Fisheries-Oceanography Coordinated Investigations (FOCI)

FOCI PI Meeting Minutes - 8 January 1998

Art Kendall, Ron Reed, Ric Brodeur, Ann Matarese, Al Hermann, Jim Overland, Allen Macklin, Jeff Napp, Phyllis Stabeno, Ned Cokelet, Matt Wilson (rapporteur)
ANNOUNCEMENTS OAR - EL NIÑO FUNDING FIELD SEASON Due to the Miller Freeman being pulled for repair on 9/1/98, there is currently no ship available for operations planned for this fall around the Pribilofs. Some sampling may be accomplished using the Alpha Helix but much depends upon locating another boat; this is being pursued. A Canadian icebreaker may be available during October to recover moorings. NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be at 10 am on Thursday, February 12, 1998, in the Cloud Chamber (3/2065). CORRECTIONS
Please mail corrections and additions to the FOCI Coordinator.
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