Patents > Search Colections > MPEP > § 33.2 Fields to Be Covered by the International Search - none Patent Cooperation Treaty

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§ 33.2 Fields to Be Covered by the International Search - none Patent Cooperation Treaty

§ 33.2 Fields to Be Covered by the International Search

(a) The international search shall cover all those technical fields, and shall be carried out on the basis of all those search files, which may contain material pertinent to the invention.

(b) Consequently, not only shall the art in which the invention is classifiable be searched but also analogous arts regardless of where classified.

(c) The question what arts are, in any given case, to be regarded as analogous shall be considered in the light of what appears to be the necessary essential function or use of the invention and not only the specific functions expressly indicated in the international application.

(d) The international search shall embrace all subject matter that is generally recognized as equivalent to the subject matter of the claimed invention for all or certain of its features, even though, in its specifics, the invention as described in the international application is different.

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