U.S. Department of Commerce / NOAA

Fisheries-Oceanography Coordinated Investigations

  • FOCI PI Meeting Minutes - 21 October 1999


    Rachael Cartwright (rapporteur), Ned Cokelet, Carrie Hadden, Anne Hollowed, Art Kendall, Allen Macklin, Bern Megrey, Jeff Napp, Ron Reed, Phyllis Stabeno, Gary Stauffer
    Anne Hollowed presented an anlaysis of 1999 Gulf of Alaska bottom temperatures and adult walleye pollock distribution.  Data were from this summer's echo integration trawl survey that started in the western Gulf and worked eastward along the shelf.  Most fish represented the strong 1994 year class that is presently supporting the commercial industry.  Anne grouped western Gulf bottom temperatures and fish into three shelf domains: Shumagin, Chirikof, and Kodiak.  She noted two results from the analysis and asked for explanations.  First, bottom temperature grew progressively colder over the shelf southwestward from the Kodiak to the Shumagin domain.  Second, adult walleye pollock were aggregated in the Shumagin domain; thirty-five percent of the entire Gulf abundance came from one haul!   Anne questioned why bottom temperatures were colder in the Shumagin region and why the bulk of sampled pollock were found in that domain.  Could this scenario be repeated in the future?  It is typical for the Alaskan Stream to cool as it moves southwestward out of the Gulf mixing with the colder Alaska Coastal Current, so the temperature progression that Anne presented is normal.  Also, the survey began in the Shumagin region at the beginning of summer and worked eastward as summer progressed and the ocean warmed.  Possibly, Bering Sea water may have reached the Shumagin domain and caused cooling.  Also upwelling may have been greater in the Shumagin domain.  As far as the distribution of pollock, possible explanations for why adult walleye pollock moved west to colder water over the shelf and aggregated around the Shumagin Islands might be due to the availability of food.  Also, adult walleye pollock might move west in the spring and then redistribute themselves over the rest of the Gulf during the summer.  Because the survey depends on a single sample at each survey location, and sampling takes the better part of the summer, the resulting distribution is not particularly robust.   As there were no food availability or length/weight data available, and because the pollock survey took place over a three-month period, it was difficult to iterpret the analysis.  Anne will reanalyze her data using suggestions from FOCI PIs.  The group saw no particular reason why ocean conditions observed during 1999 (a la Niña year) should persist.
    The next FOCI PI meeting will be moved from Veterans' Day to Thursday, 18 November 1999, in the Cloud Chamber (3/2065). Please submit to Allen Macklin, no later than the day before the meeting, agenda items and fax-ready copies of figures or handouts that you intend to present at the next meeting. Alternately, presentation materials may be posted on the WWW or e-mailed to remote participants before the meeting.
    Mail corrections and addenda to the FOCI Coordinator.
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