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60 Years of Great Science 1943-2003

Features In This Issue - Volume 36, Number 1, 2003


60 Years of Great Science: A Message From the Director
Among the most cherished artifacts of Oak Ridge National Laboratory is a small unassuming logbook with pages yellowed by time. The book was used by a group of researchers doing classified work in 1943. More...


Nuclear Power and Research Reactors
From Manhattan Project To Electricity Production

More than 430 nuclear power reactors are operating in the world, and 103 nuclear power plants produce 20% of the electricity used in the United States. More...


Reactor Chemistry
Discovery of Promethium

In 1914, one year before he was killed in action during World War I, Henry Moseley, a brilliant 26-year-old British physicist whose work influenced the final order of elements in the Periodic Table, demonstrated that element 61 should exist between the rare earths neodymium and samarium. More...


Nuclear Isotopes
From Swords to Plowshares

During World War II, calutrons at the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant were used to separate electromagnetically two uranium isotopes to produce bomb-grade material for the Manhattan Project. More...


Nuclear Medicine
Diagnosing and Treating Disease

Transforming ORNL-produced radioisotopes into agents that can help restore human health has long been the goal of nuclear medicine researchers at ORNL. More...


Fuel Reprocessing
Developing New Processes

During World War II, Oak Ridge's Graphite Reactor was operated as a pilot plant to demonstrate plutonium production. More...


Nuclear Fuel Software
International Software

SCALE is an easy-to-use computer software system for determining whether designs of nuclear facilities and transportation or storage packages meet nuclear safety standards. More...


Nuclear Fuel Designs
New Designs for Nuclear Industry

In the late 1940s an ORNL team led by Eugene Wigner designed water-cooled fuel elements to ensure that the Materials Testing Reactor would produce a high enough concentration of neutrons to determine which materials would hold up best for future reactors. More...


Nuclear Safety
Understanding the Challenge

ORNL has influenced nuclear safety in numerous ways. More...


Nuclear Desalination
Thirsting for Solutions

The United Nations estimates that the number of people without access to safe drinking water is 1.1 billion, or nearly one in six persons worldwide. More...


Reducing the Nuclear Threat

After the Soviet Union was dissolved, its nations had nearly 1300 metric tons of weapons-usable nuclear material under varying degrees of safeguards and security. More...


Instruments of Change

In 1994 Clifford Shull, who pioneered the use of neutron scattering for materials research at the Oak Ridge Graphite Reactor, shared the Nobel Prize for physics. More...


Shaping the Digital Future

Over the past four decades ORNL researchers provided key information and technologies that sparked the growth and improved the economics of the semiconductor industry. More...


Experiencing the Power

The power grid of the future will be more efficient than the present one, thanks to high-temperature superconducting (HTS) wires and cables. More...


Ion-Implanted Materials
Real Artificial Joints

The remarkable discovery of ion channeling by purely theoretical means at ORNL ultimately led to accelerator-based programs to introduce ions into materials. More...


Environmental Impact Analysis
Searching for the Balance

Before federally funded or approved installations can be constructed, the effects of the projects must be scrutinized. More...


Environmental Quality
Planting Scientific Seeds

What are the effects of radioactive and toxic substances from industrial facilities on the plants and animals that make up an ecosystem? More...


Space Exploration
Science for the Final Frontier

On August 20, 2002, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Voyager 2 space probe's odyssey through our solar system—perhaps humanity's greatest feat of space exploration. More...


Graphite and Carbon Products
From Missiles to NASCAR

The name Graphite Reactor acknowledges graphite's desirable properties. More...


Advanced Materials
Alloys for Industry

Material synthesis. The first ORNL-developed alloy to be commercialized was Hastelloy-N, first sold by International Nickel Company and now marketed by Haynes International. More...


Advanced Materials
Tools, Turbines, and Diesel Engines

Many innovations do not make it from the lab to the factory for 10 to 15 years, but one ORNL ceramic became a commercial product three years after it was discovered. More...


Cleaning with Bacteria

An early example of biotechnology at ORNL was the 1972 demonstration by Chet Francis that garden soil bacteria in bioreactors could remove nitrates and trace metals from industrial waste effluents. More...


Finding the Light

Several ORNL biologists interested in studying green plant cells and radiation focused on photosynthesis. More...


Biological Systems
Glimpses of Life's Fabric

ORNL's biological research program was established to determine the nature and effects of radiation on living cells. More...


Computational Biology
Finding Genes, Predicting Protein Structure

ORNL's computational biology researchers played an important role in the Human Genome Project. More...


Biomedical Technologies
Detecting and Preventing Disease

Over the past five decades, ORNL researchers have devised large instruments, compact analyzers, and small chips to diagnose or prevent human diseases and disorders. More...


Intelligent Machines
Reducing Risk with Robots

Mechanical manipulators have long been employed in hot cells to protect users from radioactive materials. More...


Health Physics and Radiation Dosimetry
Helping Set Guidelines for Radiation Protection

In December 1942 when the first controlled chain reaction was achieved in Chicago, some physicists measured radiation levels in the workplace. More...


Radiation Shielding
Putting Safety First

In the 1930s Eugene Wigner devised a formula indicating that some materials are more effective than others in absorbing, or slowing down, neutron radiation. More...


Information Centers
Sharing Scientific Data

Forty years ago, then ORNL Director Alvin Weinberg headed a presidential panel to study the problem of handling rapidly growing amounts of data. More...

Energy Efficiency
Cooling More With Less

In the past three decades, ORNL has spearheaded the development of refrigeration systems that use less energy and pose less of a threat to the environment. More...
Energy Efficiency
Heating More With Less

The earth stores almost half the energy it receives from the sunat least 500 times more energy than humankind needs each year. More...

Energy Efficiency
Building for the Future

After the Arab oil embargo of 1974 when gas stations had long lines and energy prices climbed, ORNL was asked to serve as the federal government's program manager for energy conservation research. More...


Chemistry and Mass Spectrometry
Making a Mark

Oak Ridge chemists pioneered methods of separating plutonium and other fission products from the spent uranium fuel at the Graphite Reactor, achieving the Laboratory's mission in the effort to end World War II. More...


Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics
From Atoms to Exploding Stars

Nuclear physics research at ORNL took off in the late 1940s, largely because of the nuclear aircraft project's need for information about the behavior and effects of reactor-borne neutrons on shielding materials. More...


High-Performance Computing
Pushing the Limits

For 50 years ORNL has been a leader in advancing supercom-puting. More...


Software Simulations
Models for Scientific Discovery

ORNL has had significant influence worldwide on the software and algorithms used for scientific discovery. More...


Geographic Information Systems
Tracking the Globe

Geographic information science was pioneered at ORNL in 1969, more than a decade before the commercial geographic information system (GIS) industry blossomed. More...


Transportation Logistics
Finding the Shortest Path

What is the fastest way to transport troops and needed equipment from American bases to foreign bases for possible military action? More...


Biomass Energy
A New World for Wood

Thanks to a Department of Energy program managed by ORNL for 20 years, industry has a more efficient source of pulp fiber and wood for making paper, construction materials, and furniture. More...


Fusion Energy
Seeking the Ultimate Source

Scientists from Russia and Japan to Europe and the United States have long sought to develop fusion as an abundant, safe, and environmentally friendly source of electric power. More...


Technology Transfer
From Benchtop to Marketplace

For more than four decades many of the technologies developed at ORNL have been transformed into practical goods and services that serve as the basis for the creation of new companies. More...


UT-ORNL Partnership
Growing a Joint Research Agenda

Beginning with degree programs in 1943, ORNL has had a special relationship with the University of Tennessee. More...


Science Education
Laying the Foundation

Since its inception, ORNL has made resources available for educational training and research opportunities. More...


Waste Management
Closing the Circle
Sixty years after the Graphite Reactor went critical, ORNL today is helping to close the nuclear cycle by finding safe ways to isolate nuclear wastes. More...


Government Policies
Aiding America's Science Agenda
ORNL research has provided important information to federal science and technology policy makers, shaping the debate and sometimes the wording of various laws, regulations, and other policies. More...


Future ORNL
A Campus for the Next Generation of Great Science

As we celebrate ORNL's 60th anniversary, we are literally rebuilding the laboratory. More...


Special Feature
ORNL History Time Line (1939-2003)
The discovery of nuclear fission in 1939 gave rise to the Manhattan Project in the United States, leading to the creation of ORNL. ORNL's accomplishments in science and technology over the past 60 years are highlighted in this illustrated time line. More...


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