Marker Assisted Selection in Wheat - HOME CSREES-USDA Marker Assisted Selection in Wheat

Wheat is one of the most important cereal crops worldwide, and for centuries breeders strived to adapt it to different climates, enhance yield and increase the resistance to environmental stresses, microbial pathogenes and insect pests.

In the United States wheat is unique among the major crop plants in that public sector researchers are the main providers of the new varieties farmers grow. Between 2001-2003, public varieties accounted for 78% of the wheat production in the US.

The goal of this project is to increase the competitiveness of public wheat breeding programs through the intensive use of modern selection technologies, mainly Marker Assisted Selection (MAS).

The links below present more information on MAS and our work, educational and outreach materials and detailed laboratory methods.

Site sections

About the project: Learn more about the project and its goals.

MAS protocols: This part of the site contains detailed protocols for marker assisted selection and general lab procedures.

Participants: A list of the people involved in the WheatCAP project.

Education & Outreach: Learning resources related to molecular breeding: animations, interactive training tools and documents for the general public.

Papers & talks: Find out what we are doing and where we are publishing and presenting our research.

Collaborators' area: A password-protected part of the site with information for participants.

WheatCAP meeting at PAG-XVII (Jan-2009)

Fellowship opportunity !

Stakeholders - Click here to give input that will help direct this project

Plant Breeding: A modern career

New! Test your skills scoring glutenin gels.

Feedback. Comments about our project ? Suggestions for the site? We appreciate your feedback.

Have you participated of a MASWheat activity? If you attended any of our field days or presentations, please answer this survey.

The WheatCAP newsletter

IFAFS project (2001-05). A report on our previous MAS project
Request a genotyping job (restricted page). A tutorial is available here.

This project is funded by the USDA-CSREES National Research Initiative Plant Genome Program
Project leader Jorge Dubcovsky
Site maintained by Marcelo A. Soria.
Last update: December 22, 2008.