Security Levels


  National Threat Level: Elevated

Units within Group Humboldt Bay

Air Station Humboldt Bay PatchCoast Guard Air Station Humboldt Bay: Co-located with the Group, Air Station Humboldt Bay. The primary mission is search and rescue, and most cases are dramatic and lifesaving in nature due to the rough seas and generally poor weather conditions prevalent on the northern California coast. The Air Station also provides MEDEVAC support for injured personnel in the mountains surrounding the Group area. Secondary missions include aerial support for aids to navigation, law enforcement, and marine environmental protection.

Coast Guard Cutter Barracuda: CGC BARRACUDA is an 87-foot "Predator class" patrol boat with the primary missions of search and rescue and law enforcement. BARRACUDA operates in the Group Humboldt Bay area of responsibility and deploys to other areas in the Pacific for specialized patrols.

Coast Guard Cutter Dorado: CGC DORADO is an 87-foot "Predator class" patrol boat with the primary missions of search and rescue and law enforcement. DORADO also operates in the Group Humboldt Bay area of responsibility and deploys to other areas in the Pacific for specialized patrols. The DORADO is home ported in Crescent City and is the northern most unit of the Group.

Coast Guard Station Humboldt Bay: The primary mission of Station Humboldt Bay is search and rescue with additional responsibilities in law enforcement and boating safety. The Station answers over 150 assistance cases yearly in its area of responsibility, which spans over 50 miles of coastline and Humboldt Bay. The Station is located on the ocean side of Humboldt Bay directly west of Eureka.

Coast Guard Station Noyo River: The primary mission of the Station Noyo River is search and rescue with additional responsibilities in law enforcement. The station is located at the Noyo River basin in Fort Bragg, approximately 100 miles south of Eureka.

Coast Guard Aids to Navigation Team Humboldt Bay: The primary mission of Aids to Navigation Team Humboldt Bay is to service and maintain all Aids to Navigation in Group Humboldt Bay's area of responsibility. These Navigation Aids consist of six major sea coast lights, including three historic lighthouses, forty primary assigned lights, five sets of range lights and three private lights. ANT Humboldt Bay is also a secondary response unit for 36 sea buoys assigned to USCGC Aspen. ANT Humboldt Bay is co-located in Samoa, CA with Station Humboldt Bay.
Last Modified 8/26/2008