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§ 41.124 Oral argument. - Appendix R Patent Rules

§ 41.124 Oral argument.

(a) Request for oral argument. A party may request an oral argument on an issue raised in a paper within five business days of the filing of the paper. The request must be filed as a separate paper and must specify the issues to be considered.

(b) Copies for panel. If an oral argument is set for a panel, the movant on any issue to be argued must provide three working copies of the motion, the opposition, and the reply. Each party is responsible for providing three working copies of its exhibits relating to the motion.

(c) Length of argument. If a request for oral argument is granted, each party will have a total of 20 minutes to present its arguments, including any time for rebuttal.

(d) Demonstrative exhibits must be served at least five business days before the oral argument and filed no later than the time of the oral argument.

(e) Transcription. The Board encourages the use of a transcription service at oral arguments but, if such a service is to be used, the Board must be notified in advance to ensure adequate facilities are available and a transcript must be filed with the Board promptly after the oral argument.

[Added, 69 FR 49959, Aug. 12, 2004, effective Sept. 13, 2004]

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