From Nano- to Neutron Science: Basic Research at ORNL

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Vol. 34, No. 2, 2001

This issue provides highlights of basic research at ORNL, including research on producing, characterizing, and finding applications for carbon nanotubes produced at ORNL by several techniques. The cover image shows single-wall carbon nanotubes created by laser vaporization (note pink laser plume), which were then chemically purified and spray-deposited onto a substate. (Image by Jason Fowlkes, Alex Puretzky, Henrik Schittenhelm, and Derek Austin.)

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Editorial: Basic Research at ORNL
     Lee Riedinger and Jim Roberto
ORNL's Search for Rare Isotopes
ORNL Theorists and the Nuclear Shell Model
Beam Technologies Enable HRIBF Experiments
Neutrons, "Stripes," and Superconductivity
ORNL's Neutron Sources and Nuclear Astrophysics
Modeling Magnetic Materials for Electronic Devices
In Quest of a Quark: ORNL's Role in the PHENIX Particle Detector
New Hope for the Blind from a Spinach Protein
Human Susceptibility and Mouse Biology
Modeling a Fusion Plasma Heating Process and Stellarator
Neutron Sources and Nanoscale Science
Quantum-Dot Arrays for Computation
Carbon Nanotubes and Nanofibers: The Self-Assembly Challenge
Incredible Shrinking Labs: Weighing a Move to the Nanoscale
Basic Geochemical Research Supports Energy Industries
Fermi Award Winner Opened New Fields in Atomic Physics
Improving the Internet's Quality of Service
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