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National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Regional Office

Fishing gear, photo: MGC, AFSC

NOAA Fisheries News Releases

June 23, 2008
Sheela McLean, Public Affairs
(907) 586-7032


The United States District Court for the District of Columbia has imposed a preliminary injunction against new regulations in Southeast Alaska for sport charter halibut fishing. That means a two-fish bag limit for sport charter halibut fishermen, instead of the one-fish bag limit which was part of new regulations for the area.

The preliminary injunction follows a temporary restraining order, both with the effect of limiting halibut harvest on a charter vessel in International Pacific Halibut Commission Area 2C (Southeast Alaska) to no more than two halibut per person per calendar day provided that at least one of the harvested halibut has a head-on length of no more than 32 inches (81.3 cm). If a person sport fishing on a charter vessel in Area 2C retains only one halibut in a calendar day, that halibut may be of any length. Also, the carcass retention requirement from last year is in effect under the preliminary injunction issued by the Court.

The suspended regulations would have limited sport charter vessel anglers to keeping one halibut per calendar day in Area 2C. The purpose of the suspended regulations was to keep halibut harvests in Area 2C within the guideline harvest level established in federal regulations, as recommended by the North Pacific Fishery Management Council.

NOAA Fisheries is reviewing the Court’s decision from the June 20 hearing and will make a determination on how to proceed in the very near future. No new court date has yet been set. All other requirements and limitations that were published with the suspended regulations are still in effect. These requirements and limitations include the maximum line limits and the prohibition of retention of halibut by a guide, operator, or crew. Please refer to 50 CFR sec. 300.65 and 300.66 for details.

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