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§ 96.1 Schedule of Fees Annexed to Regulations - none Patent Cooperation Treaty

§ 96.1 Schedule of Fees Annexed to Regulations

The amounts of the fees referred to in Rules 15 and 57 shall be expressed in Swiss currency. They shall be specified in the Schedule of Fees which is annexed to these Regulations and forms an integral part thereof.


(as in force from October 12, 2006)

Fees Amounts
1. International filing fee:
( Rule 15.2 )
1,400 Swiss francs plus 15 Swiss francs for each sheet of the international application in excess of 30 sheets
2. Handling Fee:
( Rule 57.2 )
200 Swiss francs
3. The international filing fee is reduced by the following amount if the international application is, in accordance with and to the extent provided for in the Administrative Instructions, filed:
(a) on paper together with a copy thereof in electronic form, in character coded format of the request and the abstract: 100 Swiss francs
(b) in electronic form, the request not being in character coded format: 100 Swiss francs
(c) in electronic form, the request being in character coded format; 200 Swiss francs
(d) in electronic form, the request, description, claims and abstract being in character coded format: 300 Swiss francs
4. The international filing fee (where applicable, as reduced under item 3) and the handling fee are reduced by 75% if the international application is filed by:
(a) an applicant who is a natural person and who is a national of and resides in a State whose per capita national income is below US $3,000 (according to the average per capita national income figures used by the United Nations for determining its scale of assessments for the contributions payable for the years 1995, 1996 and 1997); or
(b) an applicant, whether a natural person or not, who is a national of and resides in a State that is classed as a least developed country by the United Nations;
provided that, if there are several applicants, each must satisfy the criteria set out in either sub-item (a) or (b).


Acronym/Term Meaning
Art. Patent Cooperation Treaty Article
A.I. Patent Cooperation Treaty Administrative Instruction
CFR U.S. Code of Federal Regulations
DO Designated Office
EO Elected Office
HC Home Copy of International Application
IA International Application
IB International Bureau
IPE International Preliminary Examination
IPEA International Preliminary Examining Authority
IPER International Preliminary Examination Report
Ipub International Publication
IS International Search
ISA International Searching Authority
ISR International Search Report
PCT Patent Cooperation Treaty
PD Priority Date of Earlier Filed National Application
RC Record Copy of International Application
RO Receiving Office
Rule Patent Cooperation Treaty Rule
SC Search Copy of International Application
U.S.C. United States Code
USPTO United States Patent and Trademark Office


Abandonment of IA as to USPTO

... 37 CFR 1.495(h)

Abbreviated expressions used in IA

Meaning of

... A.I. 101,

... 37 CFR 1.401


... A.I. 115


... Rule 8

Amendment by ISA in response to applicant's comments

... A.I. 515

Missing or defective

... Rule 38

U.S. Rule regarding

... 37 CFR 1.438

Absence of quorum in assembly, voting

... Rule 25

Access to files

... Rule 94, 37 CFR 1.14

Additional (new) matter in request, deletion of

... A.I. 303

Addresses of applicants, inventors and agents

... Rule 4.4

Administrative instructions - scope, source, entry into force

... Rule 89

Administrative provisions of the PCT


... Art. 53

Committee for technical cooperation

... Art. 56

Executive committee

... Art. 54


... Art. 57

International Bureau

... Art. 55


... Art. 58


See also Common representative

See also Representative

"Applicant" encompasses the term "agent" in certain situations

... Rule 2.1

Appointment of

... Rule 90.1

Changes, recording of by IB

... Rule 93bis.1

In general

... Rule 2.2, Rule 4.7, Rule 90

Indications concerning,

In demand

... Rule 53.2, Rule 53.5

In request

... Art. 4, Rule 4.1, Rule 4.7

National law requirements

... Art. 27,

... Rule 51bis.1b

Notice of change of agent sent to IB

... A.I. 328

Notice of change of agent sent from IB to ISA and IPEA

... A.I. 425

Notice of change of agent sent from ISA to IB.

... A.I. 512

Notice of change of agent sent from IPEA to IB

... A.I. 608

Right of agent to practice before international authorities

... Art. 49


Copy of amendment under Article 19 for IPEA

... Rule 62

Copy of amendment under Article 19 sent (communicated) to DO

... Art. 20, Rule 47.1(b)

Definition of, before IPEA

... Rule 66.5

Form of, before IPEA

... Rule 66.8

Language of, before IPEA

... Rule 66.9

Language of changes in the IA

... Rule 12.2

Processing of Article 19 amendment by IB

... A.I. 417

Processing of by IPEA

... A.I. 602

Of abstract by ISA

... A.I. 515

Of claims, description, and drawing before DO

... Rule 52

Of claims before IB

... Art. 19, Rule 46

Of claims before IPEA

... Art. 34, 37 CFR 1.485

Of claims before EO

... Art. 41, Rule 78

Of claims Numbering and identification in amendment

... A.I. 205

Of description before IPEA

... Art. 34,

... 37 CFR 1.485

Of description before EO

... Art. 41, Rule 78

Of drawing before EO

... Art. 41, Rule 78

Of drawing before IPEA

... Art. 34, 37 CFR 1.485

Of certain PCT provisions

... Art. 61

See also Revision of PCT

Of PCT regulations

... Rule 88, Art. 58

Sheet(s) - processing of by RO

... A.I. 309


Different applicants for different designated states

... Rule 4.5

... A.I. 203

Entitled to make a demand

... Art. 31(2), Rule 54

First named used to identify IA

... A.I. 105

Improper, in U.S. national stage

... 35 U.S.C. 373

In general

... Art. 9, Rule 2.1, Rule 4.5, Rule 18

Recording by IB of changes regarding applicant

... Rule 92bis

U.S. regulation regarding

... 37 CFR 1.421

Application - See International application

Assembly of PCT contracting states

... Art. 53

Executive committee established by

... Art. 54


Of IA, possible requirement to furnish to a national Office

... Rule 51bis.1

Recording by USPTO if U.S. is a designated country in the IA

... 37 CFR 3.21

Authorized officer

... Rule 43.8, Rule 70.14,

... A.I. 514, A.I. 612

Availability of translation of IA to IB

... Rule 95


Biological material invention,

... Rule 13bis

Deposited, Indications as to

... A.I. 209

See also

Nucleotide or amino acid sequence listing

Sequence listing


Calendar (Gregorian to express dates)

... Rule 79

See also Dates

Changes in person, name or address of applicants and inventors (U.S. requirements)

... 37 CFR 1.472

National stage inventorship

... 37 CFR 1.41(a),

... 37 CFR 1.497(d)

Check list (In request)

Re documents filed with IA

... Rule 3.3

Necessary annotations by RO

... A.I. 313

Citations (proper) of documents in the ISR

... A.I. 503


Amendment before EO

... Art. 41

Amendment before IB

... Art. 19, Rule 46

Amendment before IPEA

... Art. 34, Rule 66.4,

... Rule 66.8

In general

... Art. 6, Rule 6

Numbering and identification upon amendment

... A.I. 205

U.S. regulation regarding

... 37 CFR 1.436

Classification of IA subject matter

... A.I. 504

Committee established by assembly of states

... Art. 56

Common representative

... Rule 2.2bis, Rule 90.2

Change of

... A.I. 106

Notice of change sent from RO to IB

... A.I. 328

Notice of change sent from IB to RO, ISA, & IPEA

... A.I. 425

Notice of change sent by ISA to IB

... A.I. 512

Notice of change sent by IPEA to IB

... A.I. 608


From IB, of IA, ISR, or any Article 17(2)(a) determination and indication that no search will be established, to each DO

... Art. 20, Rule 47

Communication transmitted electronically

... Rule 89bis, A.I. 114, A.I. 701-713,

... A.I. Annex F

Competent IPEA

... Rule 59

Competent ISA

... Art. 16, Rule 35

Competent RO

... Art. 11(1)(i), Rule 19

Confidential nature


... Art. 30


... Art. 38

Of written opinion of ISA

... Rule 44ter

Confirmation copy of facsimile transmission (N/A in U.S.)

... Rule 92.4, A.I. 331

Continuation or continuation-in-part, IA treated as in any designated state

... Rule 4.11, Rule 49bis


In electronic form of documents filed on


... Rule 89ter

Sequence Listings and/or tables relating thereto

... A.I. 801-A.I. 806

Making home copy and search copy from original IA (record copy) by RO

... Art.12, Rule 21

Sequence Listings

... A.I. 804

Identifying RC, SC, and HC by RO

... A.I. 305

Correction of request by RO ex officio

... A.I. 327

Corrections and amendments during international processing.

... Rule 26, Rule 46,

... 37 CFR 1.471


For applicant, to whom sent

... A.I. 108

In general

... Rule 92


Dates (using Gregorian calendar)

... Rule 79

Format of, in IA

... A.I. 110

Deadlines (See also Time limit)

Applicable to Applicants

(1) Before the RO

After which applicant can request RO to certify copy of IA as identical with IA as filed and applicant can send certified copy to IB (14 months from PD)

... Rule 22.1

To correct Article 14(1) defects in IA

... Art. 14(1)b

(e.g., IA is not properly signed, does not contain proper indications re applicant, has no title, has no abstract, does not comply with physical requirements in Rule 11)

... Rule 26.2

Extensions of time available

... Rule 26.2

Sanction: RO declares IA withdrawn under Rule 29.

To correct defects under Article 11 to obtain an international filing date

... Art. 11(2), Rule 20.

To provide missing drawings (two months)

... Art. 14(2),

... Rule 20.7, 37 CFR 1.437

To pay deficiencies in transmittal fee (Rule 14), international filing fee (Rule 15.1), search fee (Rule 16), late payment fee (Rule 16bis.2)

... Art. 14(3),

... Rule 16bis, 37 CFR 1.431

Extension of time - One month set by RO when RO finds deficiency

... Rule 16bis.1

Sanction: RO declares IA withdrawn under Rule 29.

To pay deficiencies in the transmittal fee, international filing fee (incl. suppl. for over 30 pages) or search fee when  RO finds discrepancies before fees are due

... A.I. 304(b)

To pay deficiencies in designation fees when RO finds discrepancies before fees are due

... A.I. 304(b)

(2) Before the ISA

To amend claims under Article 19 before IB within two months of date of transmittal of ISR to IB, or 16 months from priority date

... Rule 46.1

To amend claims under Article 19 - latest of 2 months from date ISR sent to IB and Applicant or 16 months from PD or if amendment reaches IB before completion of technical preparations for Ipub

... Rule 46.1

To submit priority document, unless already filed with RO together with IA, to IB or RO not later than 16 months after PD, or where DO processes IA at any time on express request of applicant (Art. 23(2)), not later than date processing or examination is requested

... Rule 17.1

Where lack of unity of invention is held, time limit of one month set to pay additional fees to have additional inventions searched

... Art. 17(3),

... Rule 40, 37 CFR 1.476

(3) Before the IPEA

To amend claims, description, or drawings under Article 34 before the IPE

... Rule 66

... 37 CFR 1.485

To amend claims, description, or drawings under Article 34before the IPEA at time of filing demand or, subject to Rule 66.4bis, until IPER is established

... Rule 66.1, Rule 66.4bis

To correct defects in demand upon invitation within a time limit not less than 1 month and which may be extended by IPEA before a decision is made

... Rule 60.1

To file a demand

... Rule 54bis

To provide translation of priority document upon invitation by IPEA within 2 months of invitation date

... Rule 66.7

To respond (including Article 34 amendments) to a written opinion within time set therein (not less than 1 month)

... Rule 66.2

Rule 66.2 permits response time set in written opinion to be from 1 month to 3 months (plus extensions)

... Rule 66.2

Time for reply set in written opinion is non-extendable

... 37 CFR 1.484(d)

Where lack of unity of invention is held by IPEA, time limit of one month set to pay additional fees to have additional inventions examined

... Art. 34(3),

... Rule 68.2, 37 CFR 1.488

When filing a demand for IPE, must pay handling fee at time demand filed or within the 1 month deadline set when IPEA invites applicant to pay the fee

... Rule 57

Sanction: IPEA considers IA withdrawn.

When seeking IPE, preliminary examination fee must be paid at time demand filed or within the 1 month deadline set when IPEA invites applicant to pay the fee

... Rule 58bis

Sanction: IPEA considers IA withdrawn.

(4) Before the DO/EO

To enter the National Stage under 35 U.S.C. 371

... 37 CFR 1.495

To amend claims description, or drawing under Article 28 before the DO

... Rule 52

To amend claims, description, or drawings before EO (varies)

... Rule 78

Applicable to the RO

For RO to check certain elements (request is signed, has indications re applicant, has a title, an abstract, meets physical requirements of Rule 11) of IA

... Rule 26.1

For RO to hold IA withdrawn for lack of compliance with Article 11(1), items (i) to (iii) after IA has already been accorded a filing date

... Art. 14(4), Rule 30

For RO to transmit record copy to IB (normally 13 months or earlier, unless failure to obtain national security clearance obtained)

... Rule 22

For RO to transmit search copy to ISA

... Rule 23

Applicable to the IB

For IB to notify applicant, RO, ISA (unless it declined to be notified) and DO (if it asked to be notified) of fact and date receipt of record copy of IA

... Rule 24

International publication of IA promptly after expiration of 18 months from PD, unless earlier publication requested under Articles 21(2)(b) and 64(3)(c)(i)

... Art. 21,

... Rule 48

Applicable to the ISA

For ISA to establish the ISR (or declaration that the subject matter is not required to be searched or is unsearchable as per Article 17(2)) - the later of 3 months from date of receipt of SC by ISA or 9 months from PD

... Rule 42

Applicable to the IPEA

For IPEA to establish the IPER

... Rule 69.2

For IPEA to start IPE

... Rule 69.1

IPEA shall promptly notify applicant of receipt of the demand

... Rule 61.1

Deceased inventor (U.S. Rule)

... 37 CFR 1.422

Declarations relating to national requirements

... Rule 4.17, Rule 51bis.1(a)

Correction of or addition of

... Rule 26ter.1, A.I. 216, A.I. 317

Ex officio corrections are not to be made

by RO

... A.I. 327(d)

by IB

... A.I. 419(c)

Invitation for, by IB

... Rule 26ter.2(a)

Invitation for, by RO

... Rule 26ter.2(a)

Processing by IB

... Rule 26ter.2(b), A.I. 419

Entitlement to apply for a patent

... Rule 4.17(ii),

... Rule 51bis.1(a)(ii), A.I. 212

Entitlement to claim priority

... Rule 4.17(iii),

... Rule 51bis.1(a)(iii), A.I. 213

Exceptions to lack of novelty

... Rule 4.17(v),

... Rule 51bis.1(a)(v), A.I. 215

Identity of inventor

... Rule 4.17(i),

... Rule 51bis.1(a)(i), A.I. 211


... Rule 4.17(iv),

... Rule 51bis.1(a)(iv), A.I. 214

Non-prejudicial disclosures

... Rule 4.17(v),

... Rule 51bis.1(a)(v), A.I. 215

Processing by IB

... Rule 26ter.2, A.I. 419



Of indications re applicant's residence or nationality

... A.I. 329

Of obvious defects, by RO

... A.I. 325

Of request, ex officio, by RO

... A.I. 327

Processing by IB

... A.I. 413

IA held withdrawn because of failure to correct certain defects

... Rule 29.1

In abstract

... Rule 38

In certain original documents submitted to national Office

... Rule 92.4

In demand

... Rule 60.1

In drawings furnished to DO under Rule 49.5, possibly permitting correction by invitation

... Rule 49.5(g)

In power of attorney - consequences

... Rule 90.4(c)

In the title

... Rule 37

Invitation to correct Article 14(1)(b) defects

... Rule 26.3bis

Invitation to correct Article 3(4)(i) defects

... Rule 26.3ter

Mentioned in IPER

... Rule 90.12

Noted by IB

... Rule 28

Definition of PCT terms

... Art. 2, 37 CFR 1.401

Delays in meeting time limits, excuse of

... Rule 82,

... 37 CFR 1.468

Demand for international preliminary examination (IPE)

Applicant entitled to make demand

... Rule 54

Copy sent by IPEA to IB

... Rule 61.1

Defects in

... Rule 60.1

Evidence of right to file demand

... A.I. 614

Filed with other than a competent IPEA, treatment of

... Rule 59

In general

... Art. 31, Rule 53

Not considered to have been made: Notification by IB to EOs

... A.I. 418

Notice sent by IPEA re filing after 19 months from PD

... A.I. 601

Publication of notice of demand

... Rule 61.4

Recording by IB of changes:

... Rule 92bis

Notifications regarding this sent by IB

... A.I. 422

Time limit for making

... Rule 54bis

U.S. regulation regarding

... 37 CFR 1.480

Deposited microorganism

Indications on separate sheet

... Rule 13bis, A.I. 209


Amendment before IPEA

... Art. 34

Amendment before EO

... Art. 41, Rule 78

Headings for parts of

... A.I. 204

In general

... Art. 5, Rule 5

Of nucleotide/amino acid sequence

... Rule 5.2,

... Rule 13ter, A.I. 801-A.I. 806, 37 CFR 1.821

U.S. regulation regarding

... 37 CFR 1.435

Design - not mentioned as subject matter for IA

... Art. 2(i)

Designated Office (DO)

Amendment of claims, description, and drawings before DO

... Art. 28

Communication of IA, ISR, or declaration under Article 17(2)(a)

... Art. 20, Rule 47

Not accepting sequence listings in electronic form

... Rule 13ter.3, A.I. 806

Notification by DO to IB of number of IAs that did not enter the national stage timely

... A.I. 112

Opportunity to correct IA before DO

... Art. 26

Review by

... Art. 25

U.S. regulation regarding

... 37 CFR 1.414

Designated states

Possible loss of effect in

... Art. 24

Withdrawal of/held withdrawn

... Art. 24, Rule 29

Designation of States

Cancellation, ex officio, by IB

... A.I. 423

Cancellation of designations of noncontracting States by RO, ex officio

... A.I. 318

U.S. regulation regarding

... 37 CFR 1.432

Diagrams, considered as drawings

... Rule 7.1


... Art. 59

Docket reference (applicant's IA file reference)

... A.I. 109

Documents cited in ISR

... A.I. 503

Documents filed with IA

Manner of marking necessary annotations in checklist sent to IB by RO with RC of IA

... A.I. 313


Amendment of, before DO

... Art. 34

Amendment of, before EO

... Art. 41

Flowsheets and diagrams considered as

... Rule 7.1

In general

... Art. 7, Rule 7

Missing - RO procedure concerning

... Rule 20.5, . . . . . . . . A.I. 310

Time set to file where not necessary to understanding of invention

... Rule 7.2

Referred to, but not included in IA

... Art. 14(2)

U.S. regulation regarding

... 37 CFR 1.437


Elected Office (EO)

Notification to IB of number of applications filed after national stage deadline

... A.I. 112

U.S. as

... 37 CFR 1.414


Cancellation of ex officio by IB

... A.I. 423(b)

Cancellation of ex officio by IPEA

... A.I. 606


By RO or IB, rectification of

... Rule 82ter

Ex Officio correction of request by RO

... A.I. 327

Expenses of delegations

... Rule 84

Expressions and language, not to be used

... Rule 9

See also Language prohibited

Correction of

... A.I. 501

Extension of time

Before IPEA

... Rule 58bis

to pay international filing fee, search fee,

and transmittal fee - under Rules 14, 15,

and 16

... Rule 16bis



... Rule 96.1

Additional fees per invention where lack of unity is found by


... Art. 34(3), Rule 68


... Art. 17(3), Rule 40

Application of money received by RO in certain cases

... A.I. 321

Associated with demand

Handling fee

... Rule 57, Rule 96.1

Late payment fees

... Rule 58bis.2

Time limit for payment

... Rule 57.3, Rule 58bis.1

Preliminary examination fee

... Rule 58

ISA was not U.S

... 37 CFR 1.482(a)(1)

ISA was U.S.

... 37 CFR 1. 482(a)(1)

Late payment fees

... Rule 58bis.2

Time limit for payment

... Rule 57.3,

... Rule 58.1(b), Rule 58bis.1

(Where lack of unity of invention held by IPEA, there is a fee for each additional claimed invention)

... Art. 34(3), Rule 68,

... 37 CFR 1.482(a)(2)

U.S. regulation regarding

... 37 CFR 1.482

Associated with request

Extension of time to pay international filing fee, search fee, and transmittal fee - under Rules 14, 15, and 16

... Rule 16bis

International filing fees

... Rule 15

International filing fee

... Rule 15, Rule 96.1

Additional component for sequence listing part in electronic form

... A.I. 803

Basic component based on number of sheets

... A.I. 803

PCT search fee

... Rule 16

No prior U.S. application

... 37 CFR 1.445(a)(2)(iii)

Prior U.S. national application

... 37 CFR 1.445(a)(2)(i)-(ii)

U.S. regulation regarding.

... 37 CFR 1.445

(Where lack of unity of invention held by ISA, there is a fee for each additional claimed invention)

... Rule 40, Art. 17(3)

Transmittal fee

... Rule 14

U.S. rule

... 37 CFR 1.445(a)(1)

Invitation by RO to pay before date due

... A.I. 304

Invitation by RO to request search fee  refund.

... A.I. 322

Invitation to pay fees

... A.I. 320

Invitation to request refund of fees before IPEA

... A.I. 613

Lack of payment of

... Rule 27

Late payment fee re international filing fee, search fee, and transmittal fee - under Rules 14, 15, and 16

... Rule 16bis.2

National stage fee to DO

... Art. 22

U.S. statute regarding

... 35 U.S.C. 376

U.S. regulation regarding

... 37 CFR 1.492

National stage fee to EO

... Art. 39

U.S. statute regarding

... 35 U.S.C. 376

U.S. regulation regarding

... 37 CFR 1.492


... A.I. 102bis(c)

Preliminary examination fee

... Rule 58

Refund of IA filing and processing fees

... Rule 15.6, Rule 16.2, Rule 40.2(c)

U.S. regulation regarding

... 37 CFR 1.446

Schedule of fees

... Rule 96

Special fees for publication, payable to the IB

... A.I. 113

Surcharge for filing oath or declaration later than 30 months from PD under 37 CFR 1.495(c)

... 37 CFR 1.492(h)

Transmittal fee

... Rule 14, 37 CFR 1.445(a)(1)

File (IA) reference (IA docket no.  of applicant)

... A.I. 109

On IA sheets

... Rule 11.6(f)

Filing date

Certificate of U.S. Postal Service Express Mail

... Rule 20, 37 CFR 1.10


... Art. 11, 35 U.S.C. 363

Finances (budget) of union of PCT states

... Art. 57

Flowsheets, considered as drawings

... Rule 7.1


Computer generated

... A.I. 102(h) & (i)


... Rule 3.2


... Rule 53.1(a)


... A.I. Annex A

PCT, use of

... A.I. 102


Gazette, PCT

... Rule 86, A.I. 407,

... A.I. Annexes D and E

Free communication of, to ISA, IPEA, national Office

... Rule 87


Handling fee for IPE (re demand)

... Rule 57

Home Copy (HC) of IA, preparation  of

... Rule 21, A.I. 305




... A.I. 107


... A.I. 107

Of IA having two or more applicants

... A.I. 105

Of IA file (docket reference by applicant)

... A.I. 109

Of international authorities

... A.I. 107

Incorporation by reference

... Rule 4.18, Rule 20.6, Rule 82ter.1(b)

Indications (two letter codes identifying countries and other entities)

... A.I. 115

Industrial applicability

... Art. 33(4), Art. 34(4),

... Art. 35(2), Rule 66.2, Rule 70.6

Intellectual property protected under PCT

... Art. 2(i)

International application (IA)

Application no.

... A.I. 307

Indelibly marked on each sheet of IA

... A.I. 308

Arrangement of contents/elements

... A.I. 207

Availability of, to DO

... Art. 13

Certain defects in

... Art. 14

Checking by RO and correcting parts of before RO

... Rule 26

Communicated (sent) to each DO by IB

... Art. 20, Rule 47

Confidential nature of IA

... Rule 30

Considered withdrawn

... Rule 29, Rule 30, Rule 49

Copy of IA sent from IB to IPEA

... A.I. 420

Copy, translation and national fee to EO

... Art. 39

Effect of IA designation of U.S

... 35 U.S.C. 363

Filing date and effects of

... Art. 11, Rule 20

Filing in electronic form

... Rule 89bis, A.I. 102bis, A.I. 335,

... A.I. 701-A.I. 713, A.I. Annex F

Sequence Listings and/or tables relating thereto

... Rule 13ter, A.I. 801 through A.I. 806

In general

... Art. 3

Ipub number of

... A.I. 404

Language of

... Rule 12

Numbering - three sets: one for request, another for description, and a third for drawings

... A.I. 207

Numbering system of IA.

... .A.I. 307

Copy of notification of IA number and IA filing and PD(s) sent to IB

... A.I. 324

Marking each sheet of IA with

... A.I. 308

Physical requirements of

... Rule 11, 37 CFR 1.433

Publication of

... Rule 48

Purported IA, notification of receipt of,  by RO

... A.I. 301

Requirements, U.S. regulation regarding

... 37 CFR 1.431

Sheet numbering (separate sets for request, description, and drawings)

... A.I. 207

For Ipub

... A.I. 410


Cancellation, substitution, addition,  renumbering by RO

... A.I. 311

Translation of IA sent by applicant to DO

... Art. 22

Transmittal of IA to IB and ISA

... Art. 12, A.I. 335

Treated as continuation or continuation-in-part

... Rule 4.11(a)(iv); Rule 49bis

Withdrawn IA, U.S. statute regarding

... 35 U.S.C. 366

International Bureau (IB)

In general

... Art. 55

Patent information services provided by

... Art. 50

U.S. regulation regarding

... 37 CFR 1.415

International filing fee

... Rule 15

International filing date

... Rule 20

International preliminary examination (IPE)

Conduct of, in U.S.

... 37 CFR 1.484

Confidential nature of

... Art. 38

Copy, translation and fee for, furnished to EO

... Art. 39

Delay to enter national stage

... Art. 39(1)(a)

Demand for

... Art. 31

Withdrawal of

... Art. 37

In general

... Art. 33

Inventive step

... Rule 65, Art. 33(3)


... Art. 32


... Art. 35, Rule 70

Communication of IPER

... Rule 73

Guidelines for explanations in

... A.I. 604

Method of identifying documents cited in

... A.I. 611

Translation of

... Rule 72

Translation of annexes and transmittal

... Rule 74

Prior art for

... Rule 64

Start of, and time limit for

... Rule 69

Transmittal, translation, and communication

of IPER to applicant and IB

... Art. 36

... Rule 71

Use of same file for ISA and IPEA

... A.I. 604

Written opinion by IPEA

... Art. 34, Rule 66

Amendment of claims, description, and  drawing under Article 34 in response to

... Art. 34

International Preliminary Examining Authority (IPEA)

Competent IPEA

... Rule 59

In general

... Art. 32

Lack of unity determination

... Rule 68

Minimum requirements for

... Rule 63

Nonexaminable subject matter

... Rule 67

Notification by IPEA of date of receipt of demand and of election to IB and  applicant

... Rule 61.1

Procedure before

... Art. 34, Rule 66

U.S. regulation regarding

... 37 CFR 1.416

U.S. statute regarding

... 35 U.S.C. 362

International preliminary report on patentability

By the IPEA

... Rule 70

By the ISA

... Rule 44bis

International publication

By IB of IA

... Art. 21, Rule 48,

... A.I. 406, A.I. 805

Communication of publications to ISA, IPEA,  national offices

... Rule 87

Effect of, in United States

... 35 U.S.C. 374


... A.I. 404

Of IA, effects of

... Art. 29

Provisional Rights (in U.S.)

... 35 U.S.C. 154(d)

Publication number (WO)

... A.I. 404

International search (IS)

... Art. 15

Time limit for accomplishing

... Rule 42

International Searching Authority (ISA)

... Art. 16


... Rule 35

Minimum requirements

... Rule 36

Procedure before

... Art. 17

U.S. statute regarding

... 35 U.S.C. 362

U.S. regulation regarding

... 37 CFR 1.413

International search fee

... Rule 16

International search report (ISR)

Communicated (sent) from IB to DO

... Art. 20, Rule 47

Copy of IA provided by IB for ISA

... A.I. 420

Indication of citations of relevance in

... A.I. 505

Indications of special categories of  documents cited in

... A.I. 507

Indication of claims to which documents  are relevant

... A.I. 508

In general

... Art. 18

Method of identifying documents cited in

... A.I. 503

Subject matter not required to be searched

... Rule 39

Time limit for establishing

... Rule 42

Transmittal of, from ISA to IB

... Rule 44

Translation of ISR

... Rule 45

International-type search

... Rule 41.1

Inventive step

... Rule 65, Art. 33(3)


Protection available  under PCT

... Art. 43, Art. 44

Indications of kinds of protection

... Rule 4.9


Correction of

... Rule 92bis


... 37 CFR 1.422

Incapacitated or insane

... 37 CFR 1.423


... 37 CFR 1.421(b)


Lack of unity of invention


... Rule 68, 37 CFR 1.475, 37 CFR 1.488,

... 37 CFR 1.489


... Rule 40, 37 CFR 1.475, 37 CFR 1.476,

... 37 CFR 1.477

In national stage

... 37 CFR 1.475, 37 CFR 1.499

Unity of invention in IA, in general

... Rule 13


Of correspondence by applicant to IB and RO

... A.I. 104

Of demand for IPE

... Rule 55

Of forms used by international authorities

... A.I. 103


... Art. 11(1)(ii), Rule 12

Of Ipub of IA

... Rule 48.3


... Rule 72


... Rule 43.4

Of translation of IA

... Rule 12.3, Rule 49.2

Prohibited expressions

... Rule 9

Correction of

... A.I. 501

Later elections (elections submitted after the demand)

Later indication of priority application number by RO to IB

... A.I. 319

Later submitted sheets, RO procedure

... A.I. 309

Loss of effect of IA in designated states

... Art. 24

(Same consequences as withdrawal of IA)


Mail service

Irregularities in

... Rule 82

Microbiological inventions

See Biological material inventions Nucleotide/amino acid sequence listings

Minimum documentation in ISA

... Art. 15(4), Rule 34

Missing drawings, RO  procedure

... Art. 14(2), Rule 20.5, A.I. 310


Rectification of obvious

Authorization of by IPEA

... Rule 91.1, A.I. 607

Authorization of by ISA

... Rule 91.1, A.I. 511

Authorization of by RO

... Rule 91.1, A.I. 325

Processing by IB

... Rule 91, A.I. 413, A.I. 413bis


National Office

Right to practice before

... Art. 49, Rule 83, Rule 90.1

National stage

Amendment of claims, description, and drawings before DOs

... Art. 28, Rule 52

Before EOs

... Art. 41, Rule 78

Certain national requirements allowed under Article 27(1),(2),(6),(7)

... Art. 27, Rule 51bis

Copy of IA, translation and fee to DO

... Art. 22

Delaying of national examination and other processing

... Art. 23, Art. 40

DO that does not accept sequence listings in computable readable form

... A.I. 806

Protection available

As well as patent protection

... Art. 44

Other than patent protection

... Art. 43


... Art. 27

Results of national examination in different countries

... Art. 42

United States

Commencement in

... 35 U.S.C. 371, 37 CFR 1.491

Entry into U.S., requirements

... 37 CFR 1.495

Entry into U.S., time of

... 37 CFR 1.491

Examination in

... 37 CFR 1.496

Improper applicant

... 35 U.S.C. 373

National U.S. patent issued on IA, effect

... 35 U.S.C. 375

National security prescriptions

... Art. 27(8)

Delay or prevention of transmittal of RC to IB

... A.I. 330



... Rule 18.2

In demand

... Rule 54.1

Recording of changes to by the IB

... Rule 92bis.1

Nationality or residence of applicant, correction of

... A.I. 329, A.I. 614

New (additional) matter

In request, deletion of ex officio

... A.I. 303

Nomenclature - See also Terminology and signs

... Rule 10

Notification by IPEA of date of receipt of demand to IB and applicant

... Rule 61

Nucleotide and/or amino acid sequence listings

... Rule 13ter

Transmitted by RO to ISA

... A.I. 313(c)

Number and numbering of claims

... Rule 6.1

Number of (accorded to) IA

... Rule 20

Number of copies of IA to be filed

... Rule 11.1

Numbering of amendments

... Rule 6.1, A.I. 205,

... A.I. 207, A.I. 311

Numbering of lines on a page of IA

... Rule 11.8

Numbering of sheets of IA

... Rule 11.7

Numbering of sheets for Ipub

... A.I. 410


Oath or declaration in U.S. national stage application

... 35 U.S.C. 371(c)(4), 37 CFR 1.497

Obvious mistakes in documents

... Rule 91

Rectification of

... Rule 91.1, A.I. 511


... Art. 33(3), Rule 65

See also Inventive step

Opportunity to correct IA before DO

... Art. 26


Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)

Administrative provisions

... Arts. 53 - 58

Amendment of certain provisions

... Art. 61

Assembly of contracting states

... Art. 53

Becoming a party to

... Art. 62

Committee for technical cooperation

... Art. 56


... Art. 66

Depositary functions

... Art. 68


... Art. 59

Entry into force of PCT

... Art. 63

Executive committee of assembly

... Art. 54

Final provisions (becoming party to treaty, entry into force of treaty, reservations, gradual application, denunciation, signature and languages, depositary functions, notifications)

... Art. 62


... Art. 57

Gradual application of PCT in a state

... Art. 65

International Bureau (IB)

... Art. 55

Notifications to states/governments re PCT issues

... Art. 69

Reservations by any state re Application of PCT provisions

... Art. 64

Revision of PCT

... Art. 60

Patent information services furnished by IB

... Art. 50

PCT-EASY diskettes

... A.I. 102bis

Reduced fees payable when using

... A.I. 102bis(c)

Transmittal of, to the IB by the RO with RC

... A.I. 335

Physical requirements of IA

... Rule 11

Power of attorney


... Rule 3.3a


... Rule 90.5

Practice before international authorities

Right to do so

... Art. 49,

... Rule 83, Rule 90

Preliminary examination fee

... Rule 58

Prior art

Citation of (proper method)

... A.I. 503


... Rule 64


... A.I. 505

Of special categories of documents

... A.I. 507

Relevant to IS

... Rule 33.1

Priority application number

... A.I. 408

Later indication of

... A.I. 319

Priority claim in IA

... Rule 4.10

Correction or cancellation by RO

... A.I. 314, Rule 26bis.1

Correction or cancellation by IB

... A.I. 402, Rule 26bis.1

Invitation to correct defects in

... Rule 26bis.2

Not considered to have been made

... Rule 66.7, A.I. 302

Notice to that effect by IB, if not by RO

... A.I. 409

Restoration of right


... Rule 49ter.2


... Rule 26bis.3, Rule 49ter.1

U.S. regulation regarding

... 37 CFR 1.451

Withdrawal of, by applicant

... Rule 90bis.3

Priority, right of (in U.S.)

... 35 U.S.C. 365

Benefit of filing date of a prior application

... 35 U.S.C. 365, 37 CFR 1.55,

... 37 CFR 1.78

Priority document

... Rule 17

Benefit of filing date of a prior application

... 35 U.S.C. 365, 37 CFR 1.55, 37 CFR 1.78

Fee for certified copy of, from USPTO

... 37 CFR 1.19(b)(1)

In proceedings before IPEA

... Rule 66.7

Invitation by IB to furnish

... A.I. 421

Receipt of by IB

... A.I. 411

Translation and time limit to furnish to EO

... Rule 76

Translation and time limit to furnish to IPEA

... Rule 66.7

Transmittal by RO to IB

... A.I. 323

U.S. regulation regarding

... 37 CFR 1.451

Protection available under PCT

... Art. 43, Art. 44, Art. 45

Indications of kinds of protection in request

... Rule 4.11(a)(iii)

Protest against payment of additional fees re holding of lack of unity

... Rule 68, Rule 40,

... A.I. 502, A.I. 403

Before U.S. IPEA

... 37 CFR 1.489

Before U.S. ISA

... 37 CFR 1.477

Publication - See International publication


Quorum, absence of

Voting by correspondence

... Rule 85


Receipt of IA by RO

... Rule 20

Notification of by RO to IB

... Rule 20

Notification of by RO to applicant

... A.I. 301

Receiving Office (RO)


... Rule 19

In general

... Art. 10


... 35 U.S.C. 361, 37 CFR 1.412

Record copy (RC) (originally filed IA)


... Art. 12

Transmittal to IB by RO

... Rule 22, A.I. 335, 37 CFR 1.461

Marking sheets of, by IB

... A.I. 401

Receipt by IB

... Rule 24

Rectification of obvious mistakes

... Rule 91

Authorized by IPEA

... A.I. 607

Authorized or not by the ISA

... A.I. 511

Handling of, by RO

... A.I. 325


If search is based in part on earlier search

... Rule 41

Invitation by RO to request search fee refund

... A.I. 322

Invitation to request refund of fees before IPEA

... A.I. 613

Of handling fee

... Rule 57.6

Of international filing fee

... Rule 15.6

Of IPE fee

... Rule 58.3

Of IS fee

... Rule 16

Regional patent treaties

... Art. 45

Regulations of the PCT

... Art. 58


See also Common representative

Appointment of

... Rule 90.4

Notice by IB to ISA and IPEA

... A.I. 425

Notice by IPEA to IB

... A.I. 608

Notice by ISA to IB

... A.I. 512

Notice by RO to IB

... A.I. 328

Common (definition)

... Rule 2.2bis

General power of attorney

... Rule 90.5

Limited recognition in patent cases

... 37 CFR 10.9

Revocation and renunciation of representative

... Rule 90.6

U.S. regulation regarding

... 37 CFR 1.455

Request (part of IA)


... Art. 4, Rule 4

Declaration relating to national requirements

... Rule 4.17, Rule 51bis.1(a)

Deletion of additional material

... A.I. 303


... Rule 3

In general

... Art. 4

Recording of changes in, by IB

... Rule 92bis

Notification of changes recorded by IB

... A.I. 422

Rectification of, including limitations on ability to rectify

... Rule 91.1

U.S. regulation regarding

... 37 CFR 1.434


Corrections to

Invitation by RO

... A.I. 329

In demand

... Rule 54.1


... Rule 18

Recording of changes to by the IB

... Rule 92bis.1


See Lack of unity of invention

See Unity of invention

Results of national examination in EO

... Art. 42

Revival of U.S. national stage application

... 37 CFR 1.137

Review of RO determinations by other international authorities re

Declaration that an IA is to be withdrawn

... Art. 25

Review by USPTO

... 35 U.S.C. 367

Designation of a state considered withdrawn

... Art. 25

Review by USPTO

... 35 U.S.C. 367

Failure to accord an international filing date

... Art. 25

Review by USPTO

... 35 U.S.C. 367

Review by DOs of

Declaration that an IA is withdrawn

... Art. 25

IB decided the IA is withdrawn under Article 12(3)

... Art. 25

Refusal to accord filing date to IA

... Art. 25

Revision of PCT

... Art. 60

See also Amendment of PCT provisions

Right to practice before international authorities

... Rule 83, Art. 49


Search - See also international search report

Search Copy (SC) of IA

Preparation of by RO

... Rule 21

Transmittal of to IB

... Rule 23

Receipt of by ISA

... Rule 25.1

Notification of lack of transmittal of SC by IB

... A.I. 412

Search other than IS

... Rule 41

Security measures of national Office delaying or preventing transmittal of RC to IB

... A.I. 330

U.S. statute regarding

... 35 U.S.C. 368

Sequence listings in electronic form

... Rule 13ter, A.I. 801 - A.I. 806

Considered by ISA

... A.I. 513

Transmittal of

... Rule 23, A.I. 804


Deletion, addition, substitution, and renumbering of by RO

... A.I. 311

Later submitted -RO handling of

... A.I. 309

Size of IA

... Rule 11.5


By parties to the PCT

... Art. 62

Notification by director general re

... Art. 69

Defective, in IA

... Art.14(1)

IA lacking prescribed signature - RO procedure

... A.I. 316

Definition (includes "seal")

... Rule 2.3

Lacking, in demand

... Rule 60.1(d)

National requirements

... Art. 27

Of PCT in English and French

... Art. 67

Requirements re correspondence

... Rule 92

Requirements re demand

... Rule 53.8

Requirements re request

... Rule 4.15

Requirements re withdrawals

... Rule 90bis.5

Signs (terminology)

... Rule 10

Size of IA sheets

... Rule 11.5

Subject matter that is proper in IA

... Rule 67

Successor states

... Rule 32

Surcharge - See also Fees: Late payment fee


Technical Services

Patent information services furnished by IB

... Art. 50

Relation to other PCT provisions

... Art. 52

Technical assistance committee

... Art. 51

Terminology and signs

... Rule 10

Time limit

Computation of

... Rule 80

Delay in meeting certain

... Art. 48

Delays due to mail service

... Rule 82

Excuse by the designated or elected state of delays in meeting certain time limits

... Rule 82bis

Extended beyond or shortened with respect to Article 39 deadline for copy, translation, and fee filed with EO

... Rule 77

Extensions of, for payment of fees

... Rule 16bis

For amendments before EO

... Rule 78

For amendment of claims before the IB

... Art. 19, Rule 46.1

For amendment of claims, description, and drawings before DO

... Rule 52.1

For applicant to request IB to send files to any DO pursuant to Article 25(1)(c) so DO can review adverse holding by RO or IB

... Rule 51.1

For check by RO of certain defects in the IA

... Rule 26.1

For communication by the IB of IPER translation and annexes to each EO)

... Rule 73.2

For considering IA withdrawn re Article 12(3)

... Rule 22.3

For considering IA withdrawn re Article 14(4)

... Rule 30

For correcting priority claim

... Rule 26bis

For correction by applicant of certain defects found by and invited by RO to correct

... Rule 26.2

For establishing the ISR

... Rule 42

For establishing the IPER

... Rule 69.2

For paying national fee and furnishing translation before DO pursuant to Article 25(2)(a) so DO can review adverse holding by RO or IB

... Rule 51.3

For presenting request by applicant for IB to send copies of IA to DO after receiving determination that IA is withdrawn

... Rule 51

For start of, and establishment of, IPE

... Rule 69

For submitting priority document

... Rule 17

For translation of priority document before EO

... Rule 76.4

For transmittal by applicant of translation of any replacement sheet referred to in Rule 70.16 that is attached to the IPER

... Rule 74.1

In general

... Art. 47

Meaning of term "Time Limit" in Article 48(2)

... Rule 82bis

Modification of time limit fixed in PCT

... Rule 81

Of application processing based on PD

... Rule 4.10,

... 37 CFR 1.465

To furnish drawings which are not necessary for the understanding of the invention

... Art. 7.2, Rule 7.2

To furnish IA copy, translation, and fee to DO beyond time limit allowed by Article 22

... Rule 50

To pay fees before ISA in response to a holding of lack of unity of invention

... Rule 40.1

To request review by DO of failure to accord international filing date

... Art. 25

Utility models

... Rule 6.5

Title of invention in IA


... Rule 4.3

Missing or defective

... Rule 37


Availability of translations

... Rule 95

By applicant, IS based on

... Art. 15

Defective/incorrect of IA

... Art. 46

Draft, of IA, prepared by ISA for publication, comments on by applicant

... A.I. 506

For purpose of international search

... Rule 12.3

Of certain words not in Latin alphabet, in request

... Rule 4.16

Of IA, availability to IB

... Rule 95

Of IA, transmittal by IB to DOs

... Art. 22

Of IA, transmittal by IB to EOs

... Art. 39

Of IA, requirement for verified or certified

... Rule 51bis.1(d)


... Art. 36, Rule 72

Of IPER annexes, and transmittal of to EOs by applicant

... Rule 74

Of Ipub, affecting protection of rights in any designated state

... Art. 29


... Art. 18, Rule 45

Of priority document before EO

... Rule 76

Of priority document before IPEA

... Rule 66.7

Transmitted to ISA

... Rule 23



... Rule 14

In electronic form

... Rule 89bis, Rule 89ter,

... A.I. 102bis, A.I. 335, A.I. 701- A.I. 703, A.I. Annex F

Sequence Listings and/or tables relating thereto

... Rule 13ter, A.I. 801 through A.I. 806

Of RC to IB by RO

... Rule 22, 37 CFR 1.461

Of SC to ISA by RO

... Rule 23


... A.I. 306

Treaty - See also Patent Cooperation Treaty


Unity of invention

Compliance with Rule 13

... A.I. 206

During U.S. national stage

... 37 CFR 1.499


... A.I. Annex B

In general

... Rule 13, 37 CFR 1.475

Lack of unity before IPEA

... Art. 34(3), Rule 68, 37 CFR 1.488,

... 37 CFR 1.489

Lack of unity before ISA

... Art. 17(3), Rule 40, 37 CFR 1.476,

... 37 CFR 1.477

Transmittal of protest to pay fees for additional claimed inventions

Transmittal by IB

... A.I. 403

Transmittal by IPEA

... A.I. 603

Transmittal by ISA

... A.I. 502


WO - See also International publication number

Withdrawals (by applicant),  in general

... Rule 90bis, A.I. 326

Of demand or election

... Art. 37, Rule 90bis.4


Application, U.S. statute regarding

... 35 U.S.C. 366

Determination by RO re IA

... Rule 29

Decision by RO not to hold withdrawn after notifying applicant of intent to so hold

... A.I. 312

Notification to IPEA by IB

... A.I. 414

Review of by DO

... Art. 25, Rule 51

Determination by IB under Article 12(3)

Review by DO

... Art. 25, Rule 51

Written opinion by IPEA

... Art. 34, Rule 66

Amendment of claims, description, and drawing under Article 34 in response to

Written opinion by ISA

... Art. 34, Rule 43bis

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