MMS United States Department of the Interior
OCS-Related Incidents -- Offshore Energy and Minerals Management

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    Melinda Mayes

    OMM Web Team


  Gulf of Mexico Region

Other Incidents – 1996

January 21, 1996 - Hardy Oil & Gas USA Inc.

Investigation: Complete Activity: Development
Lease: G10342 Event(s): Piping rupture / Injury (2)
Area: Garden Banks Operation: Production
Block: 240 Cause: Equipment Failure
Rig/Platform: Diamond Ambassador Water Depth: 832'

Remarks: Prior to opening the Well (on a 10/64 choke with 5,458 psi), portable test equipment piping was pressure tested to 4,000 psi. The manifold choke was increased to 12/64 with 6,125 psi and then again to 14/64. Simultaneously, the heater choke was increased from 22/64 to 24/64 resulting in the decrease in heater pressure. Immediately following the above choke adjustments, an elbow in the flowline piping between the choke manifold and the heater ruptured. The supervisor and field tech. were both struck in the leg causing lacerations. The ESD activated and shut in the well at surface.

July 19, 1996 - Meridian Oil Offshore, Inc.

Investigation: Complete Activity: Development
Lease: G13821 Event(s): Crane failure
Area: Eugene Island Operation: Production
Block: 196 Cause: Equipment failure
Rig/Platform: C Water Depth: 96'

Remarks: The crane operator was attempting to move the boom down into position to assist the skidding of the rig over the well. While booming down, the turntable bearing case broke. This caused the crane to fall forward and the boom to strike the rig mast. The hoist cable whipped and struck the hoist operator causing him to fall against the rig beam but leaving him uninjured. Two chains and binders were attached to the crane to prevent further movement.

July 29, 1996 - Murphy Exploration and Production Co.

Investigation: Complete Activity: Development
Lease: G01526 Event(s): Crane accident/Injury (1)
Area: Ship Shoal Operation: Workover
Block: 223 Cause: Human Error
Rig/Platform: POOL 3/B Water Depth: 144'

Remarks: The crane operator was using the fast line with a nylon strap to relocate valves to the opposite side of the blowout preventer stack. After hooking up to the valve assembly, they motioned to the crane operator to pick it up slightly, but not completely off the deck. Two personnel applied leverage to turn the valve assembly over. There was slack in the nylon strap causing travel in the fast line ball. The ball struck the wind wall causing a section to fall from the rig floor, injuring a derrick hand. He received a compound fracture to his leg and a laceration on his shoulder.

November 16, 1996 - Murphy Exploration and Production Co.

Investigation: None Activity: Development
Lease: 00072 Event(s): Equipment Overboard
Area: South Pelto Operation: Production
Block: 12 Cause: Weather
Rig/Platform: No. 29 Water Depth: 32'

Remarks: Seas pushed paraffin unit overboard during night. Seas 8-12', winds 30-45 kts. Unit recovered.

December 08, 1996 - Enserch Exploration, Inc.

Investigation: None Activity: Development
Lease: G09001 Event(s): Dislodged boat landing
Area: Matagorda Island Operation: Production
Block: 705 Cause: Human Error
Rig/Platform: A Platform Water Depth: 140'

Remarks: None

(There were no 'Other' incidents in 1995)

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Last Updated: 07/15/08, 02:02 PM

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