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About the Cover

Click for full size ORNL Review Cover Vol 36, No. 1, 2003
Click for a full size image of the ORNL Review cover for Vol. 36, No. 1, 2003


60 Years of great science

The cover of the Review's anniversary edition pictures four Oak Ridge National Laboratory directors who in many ways personify the evolution of ORNL's mission from a singular focus on developing nuclear weapons in 1943 to a broad and diverse center for world-class scientific research in the 21st century.

The four current and former ORNL directors from top left clockwise are: ORNL director William Madia, Alvin Weinberg, Herman Postma, and Alvin Trivelpiece. The directors gathered on the 100th anniversary of the birth of former ORNL Director and Nobel Laureate Eugene Wigner, seen in portrait.

Volume 36, Number 1, 2003 of the ORNL REVIEW is available here in PDF format. (11,838Kb)

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