
Download information and publications on a wide range of topics.

Agency Annual Report
Economic Impact
Grants Annual Report
Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP)
Trails 2005 Plan: State Motorized and Nonmotorized Trails Plan
Historical Archaeology Research Guide
Plans and Survey Reports

Agency Annual Report

FY08 Annual Report
Fiscal Year 2008: July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008
FY08 Annual Report (PDF Document 3.7 MB PDF)

Fiscal Year 2007: July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007
FY07 Annual Report (PDF Document 2.6 MB PDF)

Economic Impact

Arizona State Parks Economic Impact Report (PDF Document 700 KB PDF)
Prepared by the Arizona Hospitality Research & Resource Center School of Hotel & Restaurant Management, Northern Arizona University. 2002.

Grants Annual Report

Grants Section FY 2007 Annual Report (PDF Document 252 KB PDF)
The Grants Section of Arizona State Parks is responsible for managing eight grant programs administered by the Arizona State Parks Board. More than $32 million is available annually to Arizona communities, resource managers and agencies to preserve and enhance Arizona’s significant natural open space, cultural and recreational resources. 

Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP)

State Parks has completed the “2008 Update” to the Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP), which will serve as Arizona’s outdoor recreation policy plan for the next five years. This SCORP update includes newly researched chapters on Arizona’s outdoor recreation situation, trends, and influences. Special sections include the benefits of parks and recreation, outdoor recreation and tourism, wildlife related recreation, and reports on trails, off-highway vehicles, boating, and historic preservation.

A large part of the 2008 SCORP Update features the results of a telephone survey of Arizona households and an online survey of Arizona’s parks and recreation providers and land managing agencies conducted in 2006 by Arizona State University. Also included are the current priority outdoor recreation issues for Arizona and the revised grant rating criteria to the Local, Regional and State Parks Heritage Fund and the Land and Water Conservation Fund grant programs.

The 2008 SCORP is available for downloading as one document, or in incremental sections (below):

Complete 2008 SCORP Report (PDF Document 12 MB PDF)

Executive Summary (PDF Document 680 KB PDF)

Chapters 1-2 (PDF Document 1.1 MB PDF)
Acknowledgements, table of contents, introduction, plan process

Chapters 3-4 (PDF Document 3.7 MB PDF)
Influences, recreation situation

Chapters 5-6 (PDF Document 2.5 MB PDF)
Regional profiles, survey findings

Chapters 7-8 (PDF Document 1 MB PDF)
Issues and grant criteria

References and Appendices (PDF Document 5 MB PDF)

If you're interested in information regarding park master planning and site planning for Arizona's State Parks, please contact (602) 542-4174.

Trails 2005 Plan: State Motorized and Nonmotorized Trails Plan

Every five years, the Arizona State Parks prepares a statewide trails plan. The most recent plan, The Arizona Trails 2005 Plan was approved in November 2004. The plan reports on trail usage, needs and user perceptions. This information is intended to be a resource to guide trail agencies for the next five years. The purpose of this plan is to provide information and recommendations to guide Arizona State Parks and other agencies in Arizona in their management of motorized and nonmotorized trail resources, and specifically to guide the distribution and expenditure of Arizona State Parks administered trail funds.

Complete 2005 Trails Plan (PDF Document 4.5 MB PDF)

Introduction (PDF Document 1 MB PDF)

Chapters 1-2 (PDF Document 2 MB PDF)

Chapter 3 (PDF Document 1.4 MB PDF)

Chapters 4-5 (PDF Document 2.2 MB PDF)

Appendices (PDF Document 1.1 MB PDF)

Historical Archaeology Research Guide

Compiled by James E. Ayres, Carol Griffith, and Teresita Majewski with contributions by the SHPO Advisory Committee on Historical Archaeology, this guide will direct you to resources for researching a historical place or person in Arizona. Categories include maps, photographs, architectural plans and drawings, local histories, mining records, newspapers, and more. The appendices include bibliographies of material culture sources and background resources as well as historical archaeology reports. 2008.

Historical Archaeology Research Guide (PDF Document 1 MB PDF)

Plans and Survey Reports

Arizona Historic Preservation Plan (PDF Document 2.6 MB PDF)
In effect through March 2007. Update pending.

2006 Arizona Watercraft Survey (PDF Document 1 MB PDF)
In effect through June 2009. 129 pages.