Reserve Personnel Management Division

Common Errors on Resumes and OERs


Resume Errors


Incorrect Format

Please refer to Chapter 2 of The Coast Guard Correspondence Manual COMDTINST M5216.4C for correct guidance on submitting a Coast Guard Memorandum. The following are a few examples of incorrect format:

-Used old Coast Guard “basic letter” style (This style has been cancelled and should not be used)

-Used Coast Guard Memorandum Form CG-4914. (This form was cancelled and should not be used)

-Paragraphs numbered incorrectly or not at all

-Bullets, pictures/clipart, nonstandard letterheads and inserted boxes should not be used

-Resume is not signed by person submitting it

-No signature endorsement by Commanding Officer

-Not dated



Most of these mistakes are easily corrected by having someone proofread your resume. Give your resume to several people you trust (YN, mentor, friend, etc) and get their opinions and advice. Ask them to check for spelling and grammatical errors. The resume is a reflection of you and should be absolutely perfect.

-Run-on paragraphs and Sentences

-Spelling, Spelling, Spelling. (Use your spell check)

-Incomplete sentences

-Improper punctuation.


Not Following Directions

Below are a few examples of packages submitted where the candidates did not follow directions.

-Did not follow single–spaced, 12-point text requirement. (We ask for this format/font because it makes it easier for the board members to read. After all the board members are reviewing over 500 resumes, OER’s, and each candidates record. You don’t want them to skim over your resume because it’s too hard to read)

-Longer than two pages

-Command submitted endorsement to resume (Only a signature endorsement allowed - the OER will serve as the text endorsement)

-Only submitted the original. (RPM-1 needs original and one copy of the resume and OER)



Content of the Resume is extremely important and helps to demonstrate an applicant's dedication, desire and professional excellence. The following arecontent problems:

-Copying resumes from others. While other resumes can be a good guide, they need to be changed to reflect your writing and accomplishments

-Contents of the resume don't match what is in the official record

-Accomplishments are exaggerated


OER Mistakes

OERs generally are good as the command prepares the majority of these documents. The applicant is responsible for making sure the rules are followed when submitting an OER. The following are common mistakes with the CWO Appointment OERs:

-OER is not signed

-Incorrect period of report

-Rank or the applicant is not included in block 1.D

-Numerical marks are assigned

Last Modified 8/28/2007