U.S. Dept Commerce/NOAA/NMFS/NWFSC/Publications
NOAA-NMFS-NWFSC TM-9: Effectiveness of Predator Removal for Protecting Juvenile Fall Chinook Salmon Released from Bonneville Hatchery, 1991

Table 4. Movement rates to Jones Beach for marked groups of subyearling chinook salmon released in Tanner Creek and in midstream Columbia River, 1989, 1990, and 1991.

Movement rate (km/day)a
Flow (kcfs)b
Release date Mid-stream
FL (mm)c
At released At mediane

29 June 1989

10.4 9.8 101 142 113

1 July 1990

12.1 12.1 91 247 190

24 June 1991

15.7 17.4 92 215 262

28 June 1991

22.4 22.4 92 272 258

a Movement rate = distance from the midstream Columbia River release site (RKm 232) to recovery site (RKm 75) ¸ time in days from release to median fish recovery. Median fish recovery based on purse seine recoveries standardized to a 10-set-per-day effort plus beach seine recoveries standardized to a 5-set-per-day effort (Appendix Table C2).
b English units were used for river flow volumes (kcfs = 1,000 ft3/sec = 35.3 m3/sec).
c Mean fork length of fish recovered at Jones Beach.
d Average flow through Bonneville Dam on the day that fish were released.
e Average flow through Bonneville Dam within 4 days of the date that the median fish was captured.

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