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   A graduate student doing her dissertation on waste disposal examined two
   different burial sites for low-level radioactive wastes. The first was
   a new site currently receiving waste for disposal, and the second was an
   old site currently undergoing cleanup. She was told that the levels of
   radioactivity in materials that could be disposed of at the new site are
   much greater than the goal for levels of radioactivity after cleanup at
   the old site. When she asked about this difference, she was told that
   the two sites are regulated under different laws, and the maximum
   allowable health risk to the public from disposal at the new site is at
   least 100 times greater than the risk goal for cleanup at the old site. 
   This hypothetical situation involving two radioactive waste sites
   illustrates a general problem with laws and regulations for hazardous
   substances in the environment. This problem and a possible solution are
   discussed in this article.     
   Routine exposures to radionuclides and other carcinogenic
   (cancer-causing) substances in the environment are controlled under a
   variety of laws and regulations that essentially limit health risks to
   the public. However, clear inconsistencies exist in the levels of health
   risk regarded as acceptable for two general categories of standards: 
   (1) standards that apply only to radionuclides, as developed under the
   authority of the Atomic Energy Act, and (2) standards that apply to any
   carcinogens, including radionuclides, or only to chemical carcinogens,
   as developed under the authority of other laws.    
   Standards in the first category apply to any radionuclides associated
   with the nuclear fuel cycle, such as radionuclides produced in nuclear
   power plants. Standards in the second category apply to a wide variety
   of other man-made or naturally occurring sources of exposure to
   radionuclides and chemical carcinogens. All standards for environmental
   carcinogens fall into one of these two categories. Note that the two
   categories of standards do not apply exclusively to either radionuclides
   or chemical carcinogens because radiation exposures can be regulated in
   either category, depending on their source.    
   In this article, we first discuss the inconsistency in levels of
   acceptable health risk for the two categories of standards described
   previously. This inconsistency arises from the fundamentally different
   approaches to regulation taken in the two cases.    
   We then propose a set of principles we believe would provide more
   consistent regulation of health risks to the public from exposure to any
   environmental carcinogens. Such a consistent approach would encourage
   consideration of risks from exposure to any chemical carcinogen or
   radiation source in the context of the total cancer risk from all
   sources and would ensure that cancer risks much less than the largely
   unavoidable background risks do not receive unwarranted attention.
   Ultimately, a more consistent regulatory approach should save money and
   benefit public health by ensuring that the greatest emphasis is placed
   on those exposure situations involving the most important risks.    
   Our proposal for more consistent regulation is based primarily on
   distinguishing unambiguously between unacceptable cancer risks from any
   source of exposure and risks that are trivial. Our proposal also takes
   into account such important factors as the costs and benefits of
   reducing risks, technical feasibility, and public perceptions of risk. 
   The framework for regulating routine radiation exposures of the public
   under the Atomic Energy Act is what we call a "top-down" approach. This
   approach has two components. First, a limit on radiation exposure
   corresponding to an upper bound for acceptable risk is established.
   Then, exposures are reduced below the limit by requiring all exposures
   to be "as low as reasonably achievable" (ALARA). The ALARA principle
   takes into account costs and benefits, technical feasibility, and
   societal concerns about cancer risks.    
   The top-down approach is used in radiation protection standards, which
   limit the public's total exposure to all sources of man-made
   radionuclides associated with the nuclear fuel cycle, which includes
   uranium processing and enrichment facilities, nuclear power plants, fuel
   reprocessing facilities, and radioactive waste disposal sites. The upper
   bound on acceptable risk implicit in these standards is estimated as
   follows. The current limit on radiation dose equivalent for members of
   the public is 1 millisievert (mSv), or 100 mrem, per year. The
   International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) recommends
   calculating the increased risk of developing a fatal cancer as a result
   of exposure to radiation using a risk factor of 0.05 per Sv. Thus, for
   continuous exposure over an average lifetime of 70 years, the dose limit
   corresponds to an upper bound on acceptable lifetime risk of about 4 in
   1000. In other words, if a population of 1000 individuals were exposed
   throughout their lifetimes to the maximum allowable radiation dose, 4 of
   them would be expected to die from cancer as a result of this exposure. 
   However, it is very unlikely that the lifetime risk to members of the
   public from routine exposure to all man-made radionuclides could
   approach 4 in 1000. The development of many standards that limit doses
   from particular practices or sources to levels well below 1 mSv per year
   virtually ensures that the lifetime risk from all man-made radionuclides
   will not exceed 1 in 1000. Application of the ALARA principle to each
   practice or source then leads to further reductions in risks.     
   The top-down approach also is used in other standards or guidances for
   limiting the public's exposure to radiation. These include (1) U.S.
   Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards for naturally occurring
   radionuclides in uranium and thorium mill tailings, (2) EPA guidance on
   acceptable levels of radon in homes, (3) a recommendation of the
   National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) on
   levels of external background radiation at which remedial actions should
   be undertaken, and (4) EPA guidance on appropriate responses to
   radiation accidents. In each case, the upper bound on acceptable
   lifetime risk is in the range of 1 in 1000 to 5 in 100, and the ALARA
   principle is used to reduce risks below these limits.
   The framework for regulating routine exposures of the public to chemical
   carcinogens and radiation under laws other than the Atomic Energy Act is
   what we call a "bottom-up" approach. This approach is essentially the
   opposite of the top-down approach described above.    
   In the bottom-up approach, there is no standard defining an upper bound
   on acceptable risk from all carcinogens and sources of exposure. Instead
   of limiting public exposures to all sources, standards have been
   developed only for specific exposure situations. For each exposure
   situation, a lower bound on acceptable risk is established as a goal,
   but this goal may be increased, based primarily on cost and technical
   The bottom-up approach was first used in the Delaney Clause of the
   Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act Food Additives Amendment of 1958.
   This law calls for zero risk to the public from carcinogenic food
   additives, such as pesticides. However, because zero risk cannot be
   achieved at any cost, the EPA usually has permitted carcinogenic food
   additives if the lifetime risk is less than 1 in a million--that is, no
   more than 1 in a million individuals consuming such food additives over
   their lifetimes would be expected to die of cancer resulting from
   exposure to these chemicals.     
   The bottom-up approach next was used in EPA standards for radionuclides
   and chemical carcinogens in drinking water developed under the authority
   of the Safe Drinking Water Act. These standards specify zero risk from
   carcinogens in drinking water as a nonenforceable health goal. However,
   because this goal also cannot be achieved at any cost, the standards
   then establish legally enforceable limits that must be set as close to
   zero risk as possible, taking into account cost and technical
   feasibility. Current EPA standards for radionuclides and chemical
   carcinogens, which are regulated individually, correspond to upper
   bounds on lifetime risk in the range of 1 in 10,000 to 1 in a million. 
   This approach of defining a range of acceptable risk at these levels has
   since been used in two other sets of standards. First, EPA standards for
   airborne emissions developed under the authority of the Clean Air Act
   include standards for individual carcinogens that are based on lifetime
   risks that would not exceed 1 in 10,000 for members of the public
   receiving the highest exposures and 1 in a million for the greatest
   number of persons in exposed populations.    
   Second, EPA standards for cleanup of hazardous substances at Superfund
   sites developed under the authority of the Comprehensive Environmental
   Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) specify that
   remediation goals shall consider, among many factors, an upper bound on
   lifetime cancer risk in the range of 1 in 10,000 to 1 in a million. In
   contrast to the other standards that use the bottom-up approach, the
   goal for an upper bound on lifetime risk in this case applies to the
   total risk from all carcinogens.
   The top-down approach used in regulating exposures to radionuclides
   under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act clearly is fundamentally
   different from the bottom-up approach used in regulating exposures to
   radionuclides and chemical carcinogens under other laws. As a result,
   the upper bounds on risks to the public regarded as "acceptable" in the
   two cases are clearly inconsistent--upper-bound lifetime risks range
   from about 1 in 10 to 1 in 1000 in the former case but from about 1 in
   10,000 to 1 in a million in the latter.    
   This inconsistency is particularly apparent in the case of disposal of
   low-level radioactive waste. Currently, acceptable waste disposals under
   the authority of the Atomic Energy Act present a maximum lifetime risk
   to hypothetical individuals who inadvertently intrude into disposal
   facilities of about 1 in 100. However, standards governing cleanup of
   old waste disposal sites under CERCLA include, as a goal, an upper bound
   on lifetime risk to inadvertent intruders of between 1 in 10,000 and 1
   in a million. This considerable difference in acceptable risks for
   virtually identical practices seems quite illogical.    
   We believe that the fundamental inconsistency in current approaches to
   regulating exposures of the public to radionuclides and chemical
   carcinogens can be reconciled and that a reasonable basis for more
   consistent regulation of health risks from exposure to all environmental
   carcinogens can be developed. Our proposed regulatory framework, shown
   in the figure on p. 25, contains three basic elements:
        (1) a de manifestis lifetime risk in the range 1 in 10 to 1 in
            1000, which would define an upper bound on acceptable risk from
            all carcinogens and sources of exposure and above which
            regulatory action to reduce risk would be taken regardless of
        (2) a de minimis lifetime risk in the range 1 in 10,000 to 1 in a
            million, which would define risks from any carcinogens and
            sources of exposure that are so trivial that regulatory action
            to reduce risk is not warranted; and
        (3) reduction of risks based on application of the ALARA principle
            for lifetime risks above de minimis levels.     
   The key to our proposal is to recognize that the lifetime risks of 1 in
   10,000 to 1 in a million embodied in many standards developed using the
   bottom-up approach, in fact, define de minimis (trivial) rather than de
   manifestis (mandatory action) levels. In particular, such low risks are
   not analogous to the upper bound on acceptable risk implicit in
   radiation protection standards, which are based on the top-down
   We would also emphasize that achieving a de minimis risk is not the goal
   of ALARA, because the ALARA principle implies a process to be applied to
   each exposure situation, not a generally applicable and predetermined
   result. It could be reasonable in many situations--for example, after
   consideration of costs and benefits--to decide not to reduce risks by
   regulatory action at levels well above the proposed de minimis values. 
   The proposed de manifestis and de minimis risks are given as ranges
   rather than single values. This approach would permit taking into
   account the size of an exposed population. That is, the higher values
   could be used when only a few individuals are at risk, but the lower
   values could be used for large populations. The use of ranges also would
   permit considerable flexibility in accommodating the kinds of subjective
   societal judgments involved in applying the ALARA principle to
   particular exposure situations. Thus, absolute uniformity of regulatory
   decisions for limiting cancer risks to the public would not be required. 
   The interpretation of lifetime risks of 1 in 10,000 to 1 in a million as
   de minimis, which is a key element of our proposal, is clearly supported
   by an analysis of EPA regulatory decisions for chemical carcinogens
   before the mid-1980s. This analysis was performed by a group headed by
   Curtis Travis of ORNL's Center for Risk Management and Richard Wilson of
   Harvard University. As shown in the figure on the facing page, the EPA
   always declined to reduce risk by regulatory action when the risk to a
   few individuals was below 1 in 10,000 or the average risk in large
   populations was below 1 in a million. This is the meaning of de minimis,
   and the EPA decision in each case is consistent with our proposed de
   minimis levels.    
   This analysis also indicates a consistency with the other elements of
   our proposed regulatory framework. First, the EPA always decided to
   reduce risk by regulatory action when the lifetime risk was above 1 in
   100 to 1 in 1000, which is consistent with our proposed de manifestis
   risk. Second, the EPA took regulatory action in 50% of the cases when
   the lifetime risk was between the de manifestis and de minimis levels,
   primarily on the basis of expected costs and benefits. This approach is
   consistent with our proposed use of the ALARA principle.    
   Although the EPA regulatory decisions summarized in this figure are
   consistent with our proposed regulatory framework, these decisions were
   made on a case-by-case basis rather than within the context of an
   explicit regulatory framework for all carcinogens and exposure
   situations. In contrast to the ad hoc approach previously used by the
   EPA, we are advocating that all elements of our proposed framework be
   adopted as an explicit set of principles for regulating risks to the
   public from all exposures to any carcinogens.    
   In our discussions of the top-down and bottom-up regulatory approaches,
   we indicated that our proposed regulatory framework is consistent with
   many standards and guidances for both routine and accidental exposures
   to radionuclides and chemical carcinogens. Our proposed framework also
   is consistent with exemption (de minimis) levels of radiation exposure
   recommended, for example, by the NCRP, which correspond to a lifetime
   risk of about 1 in 10,000, and the current action level for
   polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in fish, which corresponds to a risk of
   1 in 1000.    
   Therefore, our proposed regulatory framework is consistent with
   virtually all current regulatory policies for limiting routine and
   accidental exposures of the public to radionuclides and chemical
   carcinogens. Again, however, a consistent regulatory framework for all
   carcinogens is achieved only if lifetime risks in the range of between
   1 in 10,000 and 1 in a million embodied in many standards developed
   using the bottom-up approach are interpreted as de minimis.
   Our proposed regulatory framework for limiting risks to the public from
   all carcinogens and sources of exposure is useful for risk management
   but is not concerned with estimation of risks for any exposure
   situation. However, we believe that certain important differences in
   risk estimation procedures for radionuclides and chemical carcinogens
   should be reconciled in implementing our proposed regulatory framework. 
   The first is an inconsistency in the risk factors that convert exposure
   (or dose) to risk. Risk factors for radiation exposure, such as those
   recommended by the ICRP, are intended to be best estimates (mean
   values). For chemical carcinogens, however, risk factors developed by
   the EPA are intended to be upper-bound estimates (95% confidence limits)
   and, thus, provide more conservative estimates of risk. In addition,
   radiation risk factors take into account cancer risks for all organs of
   the body, but risk factors for chemical carcinogens usually consider
   only one organ at risk and, thus, ignore risks to other organs.    
   Second, the primary measure of risk from radiation exposure is fatal
   cancers, but the EPA uses cancer incidence as the measure of risk for
   chemical carcinogens. For organs in which most cancers are curable, such
   as the thyroid gland or skin, risk estimates based on cancer incidence
   can be a factor of 10 or more higher than estimates based on fatal
   cancers. Radiation risk factors that take into account nonfatal as well
   as fatal cancers have been introduced by the ICRP, and similar risk
   factors could be developed for chemical carcinogens.     
   Finally, in assessing radiation exposures, the intent usually has been
   to provide best estimates of dose using reasonable assumptions for
   likely exposure scenarios. However, risk assessment procedures
   prescribed by the EPA for use at Superfund sites, for example, often
   emphasize unreasonably pessimistic assumptions. Thus, the resulting risk
   estimates may greatly exceed values that reasonably could be
   We believe that more consistent regulation of risks to the public from
   exposure to radionuclides and chemical carcinogens along the lines
   proposed here would have two obvious benefits. First, it would encourage
   consideration of risks from any carcinogen and source of exposure in the
   context of the total cancer risk from all sources. In the past, the EPA
   has undertaken regulatory actions in a rather piecemeal fashion,
   particularly for chemical carcinogens, primarily because of inconsistent
   requirements in the many laws under which the EPA operates.    
   Second, the proposed range of de manifestis risks is consistent with
   lifetime risks from naturally occurring carcinogens. Natural background
   risks average about 1 in 100 for radionuclides and at least 1 in 100 for
   chemical carcinogens. Therefore, the proposed range of de minimis risks
   would ensure that cancer risks much less than the largely unavoidable
   background risks do not receive unwarranted attention.    
   Can we hope that a more consistent regulatory framework for all
   environmental carcinogens eventually will be implemented by the EPA? Two
   encouraging developments suggest that the inconsistency between the
   top-down and bottom-up regulatory approaches and the need to reconcile
   them have been recognized. First, the EPA office that administers the
   Superfund program recently indicated that site remediation need not be
   undertaken if the maximum lifetime risk to individuals is below 1 in
   10,000 and that higher risks would be acceptable when risk reduction is
   not feasible. Such a policy should help overcome the widely held and
   unreasonable view that risks above 1 in 10,000 are unacceptable (i.e.,
   Second, the Radiation Advisory Committee of the EPA's Science Advisory
   Board recently addressed former EPA Administrator William Reilly on the
   need to reconcile the inconsistent approaches to risk reduction
   currently used for radionuclides and chemical carcinogens. The
   committee's primary concern was the evident inconsistency between
   established guidance on acceptable levels of radon in homes, which
   corresponds to a lifetime risk greater than 1 in 100, and a proposed
   standard for radon in drinking water, which corresponds to a risk at
   least a factor of 100 lower. However, the committee also urged Reilly to
   consider more consistent approaches to regulating risks from all
   environmental carcinogens.    
   The use of inconsistent regulatory policies for environmental
   carcinogens could unnecessarily increase the cost of complying with
   regulations, particularly for cleaning up hazardous waste sites under
   the Superfund program. Thus, the public clearly has an important stake
   in efforts to promote more consistent regulation of environmental
   carcinogens to ensure that money is spent wisely to reduce health
   risks.Biographical SketchesDavid C. Kocher has served as an
   environmental health physicist in ORNL's Health and Safety Research
   Division since 1976. He is also a faculty affiliate in the Department of
   Radiological Health Sciences at Colorado State University and a frequent
   lecturer on environmental dose assessments and radioactive waste
   disposal. He received his Ph.D. degree in experimental nuclear physics
   from the University of Wisconsin. Following a postdoctoral appointment
   at the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom, he joined ORNL's
   Physics Division in 1971. In his health physics research at ORNL, he has
   developed models for estimating radiation doses to the public from
   radionuclides in the environment and has been concerned with the
   scientific basis for environmental regulations. F. Owen Hoffman, former
   ORNL ecologist, was recently named president and director of SENES Oak
   Ridge, Inc., Center for Risk Analysis. After employment with the U.S.
   National Park Service and the Institute for Reactor Safety in Cologne,
   Germany, he worked for ORNL's Health and Safety Research Division and
   then the Environmental Sciences Division from 1976 to 1992. He serves as
   chief scientist to the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna on
   the validation and evaluation of radiological assessment models. He has
   visited the former Soviet Union to participate in a joint investigation
   of the environmental behavior of radionuclides from the Chernobyl
   accident. Recently, he was appointed by the governor of Colorado to
   serve on the Colorado Department of Health's Advisory Panel for the
   assessment of contaminants at Rocky Flats; by Louis Sullivan, then
   secretary of the U.S. Department of Human and Health Services, to serve
   on the Centers for Disease Control advisory panel studying deaths from
   thyroid disease near Hanford, Washington; and by the Tennessee
   Department of Health to serve on the Health Advisory Steering Panel on
   radiation dose reconstruction for the Oak Ridge Reservation. 
   David C. Kocher and F. Owen Hoffman
   (keywords: carcinogens, wastemanagement, environmental regulation))
   Please send inquiries or comments about this gopher to the mail address:
   Date Posted:  1/11/94  (ktb)