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CRE's Regulatory Action
of the Week

NMFS and FWs Extend Comment Period for New ESA Rules
On September 12, 2008, the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service and the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service announced that they were extending the public comment period for their jointly proposed new rules governing inter-agency cooperation under the Endangered Species Act. The new comment period ends October 14, 2008.

These proposed rules are controversial, and they are generating substantial public interest. As of September 15, 2008, almost 8000 public comments had already been filed on the proposed rules.

  • Click here to read Federal Register notice extending comment period

  • Information Collection Request of the Week

  • HHS Requests Clearance To Collect Data On Nurse Faculty Loan Program
    The Department of Health and Human Services' Health Resources and Services Administration is requesting clearance to circulate the The Nurse Faculty Loan Program (NFLP)-Program Specific Form.
  • ICR of the Week
  • ICR Archive

  • Recent Regulatory Developments

  • Federal Regulators To Remedy Financial Market Woes
    Federal officials issued a series of proposed and final rules this week aimed at shoring up the weakened financial markets and strengthening the eroding balance sheets of banks.
  • Federal Regulators Seek To Sell Washington Mutual
    U.S. federal regulators recently is calling a number of banks to ask if they would consider buying Washington Mutual Inc should it eventually falter, the New York Post said, citing sources.
  • Federal Regulators Fine Manchester Company For Violating Nuclear Rules
    Federal Nuclear Regulators Fine Manchester Business for violating nuclear rules. Federal regulators have fined Buffalo, New York-based Quality Inspection Services more than 6-thousand dollars for failing to keep records of how it used radiography equipment.
  • Regulators Propose New Goodwill Deduction Rule
    U.S. bank regulators are proposing a new rule that would help bolster bank capital levels by reducing the amount of goodwill they must deduct from their tier 1 capital.
  • Additional News (updated daily)

  • Updated Tuesday, Friday, Sunday

    Science Forum

  • FDA Issues Warning On Baby Formulas Made In China
    Hundreds of infants in China have developed painful kidney stones after ingesting infant formulas, manufactured in China, that may contain melamine.
  • Additional News (updated daily)

    Updated Tuesday, Friday, Sunday
    CBO Predicts Budget Deficit Will Rise In 2009
    The U.S. budget deficit will swell to record levels in 2009 as the "turbulent" economy cuts revenues and hikes government spending, a congressional report said Tuesday in an assessment that does not include the possible costs of rescuing two gigantic mortgage companies. The Congressional Budget Office's latest budget and economic forecast projected a deficit of about $407 billion this year, rising to a record $438 billion in the fiscal year that starts on Oct. 1. That would shatter the 2004 record of $413 billion and would be in contrast to the $161 billion budget shortfall last year, CBO said.

  • Click to learn more.
  • Additional News

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