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Cheryl Anderson

    OMM Web Team


  Gulf of Mexico Region

Spills ≥ 50 Barrels (2,100 gallons) 2003

May 9, 2003Tri-Union Development Corporation

Pollution: 263.6 bbl Crude Oil/ Condensate: None
Refined Petroleum: 261.7 bbl Diesel Oil 1.9 bbl Lube Oil Synthetic Oil Fluids*: None
Chemicals: None Events: Pollution & Vessel Mishap
MMS Investigation Report: Pollution Report Only Activity: Development/
Lease: G10744 Operation: Motor Vessel
Area: Eugene Island Cause: Human Error
Block: 277 Distance to Shore: 50 Miles
Platform: Motor Vessel: Platform A M/V April Water Depth: 165 Feet

Remarks: While offloading potable water to the EI-277A facility, the M/V "April" bumped the facility and sustained a hole just above the water line. The vessel began taking on water and sank. There were no injuries. A sheen originated from the vessel. The vessel had 10,993 gallons (261.7 barrels) of diesel oil and 78 gallons (1.9 bbl) of lube oil on board. There was no attempt to recover the vessel or the petroleum products. The USCG reported the vessel's location at 91 degrees 24.37 minutes West and 28 degrees 27.28 minutes North.

NRC Report: 644682

May 10, 2003 – Stone Energy LLC

Pollution: 430.4 bbl Crude Oil/ Condensate: None
Refined Petroleum: 428.6 bbl Diesel Oil 1.8 bbl Lube Oil Synthetic Oil Fluids*: None
Chemicals: None Events: Pollution & Vessel Mishap
MMS Investigation Report: Pollution Report Only Activity: Development/
Lease: G02899 Operation: Motor Vessel
Area: Eugene Island Cause: Human Error
Block: 243 Distance to Shore: 48 Miles
Platform: Motor Vessel: Platform D M/V Mr. C Water Depth: 146 Feet

Remarks: While offloading personnel to the EI-243D facility, the M/V "Mr. C" bumped the facility and sustained a hole in the hull. The vessel began taking on water and sank. There were no injuries. A sheen originated from the vessel. The vessel had 18,000 gallons (428.6 barrels) of diesel oil and 76 gallons (1.8 bbl) of lube oil on board. There was no attempt to recover the vessel or the petroleum products. The USCG reported the vessel's location at 91 degrees 45.23 minutes West and 28 degrees 33.14 minutes North.

NRC Report: 644599

 May 21, 2003 – BP Exploration & Oil Inc.

Pollution: 1,421 bbl Crude Oil/ Condensate: None
Refined Petroleum: None Synthetic Oil Fluids*: 1,421 bbl Accolade Base Oil in 2,450 bbl of 58% SBM
Chemicals: None Events: Pollution & Riser Disconnect
MMS Investigation Report: Completed Activity: Development/
Lease: G14658 Operation: Drilling
Area: Mississippi Canyon Causes: Weather & Equipment Failure
Block: 778 / 822 Distance to Shore: 75 Miles

Drill Ship
Thunder Horse Project
Transocean Discoverer Enterprise
Water Depth: 6,040 Feet

Remarks: The spill occurred at Mississippi Canyon (MC) 778, latitude 28.19 degrees N. and longitude 88.49 degrees W. It occurred as the Discoverer Enterprise was pulling out of the wellhole with bottom location at MC 822. At the time of the incident, conditions were 2-3 ft seas with a 1.9 knot current. The drilling vessel was in the process of pulling of of the hole when it experienced wave action heaving and jarring. The riser parted in two places at approximately 3,200 ft an 5,087 ft. water depths. There was a release of 2,450 barrels of 58% Accolade synthetic-based drilling mud (SBM). It is estimated that the lost SBM contained approximately 1,421 barrels of Accolade synthetic base oil .

OCS Report: "Fate and Effects of Synthetic-Based Drilling Fluid at Mississippi Canyon Block 778", MMS 2004-039

NRC Report: 645559

May 28, 2003 – Shell Offshore Inc.

Pollution: 139 bbl Crude Oil/ Condensate: None
Refined Petroleum: None Synthetic Oil Fluids*: 139 bbl
EMS 4000 Base Oil in 258 bbl of 54% SBM
Chemicals: None Event: Pollution
MMS Investigation Report: Completed Activity: Exploration
Lease: G05868 Operation: Drilling
Area: Mississippi Canyon Causes: Equipment Failure & Human Error
Block: 809 Distance to Shore: 57 Miles
Rig: Noble Jim Thompson Water Depth: 3,643 Feet

Remarks: Simultaneous operations were occurring at time of incident with two boats at the rig. The drill crew failed to closely monitor the valves to check for leaks on mud pits prior to mud pit filling operation. On Well #2, a valve in the mud pit leaked while taking on synthetic-based mud (SBM) from work vessel. While transferring drill mud around from one tank to another, it was noticed that fluid level was dropping in sand trap #1 after mud tank #1 was being hooked up to the mud pump. Inspection of sand trap #1 valve discovered 9" x 0.5" bolt lodged under the dump valve preventing it from fully closing. Approximately 258 barrels of 54% EMS 4000 SBM was discharged through shunt line before the leak was detected. It is estimated that the lost SBM contained approximately 139 barrels of EMS 4000 synthetic base oil.

NRC Report: NONE

June 19, 2003Abdon Calais

Pollution: 60 bbl Crude Oil/ Condensate: None
Refined Petroleum: 60 bbl Diesel in 80 bbl of 75%* OBM Synthetic Oil Fluids*: None
Chemicals: None Events: Pollution
MMS Investigation Report: Pollution Report Only Activity: Exploration
Lease: N/A Operation: Motor Vessel
Area: West Cameron Cause: Human Error
Block: N/A Distance to Shore: N/A
Offshore Supply Vessel: Leah Water Depth: N/A

Remarks: DID NOT OCCUR ON LEASE. Valve left open on offshore supply vessel allowed the loss of 80 bbl of 75%* oil-based mud. Assumed OBM was 75% diesel and estimated a loss of 60 bbl of diesel.

NRC Report: 648365

June 30, 2003BP Exploration & Production Inc.

Pollution: 944 bbl Crude Oil/ Condensate: None
Refined Petroleum: None Synthetic Oil Fluids*: 944 bbl
Novaplus Base Oil in 1,817 bbl of 52% SBM
Chemicals: None Events: Pollution & Emergency Riser Disconnect
MMS Investigation Report: Completed Activity: Exploration
Lease: G22898 Operation: Drilling
Area: Mississippi Canyon Cause: Weather, Human Error
Block: 725 Distance to Shore: 57 Miles
Rig: Transocean Deepwater Horizon Water Depth: 4,400 Feet

Remarks: An emergency riser disconnect occurred when drilling vessel failed to maintain station keeping against 44 knot winds, 3.8-4.0 knot loop current, and 12-14' sea conditions. The vessel used all eight thrusters at 100% power but still moved 108 ft. off center and was unable to maintain position. When the rig had drifted about 35 meters (108 ft) off center, it was forced to perform an emergency disconnect of its riser. This caused a maximum of 1,817 barrels of 14.9 pounds per gallon 52% Novaplus synthetic-based drilling mud (SBM) to be released into offshore waters. The Captain had given orders to keep the current on the beam rather than follow the recommendation of the DP model System Selected Heading (SSH) that would have taken the current approximately on the bow of the Horizon. The decision to maintain the current on the beam and and not consider a different heading until too late contributed to the situation. Also, the rig lacked sufficient power to overcome the forces of nature. Fifty-two percent (52%) of the drilling mud consisted of Ester IO #1618 (Internal Olefin C15 to C18) - the synthetic oil portion of Nova Plus SBM. It is estimated that the lost SBM contained approximately 944 barrels of Nova Plus synthetic base oil.

NRC Report: 649475

August 1, 2003Devon Energy Production Company, L.P.

Pollution: 62.7 bbl Crude Oil/ Condensate: None
Refined Petroleum: None Synthetic Oil Fluids*: 62.7 bbl
Novaplus Base Oil in 110 bbl of 57% SBM
Chemicals: None Events: Pollution
MMS Investigation Report: Pollution Report Only Activity: Exploration
Lease: G19154 Operation: Drilling
Area: Garden Banks Cause: Human Error
Block: 700 Distance to Shore: 110 Miles
Rig: Diamond Ocean Valiant Water Depth: 4,484 Feet

Remarks: At approximately 0500 hours, 110 barrels of Novaplus synthetic-based drilling mud (SBM) consisting of 57% Aliphatic Hydrocarbons/Ester Blend were inadvertently shunted overboard from the drilling rig Diamond Ocean Valiant. For unknown reasons, the shale shakers were turned off prior to the driller starting the mud pumps. Once it was discovered, the shale shakers were returned to service immediately controlling the mud discharge. Continued pollution surveillance by rig personnel detected no visible sheen or surface expression from the synthetic-based mud spill. It is estimated that the lost SBM contained approximately 62.7 barrels of Novaplus synthetic base oil.

NRC Report: 652596

August 3, 2003 BP Exploration & Production Inc.

Pollution: 74 bbl Crude Oil/ Condensate: None
Refined Petroleum: None Synthetic Oil Fluids*: 74 bbl
Novaplus Base Oil in 143 bbl of 52% SBM
Chemicals: None Events: Pollution
MMS Investigation Report: Completed Activity: Exploration
Lease: G22898 Operation: Drilling
Area: Mississippi Canyon Causes: Equipment Failure, High Currents
Block: 725 Distance to Shore: 57 Miles
Rig: Transocean Deepwater Horizon Water Depth: 4,400 Feet

Remarks: At 2245 hours, while drilling and using mud boost line to enhance cutting transportation in the riser, the driller noticed he was losing mud. Losses were suspected downhole, lost circulation material was added to the active mud system. At 2320 hours, the driller noticed he had lost about 300 psi circulating pressure on the riser boost line. The mud pumps were shut down and it was confirmed that the losses came from a leak in the boost line. At one point, the boost hose had ruptured and there were several other locations along the hose that were badly worn. The ROV was not able to be launched because of excessive surface currents of 3.5 knots. The boost line was isolated and the kill line was used as the boost line with no further losses detected. While taking the high current on the stern for 90-120 days, the hoses are pushed into the the riser. This apparently caused wear to the riser floatation and may have damaged the hoses. The total losses were calculated to be 143 barrels of 52% Novaplus synthetic-based mud (SBM). It is estimated that the lost SBM contained approximately 74 barrels of Nova Plus synthetic base oil.

NRC Report: 652830

August 6, 2003  BP Exploration & Production Inc.

Pollution: 137.5 bbl Crude Oil/ Condensate: None
Refined Petroleum: None Synthetic Oil Fluids*: 137.5 bbl
Accolade Base Oil in 250 bbl of 55% SBM
Chemicals: None Events: Pollution
MMS Investigation Report: Completed Activity: Development/
Lease: G14658 Operation: Drilling
Area: Mississippi Canyon Causes: Equipment Failure & VIV
Block: 822 Distance to Shore: 75 Miles
Rig: Transocean Discoverer Enterprise Water Depth: 6,040 Feet

Remarks: At the time leak observed, personnel were prepared to clean out BOP stack with jetting and magnet assembly on drill pipe. The well was secured with the blind shear rams closed. When the kill line and choke line valves were opened to the jet stack, the fluid level in riser dropped. A leak was located in the kill line at 2,977 feet with a ROV. There were 250 barrels of 55% Accolade synthetic-based drilling mud (SBM) lost before the leak was isolated. There was no surface expression observed on the water. The leak was caused by excessive Poly-Pak seal wear resulting from riser motion both in the latched as well as unlatched (riser running) condition causing non-concentric reciprocal motion of the kill stab pin and its receptacle box. Also, operating riser in the latched as well as unlatched condition in higher than normal currents results in vortex induced vibrations (VIV). The choke and kill line seals and connections were not designed for VIV. Riser motion conditions were not fully understood or modeled. It is estimated that the lost SBM contained approximately 137.5 barrels of Accolade synthetic base oil.

NRC Report: 653051

September 19, 2003 Total Exploration & Production

Pollution: 83 bbl Crude Oil/ Condensate: None
Refined Petroleum: NRC Report Only Synthetic Oil Fluids*: None
Chemicals: 83 bbl Ethylene Glycol Events: Pollution
MMS Investigation Report: None Activity: Development/
Lease: G04935 Operation: Pipeline
Area: Mississippi Canyon Cause: Human Error
Block: 20 Distance to Shore: 19 Miles
Platform: Platform A Water Depth: 479 Feet
Pipeline Segment: 14671 Pipeline Diameter 4 Inches

Remarks: While testing an offshore pipeline there was an inadvertent loss of 83 barrels of Ethylene Glycol. There was a discharge of 77 barrels of dyed-water during the same incident.

NRC Report: 700147

September 23, 2003 Union Oil Company of California

Pollution: 224 bbl Crude Oil/ Condensate: None
Refined Petroleum: None Synthetic Oil Fluids*: 224 bbl
Estegreen Base Oil in 350 bbl of 64% SBM
Chemicals: None Events: Pollution
MMS Investigation Report: Pollution Report Only Activity: Exploration
Lease: G21635 Operation: M/V Circulating SBM
Area: Eugene Island Cause: Human Error
Block: 40 Distance to Shore: 19 Miles
Rig: Ensco 86 Water Depth: 10 Feet

Remarks: At approximately 0840 hours, 350 barrels of 64% Estegreen 6397synthetic-based drilling muds (SBM) were inadvertently spilled overboard from the M/V "SeaMar Cape Misty". The M/V "SeaMar Cape Misty" is a supply vessel assigned to drilling rig Ensco 86. The M/V was anchored 1 mile from the Ensco 86 and was in the process of rolling their mud tanks. This process was involves the circulating of drilling mud in an individual tank by taking drilling mud off the bottom of the tank and injecting the drilling mud back into the same tank through a set of nozzles. A valve was apparently left open causing mud to be circulated into another full tank thus causing an overflow and the release of the drilling mud. It is estimated that the lost SBM contained approximately 224 barrels of Estegreen synthetic base oil.

NRC Report: 700472

November 28, 2003 Shell Offshore Inc.

Pollution: 123 bbl Crude Oil/ Condensate: None
Refined Petroleum: None Synthetic Oil Fluids*: None
Chemicals: 123 bbl Glycol Event: Pollution
MMS Investigation Report: Completed Activity: Development/
Lease: G04475 Operation: Production
Area: West Delta Cause: Equipment Failure
Block: 143 Distance to Shore: 18 Miles
Platform: A-Process Water Depth: 369 Feet

Remarks: The glycol pump developed packing leak, leaking 123 barrels of monoethylene glycol into the skid pan, through the drain system, and into the water side of the overboard sump. It is estimated that the leak continued over a period of about 52 hours before it was discovered. The cause was determined to be an o-ring failure in the subsea glycol injection pump.

NRC Report: 706667

NOTE: Synthetic Oil Fluids*: In deepwater drilling, synthetic-based muds (SBM’s) are preferred over petroleum oil-based muds (OBM’s) due to the SBM's superior performance properties. The synthetic oils used in SBM’s are relatively non-toxic to the marine environment and have the potential to biodegrade.

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Last Updated: 07/15/08, 02:02 PM

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