Patents > Search Colections > MPEP > 1005 Exceptions to Partial Signatory Authority [R-2] - 1000 Matters Decided by Various U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Officials

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1005 Exceptions to Partial Signatory Authority [R-2] - 1000 Matters Decided by Various U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Officials

1005 Exceptions to Partial Signatory Authority [R-2]

Examiners who are delegated partial signatory authority are expected to sign their own actions with the exception of the following actions which require the signature of the primary examiner:

Allowances ( MPEP § 1302.13).

Examiner's amendments ( MPEP § 1302.04).

Quayle actions ( MPEP § 714.14).

Final rejections ( MPEP § 706.07 and § 803.01).

>Withdrawal of final rejection ( MPEP § 706.07(d) and (e)).<

Actions on amendments submitted after final rejection ( MPEP § 714.12).

Examiner's answers on appeal ( MPEP § 1208).

Initiation of an interference ( MPEP § 2309).

Actions suggesting claims for interference purposes ( MPEP § 2305).

Actions involving copied patent claims ( MPEP § 2307).

Actions reopening prosecution ( MPEP § 1214.07).

Requests for withdrawal from issue ( MPEP § 1308).

37 CFR 1.312 amendments ( MPEP § 714.16).

Rejection of previously allowed claim ( MPEP § 706.04).

Final holding of abandonment for insufficient reply ( MPEP § 711.03(a)).

Actions based on affidavit or declaration evidence ( 37 CFR 1.131 and 1.132 ( MPEP § 715.08 and § 716)).

Suspension of examiner's action ( MPEP § 709).

Reissue applications (decisions on reissue oath or declaration) ( MPEP § 1444).

Requests for an extension of time under 37 CFR 1.136(b) ( MPEP § 710.02(e)).

Reexamination proceedings ( MPEP § 2236).

International Preliminary Examination Reports ( MPEP § 1879).

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