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National Security Technologies
Features In This Issue - Volume 39, Number 1, 2006


An Editorial:
Science for Security

Since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, national security has become a priority mission of the Department of Energy. The vigilance required to deter future attacks, including the development of an ever-increasing number of breakthrough technologies, is a core motivation for the National Security Directorate at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. More...




Managing the Soviet Legacy
A U. S. laboratory that helped win the Cold War today works to secure aging Russian nuclear facilities. More...


In Tune with the Russians
When in Russia, Bill Hopwood likes to sing "Rocky Top," the University of Tennessee's fight song. The Russians reciprocate by singing wonderful folk songs. Such cooperation is important when the task involves processing weapons-grade material. More...


Telltale Evidence
ORNL-developed mass spectrometry methods are helping IAEA measure uranium and plutonium concentrations in environmental samples to detect "undeclared activities." More...


One Threat at a Time
ORNL investigators deal with nuclear threats under a news blackout. More...


Russian Enrichment
An ORNL researcher oversees a reduction in the enrichment of dangerous weapons' materials while enriching the lives of the country's orphans. More...


Finding The Trail
Terrorists could steal radioisotopes that originated at ORNL and use them in a dirty bomb that combines a conventional explosive with illicit nuclear material. If a dirty bomb is detonated, ORNL researchers are preparing to identify the country from which the bomb's radioactive ingredients came. More...


Technologies for the Troops
ORNL's National Security Directorate is solving an array of technology challenges for the Department of Defense. More...


Preparing for the Threats
ORNL plays a growing role in preparations for natural disasters and terrorist attacks. More...


Creating A Single Team
A national assets database and software in a secure environment are being developed at ORNL to provide an all-hazards, preparedness capability. More...


At the Local Level
ORNL led a team that suggested ways to improve the security readiness of Memphis, Tennessee. More...


Matching Technologies
ORNL technologies are proving a good match for America's defense and homeland security requirements. More...


"Out of Sight" Missions
East Tennesseans take a place on the international stage. More...


A Secure Facility for New Technologies
A new building will increase ORNL's ability to execute sensitive national security research. More...




Frank Akers: Building the Bridge
ORNL offers one-of-a-kind facilities of use to national security. More...




Two Oak Ridge technologies may make superconducting wire cost-competitive. More...


An Archaeologist in the Laboratory
Mass spectrometry may resolve a lingering archaeological debate. More...


Running on Iron
Metal nanoparticles show promise as future fuels. More...


Quickly and Accurately
Researchers pursue the goal of a portable detector that instantly identifies a package's radioactive contents. More...




...and the Winners are...
Accomplishments of Distinction at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. More...


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