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Vermont 2003-2007 (data entry closed)

Species Info

Species Information

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Species Alpha Code* Safe date start** Safe date end Habitat
FAMILY: Anatidae (Ducks, Geese, and Swans)
  Snow Goose  SNGO6 / 20 8 / 1 
  Canada Goose  CANG5 / 1 8 / 1 
  Mute Swan  MUSW5 / 1 8 / 1 
  Wood Duck  WODU5 / 1 8 / 5 
  Gadwall  GADW5 / 15 8 / 5 
  American Wigeon  AMWI5 / 15 8 / 10 
  American Black Duck  ABDU5 / 1 8 / 5 
  Mallard  MALL5 / 1 8 / 5 
  Blue-winged Teal  BWTE5 / 10 8 / 5 
  Northern Shoveler  NSHO5 / 25 8 / 5 
  Northern Pintail  NOPI5 / 15 8 / 5 
  Green-winged Teal  AGWT5 / 25 8 / 5 
  Ring-necked Duck  RNDU5 / 25 8 / 5 
  Lesser Scaup  LESC5 / 15 8 / 15 
  Bufflehead  BUFF6 / 1 8 / 15 
  Common Goldeneye  COGO5 / 1 8 / 5 
  Hooded Merganser  HOME5 / 1 8 / 5 
  Common Merganser  COME5 / 10 8 / 5 
  Red-breasted Merganser  RBME6 / 1 8 / 5 
FAMILY: Phasianidae (Partidges, Grouse, Turkey, and Old World Quail)
  Gray Partridge  GRAP4 / 15 9 / 1 
  Ring-necked Pheasant  RNEP5 / 1 8 / 15 
  Ruffed Grouse  RUGR4 / 15 8 / 1 
  Spruce Grouse  SPGR4 / 25 9 / 1 
  Wild Turkey  WITU5 / 1 8 / 1 
FAMILY: Odontophoridae (New World Quails)
  Northern Bobwhite  NOBO4 / 30 9 / 15 
FAMILY: Gaviidae (Loons)
  Common Loon  COLO6 / 1 8 / 15 
FAMILY: Podicipedidae (Grebes)
  Pied-billed Grebe  PBGR5 / 10 8 / 1 
FAMILY: Phalacrocoracidae (Cormorants)
  Double-crested Cormorant  DCCO5 / 10 8 / 5 
FAMILY: Ardeidae (Herons, Bitterns, and allies)
  American Bittern  AMBI5 / 15 8 / 1 
  Least Bittern  LEBI5 / 25 8 / 1 
  Great Blue Heron  GBHE5 / 1 7 / 15 
  Great Egret  GREG5 / 25 7 / 10 
  Snowy Egret  SNEG5 / 25 7 / 15 
  Cattle Egret  CAEG5 / 10 7 / 15 
  Green Heron  GRHE5 / 10 8 / 1 
  Black-crowned Night-Heron  BCNH5 / 5 7 / 15 
FAMILY: Cathartidae (New World Vultures)
  Black Vulture  BLVU5 / 5 7 / 25 
  Turkey Vulture  TUVU5 / 10 8 / 15 
FAMILY: Accipitridae (Hawks, Kites, Eagles, and Allies)
  Osprey  OSPR5 / 10 8 / 15 
  Bald Eagle  BAEA4 / 25 8 / 5 
  Northern Harrier  NOHA5 / 10 8 / 20 
  Sharp-shinned Hawk  SSHA5 / 10 8 / 1 
  Cooper's Hawk  COHA5 / 5 8 / 1 
  Northern Goshawk  NOGO4 / 10 8 / 15 
  Red-shouldered Hawk  RSHA5 / 15 7 / 15 
  Broad-winged Hawk  BWHA5 / 15 7 / 25 
  Red-tailed Hawk  RTHA5 / 5 8 / 1 
FAMILY: Falconidae (Falcons and Caracaras)
  American Kestrel  AMKE5 / 10 7 / 20 
  Merlin  MERL5 / 10 7 / 20 
  Peregrine Falcon  PEFA5 / 1 7 / 20 
FAMILY: Rallidae (Rails, Gallinules, and Coots)
  Virginia Rail  VIRA5 / 15 8 / 1 
  Sora  SORA5 / 15 7 / 25 
  Common Moorhen  COMO5 / 25 8 / 25 
  American Coot  AMCO6 / 1 8 / 25 
FAMILY: Gruidae (Cranes)
  Sandhill Crane  SACR5 / 25 7 / 25 
FAMILY: Charadriidae (Lapwings and Plovers)
  Killdeer  KILL4 / 20 7 / 1 
FAMILY: Scolopacidae (Sandpipers, Phalaropes, and Allies)
  Solitary Sandpiper  SOSA6 / 5 6 / 25 
  Spotted Sandpiper  SPSA6 / 5 7 / 5 
  Upland Sandpiper  UPSA5 / 20 7 / 15 
  Wilson's Snipe  WISN5 / 20 7 / 15 
  American Woodcock  AMWO4 / 15 7 / 15 
FAMILY: Laridae (Gulls, Terns, and Skimmers)
  Bonaparte's Gull  BOGU6 / 1 7 / 10 
  Ring-billed Gull  RBGU5 / 1 8 / 1 
  Herring Gull  HERG5 / 1 8 / 1 
  Great Black-backed Gull  GBBG6 / 1 8 / 1 
  Caspian Tern  CATE6 / 1 7 / 25 
  Common Tern  COTE6 / 1 8 / 5 
  Black Tern  BLTE5 / 25 8 / 1 
FAMILY: Columbidae (Pigeons and Doves)
  Rock Pigeon  ROPI3 / 1 11 / 1 
  Mourning Dove  MODO4 / 1 8 / 15 
FAMILY: Cuculidae (Cuckoos, Roadrunners, and Anis)
  Black-billed Cuckoo  BBCU6 / 5 8 / 15 
  Yellow-billed Cuckoo  YBCU6 / 5 8 / 15 
FAMILY: Tytonidae (Barn Owls)
  Barn Owl  BANO4 / 1 8 / 1 
FAMILY: Strigidae (Typical Owls)
  Eastern Screech-Owl  EASO4 / 1 8 / 1 
  Great Horned Owl  GHOW2 / 1 7 / 1 
  Barred Owl  BADO3 / 15 7 / 15 
  Long-eared Owl  LEOW4 / 1 8 / 1 
  Short-eared Owl  SEOW4 / 15 7 / 15 
  Northern Saw-whet Owl  NSWO4 / 1 8 / 15 
FAMILY: Caprimulgidae (Nighthawks and Allies)
  Common Nighthawk  CONI6 / 1 8 / 10 
  Whip-poor-will  WPWI5 / 25 7 / 15 
FAMILY: Apodidae (Swifts)
  Chimney Swift  CHSW5 / 25 8 / 15 
FAMILY: Trochilidae (Hummingbirds)
  Ruby-throated Hummingbird  RTHU6 / 1 8 / 1 
FAMILY: Alcedinidae (Kingfishers)
  Belted Kingfisher  BEKI5 / 1 8 / 10 
FAMILY: Picidae (Woodpeckers and Allies)
  Red-headed Woodpecker  RHWO5 / 20 8 / 25 
  Red-bellied Woodpecker  RBWO5 / 20 8 / 15 
  Yellow-bellied Sapsucker  YBSA5 / 20 8 / 1 
  Downy Woodpecker  DOWO5 / 10 7 / 25 
  Hairy Woodpecker  HAWO4 / 25 7 / 20 
  American Three-toed Woodpecker  ATTW5 / 15 7 / 25 
  Black-backed Woodpecker  BBWO5 / 15 7 / 25 
  Yellow-shafted Flicker  YSFL5 / 25 7 / 25 
  Pileated Woodpecker  PIWO4 / 25 7 / 20 
FAMILY: Tyrannidae (Tyrant Flycatchers)
  Olive-sided Flycatcher  OSFL6 / 5 8 / 1 
  Eastern Wood-Pewee  EAWP6 / 5 8 / 1 
  Yellow-bellied Flycatcher  YBFL6 / 10 8 / 1 
  Alder Flycatcher  ALFL6 / 5 8 / 1 
  Willow Flycatcher  WIFL6 / 5 8 / 1 
  Least Flycatcher  LEFL5 / 25 8 / 5 
  Eastern Phoebe  EAPH5 / 1 8 / 15 
  Great Crested Flycatcher  GCFL5 / 25 8 / 1 
  Eastern Kingbird  EAKI5 / 25 7 / 25 
FAMILY: Laniidae (Shrikes)
  Loggerhead Shrike  LOSH4 / 25 8 / 1 
FAMILY: Vireonidae (Vireos)
  Yellow-throated Vireo  YTVI5 / 20 8 / 10 
  Blue-headed Vireo  BHVI5 / 20 8 / 10 
  Warbling Vireo  WAVI5 / 25 8 / 10 
  Philadelphia Vireo  PHVI6 / 1 8 / 10 
  Red-eyed Vireo  REVI6 / 1 8 / 10 
FAMILY: Corvidae (Crows and Jays)
  Gray Jay  GRAJ3 / 10 7 / 1 
  Blue Jay  BLJA4 / 15 8 / 15 
  American Crow  AMCR3 / 25 7 / 15 
  Fish Crow  FICR5 / 1 7 / 15 
  Common Raven  CORA3 / 20 7 / 20 
FAMILY: Alaudidae (Larks)
  Horned Lark  HOLA4 / 25 8 / 1 
FAMILY: Hirundinidae (Swallows)
  Purple Martin  PUMA5 / 25 7 / 1 
  Tree Swallow  TRES5 / 15 7 / 1 
  Northern Rough-winged Swallow  NRWS5 / 20 7 / 1 
  Bank Swallow  BANS5 / 25 7 / 1 
  Cliff Swallow  CLSW5 / 25 7 / 1 
  Barn Swallow  BARS5 / 25 7 / 1 
FAMILY: Paridae (Chickadees and Titmice)
  Black-capped Chickadee  BCCH4 / 1 8 / 15 
  Boreal Chickadee  BOCH5 / 5 8 / 5 
  Tufted Titmouse  TUTI4 / 5 8 / 1 
FAMILY: Sittidae (Nuthatches)
  Red-breasted Nuthatch  RBNU5 / 15 8 / 10 
  White-breasted Nuthatch  WBNU4 / 25 8 / 10 
FAMILY: Certhiidae (Creepers)
  Brown Creeper  BRCR5 / 20 8 / 1 
FAMILY: Troglodytidae (Wrens)
  Carolina Wren  CARW4 / 1 8 / 15 
  House Wren  HOWR5 / 20 8 / 15 
  Winter Wren  WIWR5 / 20 8 / 5 
  Sedge Wren  SEWR6 / 1 8 / 1 
  Marsh Wren  MAWR5 / 25 8 / 15 
FAMILY: Regulidae (Kinglets)
  Golden-crowned Kinglet  GCKI5 / 25 8 / 1 
  Ruby-crowned Kinglet  RCKI5 / 20 8 / 1 
FAMILY: Sylviidae (Gnatcatchers and Old World Warblers)
  Blue-gray Gnatcatcher  BGGN5 / 20 8 / 1 
FAMILY: Turdidae (Thrushes)
  Eastern Bluebird  EABL5 / 5 8 / 15 
  Veery  VEER6 / 1 8 / 10 
  Bicknell's Thrush  BITH6 / 5 8 / 10 
  Swainson's Thrush  SWTH6 / 1 8 / 10 
  Hermit Thrush  HETH5 / 10 9 / 10 
  Wood Thrush  WOTH5 / 25 8 / 10 
  American Robin  AMRO5 / 1 9 / 5 
FAMILY: Mimidae (Mockingbirds and Thrashers)
  Gray Catbird  GRCA5 / 20 8 / 15 
  Northern Mockingbird  NOMO5 / 5 8 / 15 
  Brown Thrasher  BRTH5 / 15 8 / 10 
FAMILY: Sturnidae (Starlings)
  European Starling  EUST4 / 15 8 / 15 
FAMILY: Bombycillidae (Waxwings and Allies)
  Cedar Waxwing  CEDW6 / 10 8 / 15 
FAMILY: Parulidae (Wood-warblers)
  Blue-winged Warbler  BWWA5 / 20 8 / 1 
  Golden-winged Warbler  GWWA5 / 20 8 / 1 
  Brewster's Warbler  BRWA5 / 20 8 / 1 
  Lawrence's Warbler  LAWA5 / 20 8 / 1 
  Tennessee Warbler  TEWA6 / 1 8 / 5 
  Nashville Warbler  NAWA5 / 25 8 / 15 
  Northern Parula  NOPA6 / 1 8 / 10 
  Yellow Warbler  YWAR5 / 25 8 / 1 
  Chestnut-sided Warbler  CSWA5 / 25 8 / 1 
  Magnolia Warbler  MAWA6 / 5 8 / 10 
  Cape May Warbler  CMWA6 / 5 8 / 5 
  Black-throated Blue Warbler  BTBW6 / 1 8 / 10 
  Yellow-rumped Warbler  YRWA6 / 1 8 / 10 
  Black-throated Green Warbler  BTNW6 / 1 8 / 5 
  Blackburnian Warbler  BLBW6 / 1 8 / 5 
  Pine Warbler  PIWA5 / 10 8 / 5 
  Prairie Warbler  PRAW6 / 1 8 / 1 
  Palm Warbler  PAWA5 / 15 8 / 15 
  Bay-breasted Warbler  BBWA6 / 5 8 / 5 
  Blackpoll Warbler  BLPW6 / 5 8 / 10 
  Cerulean Warbler  CERW6 / 1 8 / 1 
  Black-and-white Warbler  BAWW5 / 20 8 / 1 
  American Redstart  AMRE6 / 1 8 / 1 
  Ovenbird  OVEN5 / 20 8 / 5 
  Northern Waterthrush  NOWA5 / 20 7 / 25 
  Louisiana Waterthrush  LOWA5 / 10 7 / 20 
  Mourning Warbler  MOWA6 / 5 8 / 10 
  Common Yellowthroat  COYE6 / 1 8 / 10 
  Wilson's Warbler  WIWA6 / 1 8 / 10 
  Canada Warbler  CAWA6 / 5 8 / 1 
  Yellow-breasted Chat  YBCH6 / 1 8 / 5 
FAMILY: Thraupidae (Tanagers)
  Scarlet Tanager  SCTA5 / 25 8 / 10 
FAMILY: Emberizidae (Emberizids)
  Eastern Towhee  EATO5 / 20 8 / 10 
  Chipping Sparrow  CHSP5 / 15 8 / 15 
  Clay-colored Sparrow  CCSP6 / 1 8 / 1 
  Field Sparrow  FISP5 / 15 8 / 5 
  Vesper Sparrow  VESP5 / 10 8 / 5 
  Savannah Sparrow  SAVS5 / 10 8 / 1 
  Grasshopper Sparrow  GRSP5 / 25 8 / 10 
  Henslow's Sparrow  HESP5 / 20 8 / 1 
  Song Sparrow  SOSP5 / 1 8 / 10 
  Lincoln's Sparrow  LISP5 / 25 8 / 1 
  Swamp Sparrow  SWSP5 / 20 8 / 5 
  White-throated Sparrow  WTSP5 / 25 8 / 20 
  Slate-colored Junco  SCJU5 / 10 9 / 5 
FAMILY: Cardinalidae (Cardinals, Saltators, and Allies)
  Northern Cardinal  NOCA5 / 1 8 / 20 
  Rose-breasted Grosbeak  RBGR6 / 1 8 / 5 
  Indigo Bunting  INBU6 / 5 8 / 10 
  Dickcissel  DICK6 / 1 8 / 1 
FAMILY: Icteridae (Blackbirds and Orioles)
  Bobolink  BOBO6 / 1 7 / 15 
  Red-winged Blackbird  RWBL5 / 10 7 / 15 
  Eastern Meadowlark  EAME5 / 5 7 / 25 
  Rusty Blackbird  RUBL5 / 10 7 / 25 
  Common Grackle  COGR5 / 15 7 / 10 
  Brown-headed Cowbird  BHCO5 / 1 7 / 15 
  Orchard Oriole  OROR5 / 25 7 / 15 
  Baltimore Oriole  BAOR5 / 25 8 / 1 
FAMILY: Fringillidae (Fringilline and Cardueline Finches)
  Purple Finch  PUFI5 / 25 8 / 10 
  House Finch  HOFI5 / 25 7 / 15 
  Red Crossbill  RECR6 / 1 7 / 15 
  White-winged Crossbill  WWCR6 / 1 7 / 20 
  Pine Siskin  PISI6 / 1 7 / 15 
  American Goldfinch  AMGO6 / 25 8 / 1 
  Evening Grosbeak  EVGR5 / 25 8 / 15 
FAMILY: Passeridae (Old World Sparrows)
  House Sparrow  HOSP4 / 10 8 / 15 
* Alpha Codes are also known as 'banding codes' (not AOU codes, which are numeric)
** Safe dates represent a window when a singing male is assumed not to be in migration, and therefore on territory. Some atlases do not use safe dates, because they prefer (given present knowledge) not to assume migration or territorial status of all individuals. Safe dates generally apply to the Possible breeding category only when used.
Back to: Vermont 2003-2007 (data entry closed)
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U.S. Department of the Interior || U.S. Geological Survey || Patuxent Wildlife Research Center  Laurel, MD, USA 20708-4038
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Last updated: Tools - February 2008; Content - various, depending on atlas.
Page generated on: 22-Sep-2008