National Cancer InstituteNational Institutes of Health
Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant
Thyroid cancer detected during first screening. Tronko MD et al., JNCI 98: 896-903 [More...]
The Chernobyl Disaster. Hatch M et al., Epidmiol Rev. [More...]
Ihor Masnyk. “Twenty years after Chernobyl accident”, invited talk in Kiev, Ukraine. April 24-26, 2006. [More...]
On April 26, 1986 an accident occurred at the Chornobyl* nuclear power plant in northern Ukraine. In addition to 28 near-term deaths due to radiation, the accident resulted in the exposure of 5 million people in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine to fallout from the accident, principally radioiodines. This exposure has led to substantial epidemiological research, especially among clean up workers and children. Over the past 20 years, the governments of Ukraine, Belarus and the United States**, and research partners, have been conducting such research. Explore this site further to read about our radiation epidemiology and dosimetry studies, find out what is known, and learn what we are still studying.

* This site uses the Ukrainian spelling 'Chornobyl' rather than the Russian spelling 'Chernobyl' unless quoting the name of a study or conference
** Radiation Epidemiology Branch, Division of Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services.
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