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October 4, 2008         DOL Home > OALJ Home > Whistleblower Collection
Plumlee v. Alyseka Pipeline Service Co., 95-TSC-3 (ALJ Aug. 8, 1995)

DATE:  August 8, 1995
Case Nos.  95-TSC-3/95-TSC-14[1] 

In the Matter of:

R. Glen Plumlee


Alyeska Pipeline Service Company
ARCO Alaska, Inc.
Arctic Slope Inspections Services ( ASIS )
Udelhoven Oil System Services
Veco Engineering


     This matter is now scheduled for hearing in Anchorage, Alaska,
during the weeks of August 21 and 28, September 18 and 25, 1995. 
On July 13, 1995, pursuant to Pre-Hearing Order of April 7, 1995,
Complainant filed  Offers of Proof of Evidence  to establish a
prima facie case that each respondent was either an employer
or joint employer with which such Complainant applied for
employment.  Each respondent has filed a Response to the Offers of
Proof and Motions for Summary Decisions of Dismissal supported by
applicable exhibits and affidavits showing cause why,
notwithstanding the offers of proof, the complaints should be
dismissed.  29 C.F.R. §§18.40-18.41.

     This Administrative Law Judge, having reviewed the record as
perfected thus far by the parties, finds and concludes that
Complainant has carried his burden of establishing a prima
facie case in support of the complaints he has filed herein. 
It is well-settled that this Administrative Law Judge, in
determining the propriety of a Motion for Summary Decision,
must weigh and evaluate all of the evidence, resolving all doubts
in favor of the Complainant against whom summary judgment is

[PAGE 2] Complainant s case can be summarized as follows: Complainant submits that he has established his prima facie case that the named Respondents in this action are all properly named as parties. An offer of proof has been made that Complainant applied for employment from each of the named respondents, either directly or as a joint employer. All respondents are expected to testify that they were aware of Complainant s protected activity and of his extraordinary efforts to alert them of his availability for work. Despite these efforts, and in a lawfully discriminatory manner, Complainant was blacklisted and, thereafter, limited in his opportunities for employment. Complainant further submits that the credible evidence to be presented herein will support the conclusion that ARCO and Udelhoven maintained blacklists that specified that Complainant was not to be hired, thereby limiting his opportunities for employment. Accordingly, in view of the foregoing, it is determined that the Motions for Summary Decision shall be, and the same hereby are DENIED, that the hearing shall go forward as scheduled, that Complainant and the Respondents shall have full opportunity to present relevant and material evidence herein on the issues presented by the parties herein, that the hearing in this matter, as well as the complaints filed by Richard Green and James Schooley shall be completed within the four week time period delineated above, that an appropriate schedule shall be established at the hearing for the filing of proposed findings of law, conclusions of law and a proposed order, as well as briefs on the pertinent precedents and that the parties shall have at least thirty (30) days upon receipt of the hearing transcript to file such pleadings. ___________________________ DAVID W. DI NARDI Administrative Law Judge Boston, Massachusetts DWD:ln [ENDNOTES] [1] The parties are hereby advised that the companion Complaint filed by Complainant with the Wage-Hour Division in Seattle has been identified by the Office of Administrative Law Judges as 95- TSC-14. This matter is consolidated for hearing during the above-identified time periods and the parties shall continue with their pre-hearing discovery in the usual manner.

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