as to be a part of the defined classification system. **>New classification data will be added to the Subclass Data File (SDF) and Master Classification File (MCF) as appropriate. Concurrently, all automated classification indices and systems, including the EAST and WEST search tools, will be updated to reflect the new classification changes.<

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