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System Lifecycle Framework


The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has adopted the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)/Electronic Industries Association (EIA) 12207 as the standard to be followed for the CMS System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). The CMS Integrated IT Investment & System Life Cycle Framework is largely based on the IEEE/EIA 12207 standard, but has been tailored or customized to meet the specific needs of CMS.

To help ensure automated systems that are developed for CMS are compliant with the CMS Enterprise Architecture, system developers and maintainers should adhere to the standards and guidelines that are provided in the "Downloads" section below.  Note that the CMS Web-Enabled Application Architecture standard that was originally published in March 2004 and later updated in June 2005 was rescinded as of July 2006, and is no longer available as a download.

The CMS Technical Reference Architecture (TRA) provides a standard technical reference for all of the CMS Production Environments.  This document complements the CMS Internet Architecture (Including Minimum Platform Security Requirements) and supersedes the CMS Target Architecture standard that was previously published in September 2004.  As a result of the publication of the CMS TRA, the CMS Target Architecture is no longer available as a download.

Software products (whether COTS, GOTS, or custom-developed software applications) must also be compliant with Section 508 accessibility standards to ensure that all Federal employees and individuals of the public who are disabled are provided comparable access to and use of information and data as that which is provided to Federal employees and individuals of the public who are not disabled.  See the related link inside CMS that is provided below for detailed information regarding CMS' requirements for ensuring Section 508 compliance of software applications and other electronic and information technology (EIT) products procured or developed by CMS.

Detailed information regarding CMS' security standards are also available from the related link inside CMS that is provided below.  


CMS Internet Architecture (PDF, 4.7 MB)

CMS Technical Reference Architecture (PDF, 444 KB)

CMS Enterprise Messaging Infrastructure (PDF, 1.8 MB)

CMS Enterprise File Transfer (EFT) Infrastructure (PDF, 12.6 MB)

J2EE Application Development Guidelines (PDF, 441 KB)

MicroStrategy 8 Guidelines (PDF, 232 KB)

Cognos ReportNet Guidelines (PDF, 209 KB)

Siebel 7.7 Guidelines (PDF, 332 KB)

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Section 508 - EIT Accessibility

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Page Last Modified: 05/06/2008 9:52:10 AM
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