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Content Metadata Standards for Marine Science: A Case Study

USGS Open-File Report 2004-1002

by Rebecca L. Riall, Fausto Marincioni, and Frances L. Lightsom

Figure 5. Map view and named locations are two ways the MRIB interface provides the spatial context of information resources.
Figure 5. Map view and named locations are two ways the MRIB
interface provides the spatial context of information
resources. Click on figure for larger image.


The U.S. Geological Survey developed a content metadata standard to meet the demands of organizing electronic resources in the marine sciences for a broad, heterogeneous audience. These metadata standards are used by the Marine Realms Information Bank project, a Web-based public distributed library of marine science from academic institutions and government agencies. The development and deployment of this metadata standard serve as a model, complete with lessons about mistakes, for the creation of similarly specialized metadata standards for digital libraries.

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