MMS United States Department of the Interior
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Cheryl Anderson

    OMM Web Team


  Gulf of Mexico Region

Spills ≥ 50 Barrels (2,100 gallons)2000

January 19, 2000 - BP Amoco Corporation

Pollution: 1,440 bbl Crude Oil/ Condensate: None
Refined Petroleum: None Synthetic Oil Fluids*: 1,440 bbl SBM Base Oil in 2,400 bbl of 60%** SBM
Chemicals: None Events: Pollution & Accidental Riser Disconnect
MMS Investigation Report: Completed Activity: Exploration
Lease: G14658 Operation: Drilling
Area: Mississippi Canyon Causes: Human Error & Equipment Failure
Block: 822 Distance to Shore: 85 Miles
Rig: TSF Discoverer Enterprise Water Depth: 6,327 Feet

Remarks: The rig's subsea engineer was function testing the blind shear rams. The weekly function test was performed from the remote blowout preventer (BOP) panel in the offshore installation manager's office. Instead of testing the blind shear rams, the engineer inadvertently pushed the LMRP button on the panel which unintentionally activated and disconnected the lower marine riser package (LMRP). The control panel buttons for the lower marine riser package (LMRP) did not have enough security to prevent activating the wrong function. It was determined that 2,400 barrels of 60%** synthetic-based drilling mud (SBM) leaked into the Gulf of Mexico. It is estimated that the lost SBM contained approximately 1,440 barrels of synthetic base oil.

NRC Report: NONE

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January 21, 2000 - Equilon Pipeline Company LLC

Pollution: 2,240 bbl Crude Oil/ Condensate: 2,240 bbl Crude Oil
Refined Petroleum: None Synthetic Oil Fluids*: None
Chemicals: None Events: Pollution & Other
MMS Investigation Report: Completed Activity: Pipeline
Lease: G04826 Operation: Pipeline
Area: Ship Shoal Cause: External Damage
Block: 332 Distance to Shore: 75 Miles
Rig: Platform: Transocean 96
 Platform A
Water Depth: 435 Feet
Pipeline Segment:  10903 Pipeline Diameter:  24 Inches

Remarks: The Transocean 96 drilling rig, a semi-submersible mobile drilling unit (MODU), was being towed by 3 tugs from a well site at SS 361 to another location when a motor failed and dropped an anchor cable. Iit was later determined that the anchor was dragged 20 miles from the rig's originating location to the point where it hooked the pipeline approximately 1.05 miles from Platform A. The 24" Poseidon pipeline (operated by Equilon) was dragged laterally along seafloor approximately 650' from the original location. In addition to this damage, a 50% tear and a 92% tear occurred on the girth welds on the riser. The riser was also torn from the riser clamps. It is estimated that 2,240 barrels of crude oil was lost from the pipeline. At the time of the accident, the pipeline was carrying approximately 199,000 barrels per day. The damaged pipe was replaced. Segment number 10903 is a DOT-authorized segment with an OCS right-of-way approved by MMS and are subject to both DOT and MMS regulations.

NRC Report: 517462

January 25, 2000 - Chevron U.S. A. Inc.

Pollution: 165.6 bbl Crude Oil/ Condensate: None
Refined Petroleum: None Synthetic Oil Fluids*: 165.6 bbl SBM Base Oil in 276 bbl of 60%** SBM
Chemicals: None Event: Pollution
MMS Investigation Report: Completed Activity: Exploration
Lease: G13114 Operation: Drilling
Area: Mississippi Canyon Cause: Equipment Failure
Block: 248 Distance to Shore: 60 Miles
Rig: Diamond Ocean Quest Water Depth: 3,290 Feet

Remarks: The dump valve line on a mud pit was fitted with a metal plate which was welded in place. The weld was not inspected prior to filling the mud pit and a leak developed from the weld. The transfer from the boat to the mud pit took place at night restricting visual aid. Around 7:20 am, the officer in charge observed the mud was not the color expected and began an investigation into the incident. It was determined that 276 barrels of 60%** synthetic-based drilling mud (SBM) leaked into the Gulf of Mexico. It is estimated that the lost SBM contained approximately 165.6 barrels of synthetic base oil.

NRC Report: 517760

February 27, 2000 - Chevron U.S. A. Inc.

Pollution: 114 bbl Crude Oil/ Condensate: None
Refined Petroleum: None Synthetic Oil Fluids*: 114 bbl SBM Base Oil in 190 bbl of 60%** SBM
Chemicals: None Event: Pollution
MMS Investigation Report: Completed Activity: Exploration
Lease: 00385 Operation: Drilling
Area: West Delta Cause: Equipment Failure
Block: 29 Distance to Shore: 7 Miles
Rig: Ensco 94 Water Depth: 35 Feet

Remarks: The operator had cleaned out the slugging mud pit prior to this incident. The alignment cage for the dump valve had broken off causing the valve not to seat properly when the valve was closed. The operator attempted to fill up the slugging pit with 60%** synthetic-based mud (SBM) and lost 190 barrels overboard before realizing that the exit dump line was not seated properly. It is estimated that the lost SBM contained approximately 114 barrels of synthetic base oil.

NRC Report: 521262

February 28, 2000 - Murphy Exploration & Production

Pollution: 773.6 bbl Crude Oil/Condensate: 200 bbl Crude Oil
Refined Petroleum: None Synthetic Oil Fluids*: 573.6 bbl SBM Base Oil in 956 bbl of 60%** SBM
Chemicals: None Events: Pollution & Loss of Well Control & Accidental Riser Disconnect
MMS Investigation Report: Completed Activity: Exploration
Lease: G16614 Operation: Drilling
Area: Mississippi Canyon Causes: Human Error & Management System Failure
Block: 538 Distance to Shore: 36 Miles
Rig: Diamond Ocean Concord Water Depth: 2,223 Feet

Remarks: The Ocean Concord drilling rig was in the process of running a liner on drill pipe on Well #1 when the lower marine riser package was inadvertently disconnected from the blowout preventer (BOP) stack. The causes included improper training which resulted in the failure to lockout the remote BOP panel, the lack of a secondary system capable of securing the well in the absence of the primary BOP control, and improper procedure in that BOP control system modifications should not be allowed while well formations are exposed. The disconnect resulted in the discharge to the sea of approximately 806 barrels of synthetic-based mud (SBM) from the riser; and 150 barrels of SBM and 150-200 barrels of crude oil from the wellbore. Approximately 40 bbl of highly emulsified crude were recovered with Fast Response Units. It was determined that 956 barrels of 60%** synthetic-based drilling mud (SBM) leaked into the Gulf of Mexico. It is estimated that the lost SBM contained approximately 573.6 barrels of synthetic base oil.

OCS Report: MMS 2001-005

NRC Report: 521411

August 9, 2000 - Elf Exploration, Inc.

Pollution: 60 bbl Crude Oil/ Condensate: 60 bbl Crude Oil
Refined Petroleum: None Synthetic Oil Fluids*: None
Chemicals: None Events: Pollution & Fire
MMS Investigation Report: Completed Activity: Development/Production
Lease: G00988 Operation: Production
Area: Eugene Island Cause: Equipment Failure & Human Error
Block: 275 Distance to Shore: 64 Miles
Platform: Platform A Water Depth: 172 Feet

Remarks: Oil from a 200-barrel maximum capacity bad oil tank overflowed through the pressure vacuum relief valve and spilled through the first deck grating onto the generator building located on the second deck. Oil penetrated various small openings in the generator building roof and gravitated down an “I” beam onto an exposed hot surface of the generator exhaust where it ignited. The fire flashed back through the building roof and ignited oil that had accumulated in the adjacent heater treater skid. The fire flashed through the first deck grating and melted the plastic sight glasses on both the bad oil and good oil tanks. This released additional oil that fueled the fire through the sight glass valves. After attempts to extinguish the fire failed, all personnel were evacuated to the M/V Ocean Runner 1 and transported to Unocal’s EI 276 B platform. The platform fire loop located on the generator melted and performed a total platform shut-in. Workboats from adjacent fields sprayed seawater onto the EI 275 A platform. A Fast Response Unit equipped with 500 feet of expanded boom was dispatched to the platform. A total of nine M/V’s responded to the distress call and assisted throughout the night to contain and control the fire that continued on the top deck of the platform. A pollution surveillance flight of the area determined that pollution originating from the platform was tear-dropped shaped and extended 10 miles in length from the platform and about 5 miles wide at the widest point. The platform operators had bypassed the Level Safety High (LSH) on the bad oil tank to make use of the full capacity of the storage space during platform start up operations and then failed to monitor the by-passed LSH sufficiently to prevent tank overflow. The containment pan was not sufficient to contain an overflow. The fire caused an estimated $1.7 million in damages to the platform.

NRC Report: 538202

November 8, 2000 - Chevron U.S. A. Inc.

Pollution: 133.8 bbl Crude Oil/ Condensate: None
Refined Petroleum: None Synthetic Oil Fluids*: 133.8 bbl SBM Base Oil in 223 bbl of 60%** SBM
Chemicals: None Event: Pollution
MMS Investigation Report: Pollution Report Only Activity: Exploration
Lease: G21245 Operation: Drilling
Area: Walker Ridge Cause: Equipment Failure
Block: 678 Distance to Shore: 200 Miles
Rig: Discoverer Spirit Water Depth: 7,500 Feet

Remarks: A valve failed due to excessive pressure allowing the release of 223 barrels of 60%** synthetic-based mud (SBM) to spill into the Gulf of Mexico. It is estimated that the lost SBM contained approximately 133.8 barrels of synthetic base oil.

NRC Report: 547631


February 20, 2000 - Murphy Exploration & Production

Pollution: 48 bbl Crude Oil/Condensate: None
Refined Petroleum: None Synthetic Oil Fluids*: 48 bbl SBM Base Oil in 80 bbl of 60%** SBM
Chemicals: None Events: Pollution
MMS Investigation Report: Completed Activity: Exploration
Lease: G21167 Operation: Drilling
Area: Mississippi Canyon Causes: Human Error
Block: 379 Distance to Shore: 34 Miles
Rig: Noble Amos Runner Water Depth: 4,325 Feet

Remarks: LESS THAN 50 BBL POLLUTION (but total mud volume greater than 50 bbl). The pontoon man performing the task of mixing the synthetic mud failed to ensure all valves were secure before starting the mixing procedure. The jet line valve on the #3 tank was not completely closed allowing mud being circulated in the #2 tank to go into the #3 tank which was already full. After starting the circulating pump, a floorhand was walking along the starboard main deck and discovered mud coming out the vent line and going overboard. No sheen was detected on the water. It was determined that 80 barrels of 60%** Novaplus synthetic-based drilling mud (SBM) leaked into the Gulf of Mexico through the vent line. It is estimated that the lost SBM contained approximately 48 barrels of synthetic base oil.

NRC Report: NONE

August 17, 2000 - ENSCO Marine Company

Pollution: 45 bbl Crude Oil/ Condensate: None
Refined Petroleum: None Synthetic Oil Fluids*: 45 bbl SBM Base Oil in 75 bbl of 60%** SBM
Chemicals: None Events: Pollution
MMS Investigation Report: None Activity: Development/Production
Lease: G05841 Operation: Production
Area: Mississippi Canyon Cause:  Human Error
Block: 365 Distance to Shore: 23 Miles
Supply Vessel: Platform: ENSCO Galleon Platform A Water Depth: 619 Feet

Remarks: LESS THAN 50 BBL POLLUTION (but total mud volume greater than 50 bbl). A valve was left open on the tank while circulating synthetic-based drilling mud on board the offshore supply vessel ENSCO Galleon. Approximately 75 barrels of 60%** Eco-Mul synthetic-based drilling mud (SBM) leaked through the open valve into the Gulf of Mexico. It is estimated that the lost SBM contained approximately 48 barrels of synthetic base oil.

NRC Report: 539074

NOTES: Synthetic Oil Fluids*: In deepwater drilling, synthetic-based muds (SBM’s) are preferred over petroleum oil-based muds (OBM’s) due to the SBM's superior performance properties. The synthetic oils used in SBM’s are relatively non-toxic to the marine environment and have the potential to biodegrade.

60%**: Indicates that for a synthetic-based mud release, the exact percentage of the volume of synthetic base oil to the total volume of mud released was not available and 60% was used as a reasonable approximation.

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Last Updated: 07/15/08, 02:02 PM

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