New York Developmental Disabilities Planning Council
                                                             Governor David A. Paterson
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Exploring Options to Offset the Costs of Attending Conferences Regarding Developmental Disability Issues

View Conference Funding Information Sheet (PDF)

There is assistance available to help citizens pay for the cost of attending conferences regarding developmental disability issues. However, there is no one funding source or standardized application process available to get to this assistance.

The following steps are suggested if you are an individual with developmental disabilities or a family member of an individual with developmental disabilities seeking funding to attend a conference or workshop:

  1. Identify your Conference and determine the costs associated with attendance.
    You should estimate the total costs for registration fees, transportation, meals, and any special participation aids that you will require.
  2. Check with the organization that is sponsoring the Conference to see:
    If financial assistance is available and how you can apply for it.
  3. If financial assistance is not available or if you need additional funds, talk with the following local sources to see what assistance they can provide to you. Have your estimated expenses and description of the event with you.
  4. Developmental Disabilities Service Office (DDSO) in your area.

    This direct arm of the New York State Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disability (OMRDD) will make resources available from time to time to help pay for conference attendance. The telephone number for the DDSO office in your region can be found in the government pages of your telephone book or on the internet at *Opens in a New Window*

    - Disability Advocacy Organizations and Service Providers, like other disability groups may be able to provide information about stipends to help you pay for attending the conference, as well.

    As an example, your local developmental disabilities service provider, advocacy organization, or family support group may link you to financial assistance.

    - Community Service Organizations, like the Lion’s Club, the Special Education Parent Teacher Association (SEPTA), or the Kiwanis Club often support the efforts of citizens in ways that may include funding attendance at conferences.

    As an example, the Lions Club, in keeping with one of its four stated public service goals of combating disability seems amenable to providing assistance at the local level - through their Core 4 program. Other community service groups may appreciate the opportunity to be of assistance to you, as well.

    Local Universities, Colleges, and Job Assistance Centers

    These organizations may also provide financial back up to your efforts to attend a conference. Contact those departments within the organizations that seem to be logically linked to:

    • Community outreach
    • Accessibility and sharing resources within a community
    • Providing training to promote community systems change

    These organizations may support your participation as it relates to their academic goals and may be responsive financially.

    Check with the research or reference desk at your local library for information on disability organizations that might be able to provide some financial assistance.

    Foundation and grant reference materials are often available through your library and may be borrowed and taken home or studied in the library. Ask your Librarian for help.

    Internet-based material provides another source of information. When you access the Web Search function: type in “Developmental Disability” and you will find links to both Federal and State Organizations that may help.

    Choose the Link that interests you – click on it – and read about the services provided by the organization you have chosen. In most cases, these internet-based resources will tell you about the organization and what they do. The site may also offer you links to other internet locations that may interest you.

    Look for links to services in your area and note addresses and telephone numbers so that you can contact these local sources to request a grant or funding information to help you attend the conference.

  5. Information available in the following IRS bulletins may show you which of your Conference related expenses may be deductible expenses on your income tax form as another means to offset your costs:

    Federal-Income Tax Publication 502, Medical and Dental Expenses, and

    Federal IRS Publication 907, Tax Highlights for Persons with Disabilities

    Note: Conference attendees should be sure to keep careful records of transportation and registration costs incurred while attending a conference.
  6. Be sure to keep careful records and all receipts relating to your conference attendance. Your sponsor or the IRS may require this information.
  7. Don’t forget to send a thank you note to your sponsor and include a brief summary of what you’ve learned that can be used by other individuals and families seeking similar information.

For More Information Contact New York State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council.

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Copyright © 2006 NYS Developmental Disabilities Planning Council
Last Updated January 22nd, 2009