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Back To The Future: Nuclear Energy Research
Features In This Issue - Volume 37 Number 1, 2004

Editorial: David J. Hill, Associate Lab Director, Energy and Engineering Sciences
The widespread concern over the role of carbon dioxide in global warming has led to a growing realization that nuclear energy is the only commercially available, carbon-free form of large-scale energy production. More...


Nuclear Power And Hydrogen Production
Fabricating Fuels

ORNL is improving the process of producing reliable coated-particle fuels for advanced gas-cooled nuclear reactors that will provide electricity and hydrogen. More...


Future Reactor Materials
Can the Next Generation Take The Heat?

ORNL is the U.S. leader in developing materials for 21st century, high-temperature nuclear plants that will produce power and hydrogen. More...


Future Reactor Materials
A Revolutionary Reactor Concept

ORNL proposes a brand new nuclear reactor concept for economically producing
hydrogen. More...


Uranium Enrichment
Coming Full Circle

The resurrection of gas centrifuge technology for uranium enrichment—a dream come true for many Oak Ridge researchers—has brought the largest CRADA ever to ORNL. More...


Nuclear Waste
Recovering Fuel From Waste

The nation's permanent nuclear waste repository could be used more efficiently than currently planned, according to ORNL's Emory Collins. More...


Nuclear Safety
Staying In The Comfort Zone

ORNL has provided the Nuclear Regulatory Commission with valuable scientific data and computer codes to help the agency decide whether individual nuclear power plants can continue to operate safely. More...


Nuclear Fuel
Getting Credit

With burn-up credit, nuclear fuel casks designed for truck shipment can carry twice as much spent fuel, and casks designed for rail shipment can carry up to one-third more spent fuel. More...


Reactor Power In Space
Shooting For The Moons

ORNL has lead roles in a new NASA program to build a nuclear reactor power system that will enable future missions to our solar system's outer planets. More...


Reactor Power In Space
Ahead Of Their Time

ORNL won a NASA research grant to develop a liquid-metal Rankine power conversion system concept for use in space. More...


Groundbreaking Science
New Horizons In Science Briefing

The "Groundbreaking Science" articles in this issue describe the groundbreaking research presented by local speakers at the Council for the Advancement of Science Writing's four-day New Horizons in Science Briefing. More...


Groundbreaking Science
Carrying Your Weight

In pursuit of a super-strength suit, ORNL's François Pin helped identify an energy source and devise a wearable exoskeleton "foot" interface to amplify the wearer's physical strength. More...


Groundbreaking Science
Defining The "Machines Of Life"

New, automated analytical and computational approaches and tools are needed to rapidly identify and characterize protein complexes. Michelle Buchanan and others have made ORNL a leader in "genomes to life" research involving characterization and imaging of these molecular machines. More...


Groundbreaking Science
Nanofluidics And The Artificial Cell

ORNL's Mike Ramsey, a pioneer of the "lab on a chip," has moved from microfluidics to nanofluidics in pursuit of an artificial cell for rapidly sensing chemicals and sequencing DNA. More...


Groundbreaking Science
Imitating Nature

Nanobioscientists like Mike Simpson aim to harness or imitate the complex abilities of bacteria and other single cells to make implantable sensors and actuating devices. More...


Groundbreaking Science
Tiny Detectors

The microcantilever sensor invented by Thomas Thundat is the heart of numerous emerging physical, chemical, and biological sensors, including a compact airport explosives detector and a more sensitive detector of early-stage prostate cancer. More...


Groundbreaking Science
A Neutron Microscope

New knowledge and novel materials and products will arise from cutting-edge research at DOE's Spallation Neutron Source at ORNL, according to Thom Mason, SNS Project leader. More...


Groundbreaking Science
Neutron Clues

The Spallation Neutron Source's fundamental neutron physics program, led by Geoff Greene, will be part of a large, exciting research enterprise that addresses important questions about the cosmos. More...


Groundbreaking Science
Uncovering The Evidence

ORNL's Arpad Vass found that a dead body lying on the surface or in a shallow grave emits more than 400 different chemical vapors, some of which attract cadaver dogs. More...


Groundbreaking Science
Bone Diaries

As UT's Richard Jantz reads skeletons, he finds that modern Americans exert less effort and eat more nutrients than their ancestors. More...


Groundbreaking Science
From Exotic To Extinct

UT's Daniel Simberloff studies the effects of exotic plants and animals that destroy native species. More...


Groundbreaking Science
Protein Folding Gone Awry

UT's Ron Wetzel seeks to develop molecules that can block the formation of amyloid fibrils common to several deadly diseases. More...


Groundbreaking Science
Unfolding The Answers

Experiments with mice by UT's Alan Solomon and colleagues showed that a monoclonal antibody could be made to remove amyloid fibrils. More...


PROFILE: Jeff Wadsworth, ORNL Director
New Director, New Directions

"Nano-bio-info: Built upon a foundation of scientific and operational excellence." That could be the title of the message ORNL Director Jeff Wadsworth frequently delivers in his speeches to the public. More...


Research Horizons
Cyber Science

Through a high-speed national network connecting ORNL's neutron science facilities with supercomputers and data storage centers, valuable data will be rapidly accessed. More...


Research Horizons
Modernizing The Grid

ORNL researchers evaluate ways to make the U.S. electric system more reliable and less likely to experience a large blackout. More...


Research Horizons
ORNL's Impact On Big Bang Research

Several ORNL physicists have played key roles in the search for one of the early universe's signature ingredients. Internal "seed-money" funding, the forerunner of today's Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program, allowed this ORNL physics program to flourish. More...


And The Winners Are...


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