Patents > Search Colections > MPEP > 317 Handling of Documents in the Assignment Division [R-3] - 300 Ownership and Assignment

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317 Handling of Documents in the Assignment Division [R-3] - 300 Ownership and Assignment

317 Handling of Documents in the Assignment Division [R-3]

All documents and cover sheets submitted for recording are examined for formal requirements in the Assignment Division in order to separate documents which are recordable from those which are not recordable.

Documents and cover sheets that are considered not to be recordable are returned to the sender by the Assignment Division with an explanation. If the sender disagrees or believes that the document represents an unusual case which justifies recordation, the sender may present the question to the *>Director< by way of petition under 37 CFR 1.181, filed with the Office of Petitions.

After an assignment and cover sheet have been recorded, they will be returned to the name and address indicated on the cover sheet to receive correspondence, showing the reel and frame number.

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