Patents > Search Colections > MPEP > § 10.158 Suspended or excluded practitioner. - Patent Rules

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§ 10.158 Suspended or excluded practitioner. - Patent Rules

§ 10.158 Suspended or excluded practitioner.

(a) A practitioner who is suspended or excluded from practice before the Office under § 10.156(b) shall not engage in unauthorized practice of patent, trademark and other non­ patent law before the Office.

(b) Unless otherwise ordered by the Commissioner, any practitioner who is suspended or excluded from practice before the Office under § 10.156(b) shall:

(1) Within 30 days of entry of the order of suspension or exclusion, notify all bars of which he or she is a member and all clients of the practitioner for whom he or she is handling matters before the Office in separate written communications of the suspension or exclusion and shall file a copy of each written communication with the Director.

(2) Within 30 days of entry of the order of suspension or exclusion, surrender a client's active Office case files to (i) the client or (ii) another practitioner designated by the client.

(3) Not hold himself or herself out as authorized to practice law before the Office.

(4) Promptly take any necessary and appropriate steps to remove from any telephone, legal, or other directory any advertisement, statement, or representation which would reasonably suggest that the practitioner is authorized to practice patent, trademark, or other non-patent law before the Office, and within 30 days of taking those steps, file with the Director an affidavit describing the precise nature of the steps taken.

(5) Not advertise the practitioner's availability or ability to perform or render legal services for any person having immediate, prospective, or pending business before the Office.

(6) Not render legal advice or services to any person having immediate, prospective, or pending business before the Office as to that business.

(7) Promptly take steps to change any sign identifying a practitioner's or the practitioner's firm's office and the practitioner's or the practitioner's firm's stationery to delete therefrom any advertisement, statement, or representation which would reasonably suggest that the practitioner is authorized to practice law before the Office.

(8) Within 30 days, return to any client any unearned funds, including any unearned retainer fee, and any securities and property of the client.

(c) A practitioner who is suspended or excluded from practice before the Office and who aids another practitioner in any way in the other practitioner's practice of law before the Office, may, under the direct supervision of the other practitioner, act as a paralegal for the other practitioner or perform other services for the other practitioner which are normally performed by lay-persons, provided:

(1) The practitioner who is suspended or excluded is:

(i) A salaried employee of:

(A) The other practitioner;

(B) The other practitioner's law firm; or

(C) A client-employer who employs the other practitioner as a salaried employee;

(2) The other practitioner assumes full professional responsibility to any client and the Office for any work performed by the suspended or excluded practitioner for the other practitioner;

(3) The suspended or excluded practitioner, in connection with any immediate, prospective, or pending business before the Office, does not:

(i) Communicate directly in writing, orally, or otherwise with a client of the other practitioner;

(ii) Render any legal advice or any legal services to a client of the other practitioner; or

(iii) Meet in person or in the presence of the other practitioner with:

(A) Any Office official in connection with the prosecution of any patent, trademark, or other case;

(B) Any client of the other practitioner, the other practitioner's law firm, or the client-employer of the other practitioner;

(C) Any witness or potential witness which the other practitioner, the other practitioner's law firm, or the other practitioner's client-employer may or intends to call as a witness in any proceeding before the Office. The term "witness" includes individuals who will testify orally in a proceeding before, or sign an affidavit or any other document to be filed in, the Office.

(d) When a suspended or excluded practitioner acts as a paralegal or performs services under paragraph (c) of this section, the suspended or excluded practitioner shall not thereafter be reinstated to practice before the Office unless:

(1) The suspended or excluded practitioner shall have filed with the Director an affidavit which (i) explains in detail the precise nature of all paralegal or other services performed by the suspended or excluded practitioner and (ii) shows by clear and convincing evidence that the suspended or excluded practitioner has complied with the provisions of this section and all Disciplinary Rules, and

(2) The other practitioner shall have filed with the Director a written statement which (i) shows that the other practitioner has read the affidavit required by subparagraph (d)(1) of this section and that the other practitioner believes every statement in the affidavit to be true and (ii) states why the other practitioner believes that the suspended or excluded practitioner has complied with paragraph (c) of this section.

[Added 50 FR 5186, Feb. 6, 1985, effective Mar. 8, 1985]

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