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§ 701 Abbreviated Expressions - Appendix AI Administrative Instructions Under the PCT

§ 701 Abbreviated Expressions

For the purposes of this Part and Annex F, from the wording, the nature of the provision or the context:

(i) "electronic package" means a package of one or more electronic files assembled for the purposes of transmission of one or more documents in electronic form;

(ii) "electronic document format" means the presentation or arrangement of the information in a document in electronic form;

(iii) "means of transmittal," in connection with a document in electronic form, means the manner in which a document is transmitted, for example, by electronic means or physical means;

(iv) "electronic signature" means information in electronic form which is attached to, or logically associated with, a document in electronic form, which may be used to identify the signer and which indicates the signer's approval of the content of the document;

(v) "basic common standard" means the basic common standard for electronic filing of international applications provided for in Annex F;

(vi) "communication" of an international application or other document has the same meaning as in Rule 89bis.3;

(vii) words and expressions whose meanings are explained in Annex F have the same meanings in this Part.

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