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National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Regional Office

Fisheries Management - Information Bulletins

Information Bulletin 06-48
Sustainable Fisheries Division

June 2, 2006
11:30 a.m.

REVISED NMFS Alaska Region Seeks Comments on GOA and BSAI Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) Requirements (§ 679.28(f))

The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Alaska Region invites comments from the general public and specifically from owners and operators of catcher vessels and catcher/processors regarding the economic burden associated with VMS requirements in the Gulf of Alaska, Bering Sea, and Aleutian Islands fisheries. VMS requirements may be reviewed at § 679.28(f). The Federal Office of Management and Budget requested that NMFS conduct this review of existing VMS regulatory requirements by the Alaska fishing industry as part of renewal conditions for the VMS collection of information, OMB No. 0648-0445.

Go to: VMS_Comments@noaa.gov

Type in your comments and send the e-mail.

All comments will be carefully reviewed and considered for action. All comments will become part of NMFS’ administrative record.

If you have any questions, please contact Patsy A. Bearden by telephone: (907)586-7008 or email: patsy.bearden@noaa.gov

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