Fisheries-Oceanography Coordinated Investigations (FOCI)

FOCI PI Meeting Minutes - 12 March 1998


Kevin Bailey, Ric Brodeur, Ned Cokelet, Al Hermann, Art Kendall, Jeff Napp, Jim Overland, Ron Reed, Phyllis Stabeno, Cindy Tynan, Steve Porter - rapporteur ANNOUNCEMENTS FIELD SEASON NEW BUSINESS
New fishery research vessels - Admiral Dorman is here for discussions about the need for proposed new NOAA fishery research vessels. Art Kendall and Ned Cokelet will be meeting with him to discuss FOCI's requirements.
NEXT MEETING The April FOCI PI meeting will be held at 10 a.m. on Thursday, April 9, 1998, in the AFSC Director's Conference Room. Please send agenda items to by April 7. CORRECTIONS
Please mail corrections and additions to the FOCI Coordinator.
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