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Cheryl Anderson

    OMM Web Team


  Gulf of Mexico Region

Spills ≥ 50 Barrels (2,100 gallons)2004

March 8, 2004 Shell Offshore, Inc.

Total Pollution: 95.7 bbl Crude Oil/ Condensate: None
Refined Petroleum: None Synthetic Oil Fluids*: 95.7 bbl Novaplus Base Oil in 165 bbl of 58% SBM
Chemicals: None Event: Pollution
MMS Investigation Report: Completed Activity: Development/ Production
Lease: G06896 Operation: Drilling
Area: Viosca Knoll Cause: Human Error
Block: 956 Distance to Shore: 80 Miles


Platform A - Ram Powell

H&P 205

Water Depth:  3,214 Feet

Remarks: On the H&P205 platform rig at the Ram Powell Tension Leg Platform (TLP) in Viosca Knoll 956, the driller gave the direction to line up the process tank to utilize the degasser. The posted schematic was incorrect. The pit hand shifted the "Actuator" handle which was incorrectly labeled "Degasser" in the schematic and caused an inadvertent discharge of 165 barrels of 10.5 ppg 58% Novaplus synthetic-based mud (SBM) through the shut line. A contributing cause was that the gang box was located out of the line-of-sight of the valves being operated precluding simple visual verification. It is estimated that the lost SBM contained approximately 95.7 barrels of Novaplus synthetic base oil.

OCS Report: MMS 2004-048

NRC Report: 715384

 April 11, 2004 – BHP Petroleum Company Inc.

Pollution: 1,034 bbl Crude Oil/ Condensate: None
Refined Petroleum: None Synthetic Oil Fluids*: 1,034 bbl Accolade Base Oil in 1,830 bbl of 56.5% SBM
Chemicals: None Events: Pollution & Emergency Riser Disconnect
MMS Investigation Report: Completed Activity: Exploration
Lease: G20084 Operation: Drilling
Area: Green Canyon Causes: Weather & Human Error
Block: 653 Distance to Shore: 120 Miles
Drill Ship: Glomar C.R. Luigs Water Depth: 4,238 Feet

Remarks: The ship was blown off location to the edge of the dynamic positioning watch circle 283 feet from the wellhead location and the Emergency Disconnect Sequence (EDS) was initiated. Approximately 60 seconds after EDS was initiated the Lower Marine Riser Package (LMRP) was successfully disconnected. Approximately 1,830 barrels of 14.5 ppg 56.5% Accolade synthetic-based mud (SBM) was discharged to the sea when the LMRP was disconnected from the BOP stack. The causes of the event were: the dynamic positioning system had been set up to prioritize heading rather than location; the on board weather radar had not been set to monitor extreme cells; drift off simulations did not match the short powerful spring storm; and only four of the seven engines had been set on line to be available. It is estimated that the lost SBM contained approximately 1,034 barrels of Accolade synthetic base oil.

NRC Report: 718579

June 6, 2004 Dominion Exploration & Production, Inc.

Pollution: 184.8 bbl Crude Oil/ Condensate: None
Refined Petroleum: None Synthetic Oil Fluids*: 184.8 bbl Novaplus Base Oil in 240 bbl of 77% SBM
Chemicals: None Event: Pollution
MMS Investigation Report: Completed Activity: Exploration
Lease: G21778 Operation: Drilling
Area: Mississippi Canyon Causes: Equipment Failure & Human Error
Block: 734 Distance to Shore: 60 Miles
Rig: Transocean Cajun Express Water Depth: 5,709 Feet

Remarks: After running a 9 7/8" liner at night while POOH (pulling out of hole) with running string and filling up hole with mud, a loss of 240 barrels of 77% Novaplus synthetic-based mud (SBM) was detected the next morning. The causes of the release were a faulty valve in a "Tee" in the mud transfer system located in the direct overboard line; and several procedural deficiencies. It is estimated that the lost SBM contained approximately 184.8 barrels of synthetic base oil.

NRC Report: 724112

July 31, 2004 Shell Offshore, Inc.

Pollution: 202 bbl Crude Oil/ Condensate: None
Refined Petroleum: None Synthetic Oil Fluids*: None
Chemicals: 202 bbl Methanol Event: Pollution
MMS Investigation Report: None Activity: Development/ Production
Lease: G15879 Operation: Production
Area: Garden Banks Cause: Equipment Failure
Block: 341 Distance to Shore: 168 Miles
Platform/Rig: Habanero Well #2/ Auger Water Depth: 2,860 Feet

Remarks: The Garden Banks 341 Habanero Well #2 is a subsea well that produces to Shell's Auger tension leg platform (TLP) located in Garden Banks 426 9-12 miles away. To control gas freezing and gas hydrate problems in the Habanero Well #2, methanol is injected on a daily basis via two one inch umbilical supply lines from the Auger facility to the well. Shell operator personnel aboard Auger discovered abnormally low levels in their methanol tank on July 31, 2004. The Habanero well was shut in as well as the methanol injection until the source of the methanol leak was isolated and repaired. The total volume of methanol released was estimated to be 202 barrels.

NRC Report: 730565

August 10, 2004 Mariner Energy, Inc.

Pollution: 537 bbl Crude Oil/ Condensate: None
Refined Petroleum: None Synthetic Oil Fluids*: 537 bbl Novaplus B Base Oil in 895 bbl of 60% SBM
Chemicals: None Event: Pollution
MMS Investigation Report: Completed Activity: Exploration
Lease: G15445 Operation: Drilling
Area: Viosca Knoll Cause: Human Error
Block: 962 Distance to Shore: 75 Miles
Rig: Diamond Ocean America Water Depth: 4,675 Feet

Remarks: Rig personnel were in the process of cleaning out one of the mud storage tanks on the Diamond Ocean America drilling rig. There was a miscommunication between the rig crew as to what the contents of the tank were and 895 barrels of 60% Novaplus synthetic-based mud (SBM) were inadvertently dumped overboard. The causes of the release were the miscommunication; failure to follow established procedures; and the system for monitoring the tank's contacts was out-of-service for repairs. It is estimated that the lost SBM contained approximately 537 barrels of Novaplus B synthetic base oil.

NRC Report: 731375

15 Hurricane Ivan Narratives

Hurricane Ivan made landfall near Mobile, AL on September 15, 2004.

Formal investigations were not conducted. Hurricane Ivan pollution volumes are generally operators' estimates of petroleum products (and in some cases chemicals) stored in/on structure prior to storm which had not been recovered as of Spring 2006. Some of these products may have been subsequently recovered.

 October 5, 2004 – Shell Exploration & Production Co.

Pollution: 75.9 bbl Crude Oil/ Condensate: None
Refined Petroleum: None Synthetic Oil Fluids*: None
Chemicals: 75.9 bbl HI-M-PACT Hydrate Inhibitor Event: Pollution
MMS Investigation Report: None Activity: N/A
Lease: G08241 Operation: Drilling
Area: Garden Banks Causes: Equipment Failure
Block: 426 Distance to Shore: 168 Miles
Platform: Platform A Water Depth: 2,861 Feet

Remarks: The operator reported to the NRC a release 5,310 gallons (126.4 barrels) of Baker Product 4394 Hi-M-Pact hydrate inhibitor of which 3,186 gallons (75.9 barrels) were spilled into the Gulf of Mexico.

NRC Report: 737459

 October 21, 2004 – Murphy Exploration & Production Co.

Pollution: 108 bbl Crude Oil/ Condensate: None
Refined Petroleum: None Synthetic Oil Fluids*: 108 bbl SBM Base Oil in 180 bbl of 60%** SBM
Chemicals: None Event: Pollution
MMS Investigation Report: None Activity: N/A
Lease: G27190 Operation: Drilling
Area: Green Canyon Causes: Equipment Failure
Block: 338 Distance to Shore: 100 Miles
Rig: Nabors 200 Water Depth: 3,338 Feet

Remarks: A clogged hose on the Nabors 200 drilling rig caused synthetic-based mud (SBM) to be backed up into the hose and out of the tank. Approximately 180 barrels of 60%** SBM was released into the Gulf. It is estimated that the lost SBM contained approximately 108 barrels of synthetic base oil.

NRC Report: 739031


April 10, 2004 BHP Billiton Petroleum (GOM) Inc.

Total Pollution: 47.4 bbl Crude Oil/ Condensate: None
Refined Petroleum: None Synthetic Oil Fluids*: 47.4 bbl SBM Base Oil in 83 bbl of 57% SBM
Chemicals: None Events: Fire & Pollution
MMS Investigation Report: Completed Activity: Exploration
Lease: G08038 Operation: Drilling
Area: Atwater Valley Cause: Equipment Failure
Block: 618 Distance to Shore: 124 Miles
Rig: GSF Explorer Water Depth: 6,257 Feet

Remarks: LESS THAN 50 BBL POLLUTION (but total mud volume greater than 50 bbl). A fire occurred on the GSF Explorer drill ship that was most likely caused by a breakdown of insulation while it was located in Atwater Valley 618. The fire was extinguished by the 3 personnel in the area using hand held CO2 extinguishers. These three personnel suffered smoke inhalation, they were checked out by the medic and released to return to work. The rig's fire team was mobilized and they ensured the fire was extinguished and cleared the area of smoke. The fire had caused a complete power outage on the rig disabling the dynamic positioning (DP) system. It was considered a disconnect was imminent and the decision was made to displace the riser to seawater. This was performed with the diesel power cement unit. The riser displacement was relatively inefficient due to the low pump rate and 285 bbl of the 2,200 riser volume was left on the riser. The rig was able to regain DP control so the riser was not disconnected. When the riser was displaced back to mud, 202 bbl were captured at the surface. A total of 83 bbls of 12.5 ppg synthetic-based mud (SBM), of which 57% or 47.4 bbl was synthetic base oil, was discharged to the sea during the displacement process.

NRC Report: 718609

May 4, 2004 BP Exploration & Production, Inc.

Pollution: 38.6 bbl Crude Oil/ Condensate: None
Refined Petroleum: None Synthetic Oil Fluids*: 38.6 bbl Accolade Base Oil in 75 bbl of 51.5% SBM
Chemicals: None Event: Pollution
MMS Investigation Report: Completed Activity: Exploration
Lease: G14658 Operation: Drilling
Area: Mississippi Canyon Causes: Equipment Failure & Human Error
Block: 822 Distance to Shore: 75 Miles
Rig: Transocean Discoverer Enterprise Water Depth: 6,038 Feet

Remarks: LESS THAN 50 BBL POLLUTION (but total mud volume greater than 50 bbl). The Boost line had not been tested per plan. During drilling operations, loss indications in pit sensors occurred as commenced pumping down the boost line. A leak was discovered at 5607 ft bsl at a boost line stab seal. Reported loss of 75 bbls of 51.5% Accolade 13.9 ppg synthetic-based mud (SBM). It is estimated that the lost SBM contained approximately 38.6 barrels of synthetic base oil.

NRC Report: 720737


Synthetic Oil Fluids*: In deepwater drilling, synthetic-based muds (SBM’s) are preferred over petroleum oil-based muds (OBM’s) due to the SBM's superior performance properties. The synthetic oils used in SBM’s are relatively non-toxic to the marine environment and have the potential to biodegrade.

60%**: Indicates that for a synthetic-based mud release, the exact percentage of volume of synthetic base oil to total volume of mud released was not available and 60% was used as a reasonable approximation.

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Last Updated: 07/15/08, 02:02 PM

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