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Systems Biology Advancing at a Breathtaking Pace
Features In This Issue - Volume 37 Number 3, 2004


An Editorial:
Unraveling Life's Molecular Mysteries

Our researchers are thinking big while working at the molecular level. More...


New Tools of Analysis
Systems biology enables a leap forward in understanding life. More...


First, the Questions
Tough scientific questions drive systems biology research at ORNL. More...


Sequencing The First Tree Genome
"What makes a tree a tree?" might be easier to answer now. More...


Pathways Underlying Disorders
Mouse study may shed light on face and skull abnormalities. More...


Piloting The Pipeline
ORNL is assembling a state-of-the-art toolkit for systems biology research such as characterizing and imaging microbial cells for DOE's genomics research programs. More...


Neutron-Rich Mecca For Biologists
ORNL's state-of-the-art neutron sources should advance protein research. More...


A Clean Mouse Research Lab
The new "Mouse House" is a tribute to Bill and Lee Russell, the husband-and-wife team who conducted genetic research at ORNL for nearly 50 years. More...


A Return On Investment
Understanding responses to environmental changes and improving the health and lifespan of ecosystems and people are among the potential benefits of systems biology. More...


Providing Access to The Best Biological Tools
A unique investment by the state of Tennessee will help ORNL and the University of Tennessee attract some of the world's best biological researchers. More...




Pioneer of Biological Research
Bill Russell's work led to human radiation protection standards. More...


ORNL's Unsung Discovery
Two ORNL researchers 'discovered' messenger RNA in 1956, but the Nobel Prize went to other researchers who rediscovered it later. More...




Tuan Vo-Dinh: Inventor and Mentor
One of ORNL's most prolific scientists collaborates with younger scientists. More...




Guiding Light
ORNL's Photo-Molecular Comb technology may be used to develop drugs that combat disease more effectively. More...


Another World Record
ORNL's high-resolution microscope is making possible tougher ceramics needed for devices that will power future buildings and vehicles. More...




...and the Winners are...
Accomplishments of Distinction at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. More...


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