FDA Logo U.S. Food and Drug Administration Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
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US Food & Drug Administration / Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition / November 10, 2004; Updated October 2007

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HACCP Validation Checklist


HACCP Validation Checklist


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Validation Type (check one):

Topic Yes No If "Yes," Describe Food Safety Implication? Are modifications to the HACCP system required?

1. Evaluate product & process

Product description changed, e.g., intended use, consumer?          
Formula changed?          
Ingredients / Packaging changed?          
Any new product consumption or storage methods?          
Any new suppliers?          
Process flow changed?          
Equipment / computer software changed?          
Finished Product Distribution changed?          
Other, e.g., production volume increased:          

2. Evaluate product / process history

Repeat CCP deviations?          
Any recent industry recalls of similar product since the last annual validation?          
New or emerging hazards, e.g., recent CDC Morbidity & Mortality problems identified with product?          
Regulatory Agency recommendations, e.g., guidance documents, regulations?          
Any confirmed food safety consumer complaints?          


Topic Yes No If "No," Describe Food Safety Implication? Are modifications to the HACCP system required?

3. Evaluate adequacy of CCPs, critical limits, monitoring, corrective action, CCP verification, and record keeping procedures. Review current CCP documentation.

Do the CCPs control the hazards?          
Are the CCP critical limits adequate?          
Do monitoring methods and frequency demonstrate control?          
Do corrective actions properly address affected product and correct deviations?          
Does validation include review of consumer complaints?          
Other, e.g., Prerequisite Programs or procedures may affect the hazard analysis:          


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