Senator Kent Conrad | North Dakota
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Kent Conrad

Press Room

Press Releases

March 12, 2008

Statement from Senator Kent Conrad on the Extension of the Farm Bill

Washington – Senator Kent Conrad released the following statement today regarding the extension of the 2002 Farm Bill until April 18 to allow negotiations on a new bill to continue.

“We’re in the 11th hour of negotiations on the next Farm Bill. We’ve made great progress but continue to face opposition from the White House. The President is threatening to veto this Farm Bill because, he says, it invests too much money in rural America. Nothing could be further from the truth.

“This Farm Bill is the single most important piece of legislation we could pass to invigorate America’s heartland – perhaps our best form of economic stimulus. My goal is to complete this bill as soon as possible.”

The Senate extension pushed the expiration of current farm bill from March 15 to April 18.

Senator Conrad is a senior member of the Senate Agriculture Committee.