Acquisiton Directorate

NAIS Environmental Planning

Congressional Mandate

Although mandated by Congress, consideration of the NAIS project includes analysis of the proposed project's natural and human environmental impacts. The Coast Guard is the lead agency for determining the scope of this review, and in this case the Coast Guard determined that the review had to include preparing a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS). The purpose of a PEIS is to evaluate the expected impacts across the entire program as it is implemented. It is not intended to describe in great detail the impacts at a specific site or location, because at the time the PEIS was prepared, no implementation sites had been identified. As implementation sites are identified, additional environmental documentation will be prepared that evaluates and describes the impacts expected.

Range of Environmental Compliance

The list below represents the environmental laws, regulations, and executive orders that the NAIS project must comply with during project development, implementation, and operation. Each implementation site for each increment will be evaluated to determine if it is in compliance with all of the applicable laws, regulations, and executive orders.

Applicable Laws and Executive Orders1

1 This list only reflects those laws and EOs that might reasonably be expected to apply to the NAIS Project based on the analyses completed in the Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement.

A number of other laws and Executive Orders may be relevant to individual installations sites and will be evaluated on a case-by case basis include, but are not limited to:

Siting Process

Increment 1 - Receive Only in Critical Ports and Coastal Areas

Only collocations onto existing USCG-owned or leased structures will be used for Increment 1. No new structures will be built.

Increment 2 - Coastal Transmit and Receive Nationwide

New structures may be built as part of Increment 2 to meet the performance specifications needed to meet mission requirements.

Increment 3 - Long Range Receive Nationwide

The Coast Guard is presently evaluating options for how best to achieve long-range NAIS coverage. The coverage requirements and coverage mechanisms discussed in the Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement form the basis of this evaluation. Mechanisms that are being evaluated include installing AIS equipment on existing offshore platforms and data buoys, satellites, or aircraft.

Current Environmental Documents Available for Review

Presently, there are no active environmental documents available for public review. As documents are completed, they will be posted on this page and will be available for review and comment by the public for the time period required by the applicable law or regulation.

Completed Environmental Documents

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Last Modified 9/26/2007