The Community IRB Member: Neighbor & Partner The Community IRB Member: Neighbor & Partner The Department of Energy
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American Statistical Association - Information about methodological, legal, ethical, and technical issues that are important for protecting and using statistical data.
Applied Research Ethics National Association (ARENA) - ARENA's mission is to enhance human and animal research subject protections and the responsible conduct of research through the educational and professional development of its members

Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs - Information about accreditation to organizations that conduct or review research with human participants. http://www.aahrpp.org/www.aspx.

Association of American Medical Colleges - Assists academic medicine's institutions, organizations, and individuals associated with medical research. http://www.aamc.org/research/start.htm. Research compliance resources also available at this site.

Centers for Disease Control – Human Research Protection Office. Information and resources for research involving human participants conducted or funded by the CDC.

Community-Campus Partnerships for Health - Nonprofit orgnization that promotes health through partnerships between communities and higher educational institutions. http://www.ccph.info

Department of Energy Protecting Human Subjects - Policies and guidelines pertaining to the protection of human subjects in research conducted or funded by DOE. http://humansubjects.energy.gov/
Department of Health and Human Services - Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) 
Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Research Oversight - Information regarding human subjects protections, animal welfare, research safety, and research misconduct. http://www.va.gov/oro/
Ethics in Mental Health Research - Resources for investigating ethical issues in mental health research. http://www.emhr.net/
Food and Drug Administration - Guidance for Institutional Review Boards and Clinical Investigators. http://www.fda.gov/oc/gcp/default.htm
Institute for Community Research - Information for community-based research partnerships. http://www.incommunityresearch.org/
IRB Watch - A site to chronicle abuses by IRBs. http://www.irbwatch.org/
National Institutes of Health - Resources on bioethics research involving human participants and animals and medical and health care ethics. http://www.nih.gov/sigs/bioethics/
National Library of Medicine PubMed - Biomedical journal literature.
Office of Legislative Policy and Analysis - Track legislation on human subjects.
Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research (PRIM&R) - Dedicated to creating, implementing, and advancing the highest ethical standards in the conduct of research. http://www.primr.org/
Research Advocacy Network - Connecting patient advocates with the research community. http://www.researchadvocacy.org/
Responsible Conduct of Research Education Consortium - Resources to identify, develop, and promote programs of education in the responsible conduct of research. http://rcrec.org/
The Institutional Review Board - News Forum for the discussion of ethical, regulatory and policy concerns with human subjects research. http://www.irbforum.org/
Thompson Center Watch - Clinical Trials Listing Service to find information about clinical research. http://www.centerwatch.com/

World Health Organization - United Nations agency. http://www.who.int/en/


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Human Subjects Research Program
Office of Biological and Environmental Research
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