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   What's New

Read brief summaries of the CPSIA legislation
General Counsel Memorandum about the Retroactive Application of the CPSIA to Inventory (pdf)
Section 106 Toy Standard: Submission of Certified State Safety Requirements under Section 106 of the CPSIA

   September 4 - Public Meeting

Download the Presentations:
Overview and Regulatory Timetable (pdf)
Children's Products (pdf)
Watch the Meeting:
Morning Session
Afternoon Session


Required Actions Pursuant to the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 - Timeline (pdf)

   Requirements and Additional Information

Labeling Requirement for Advertising Toys and Games—Request for Comments and Information (pdf)
Staff memo to the Commission on Laboratory Accreditation Requirements for Testing Compliance with 16 C.F.R. Part 1303 (pdf)

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