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Indiana 2005-2010


Results Summary
Result value
Total species * 184 
Species confirmed 150 
Avg. species per block 27 
Total sightings 30874  
Total Blocks 4095  
Blocks w/ field cards 395 
Blocks with records 926 
Participants 160 
Field hours reported 7338 
Project status: Project in progress, field season: distributed data entry/editing allowed.
All results DRAFT until final review / publication.
last updated: Mon, Sep 22 08 at 04:03 AM (19 hrs ago).
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U.S. Department of the Interior || U.S. Geological Survey || Patuxent Wildlife Research Center  Laurel, MD, USA 20708-4038
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Information contained in this application does not necessarily have the endorsement of USGS.

Last updated: Tools - February 2008; Content - various, depending on atlas.
Page generated on: 22-Sep-2008