Lovington Grade School, Lovington, IL, USA

15 June 1998

GLOBE was well-represented at a special event highlighting student use of technology at the Illinois State Capitol building in Springfield on April 24. GLOBE fifth graders Andrea Thomas and Chris Cox from Lovington Grade School, accompanied their principal, Rosemary Brown, and GLOBE teacher, Susan Foster, to Springfield to demonstrate the GLOBE Student Data Server to members of the Illinois legislature and visitors to the state capitol.

"I think GLOBE fulfilled my dreams of interacting and learning more about mother earth and her environment," Chris said. Chris and Andrea were featured in several newspaper articles and on a nightly television program as they represented their classroom at the AT&T sponsored event.

Recently, the GLOBE students at Lovington have been monitoring the heavy rainfall in Illinois. "With all the rain we have had, the students get very interested in doing the water measurements each week to see if the pH has changed due to the wash of chemicals out of the fields," reports Ms. Foster. "Last week the water was so high samples had to be taken from the bridge," she said. Click here to see Lovington students using a GPS receiver and U-tube thermometer.

Congratulations to Lovington Grade School for being selected to participate in this exciting demonstration of GLOBE.

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