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Balog v. Med-Safe Systems, Inc., 95-TSC-9 (ALJ Apr. 24, 1996)

                               U.S. Department of Labor
                             Office of Administrative Law Judges
                                    Federal Building, Suite 4300
                                       501 W. Ocean Boulevard
                                     Long Beach, California  90802
                                        (310) 980-3594
                                        (310) 980-3596
                                      FAX: (310) 980-3597

DATE: April 24, 1996

CASE NO:  95-TSC-9

In the Matter of:




                      DECISION AND ORDER APPROVING

 This matter arises under the Toxic Substances Control Act,
15 U.S.C. §2601 et seq. ("TSCA").  Complainant,
Steven E. Balog, has appealed the determination of Linda M.
Burleson, District Director, dated March 3, 1995, which has been
construed to be a request for hearing.  The above-entitled matter
was received by the undersigned Administrative Law Judge on March
22, 1995.

     Pursuant to an order dated January 18, 1996, the undersigned
convened a prehearing conference in this matter in San Diego,
California, on January 31, 1996.  Based upon the agreement of
both parties, the undersigned entered an order scheduling the
formal hearing for the week of April 29, 1996, at San Diego,

     In a letter dated February 8, 1996, addressed to Acting
Chief Administrative Law Judge John M. Vittone, the parties
requested the appointment of a settlement judge pursuant to Rule
18.9(e) of the Rules of Practice and Procedure for Administrative
Hearings Before the Office of Administrative Law Judges (the
"Rules").  29 C.F.R. § 18.9(e).  Based upon this request, an
order was issued by Acting 

[PAGE 2] Chief Administrative Law Judge John M. Vittone on February 13, 1996, appointing Administrative Law Judge Thomas Schneider as the settlement judge in this matter. On April 22, 1996, this office received a letter from counsel for Respondent indicating that the parties were able to settle this matter without the necessity of a formal hearing. The parties further commended Judge Schneider for his "highly proficient job in handling the difficult settlement negotiations." The Settlement Agreement Attached to the letter received on April 22, 1996, is the parties' "Confidential Agreement and Release of All Claims" which appears to have been executed by Complainant, Complainant's wife, and Respondent's Chief Executive Officer. The settlement agreement provides in pertinent part that: * * * [EDITOR'S NOTE: THE TERMS OF THE AGREEMENT HAVE BEEN REDACTED] * * * The undersigned hereby finds that the settlement is adequate and not procured by duress. The parties' agreement substantially
[PAGE 3] conforms with Section 18.9 of the Rules of Practice and Procedure for Administrative Hearings Before the Office of Administrative Law Judges. 29 C.F.R. § 18.9 (1994). Accordingly, the settlement is hereby approved. The provision for the payment of attorney fees is also reasonable in light of the nature and extent of this matter, and therefore, said fees are likewise approved. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that: 1. Respondent shall [EDITOR'S NOTE: SETTLEMENT TERM REDACTED]; 2. Respondent shall [EDITOR'S NOTE: SETTLEMENT TERM REDACTED]; 4. The "Confidential Agreement and Release of All Claims," executed by the parties on April 16, 1996, is hereby APPROVED and incorporated by reference into this ORDER; 5. The parties shall continue to comply with the terms and conditions agreed to in the "Confidential Agreement and Release of All Claims"; 6. This ORDER shall have the same force and effect as an order made after full hearing; and 7. The above-styled matter is hereby DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICE; Entered this 24th day of April, 1996, at Long Beach, California. SAMUEL J. SMITH Administrative Law Judge

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