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Lifeline Hazards

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We make geologic, geophysical, physiographic, and lifeline hazard maps

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Geologic map icon

Geologic maps

We map variations in bedrock, its geologic structure, and unconsolidated deposits near the surface to help us understand the distribution of geologic hazards, earth resources, and the geologic processes affecting the earth’s crust.
Geophysical map icon

Geophysical maps

Variations in density and magnetic content of rock units in the subsurface cause measurable changes in the earth’s gravity and magnetic fields. Maps of the field variations are used to determine crustal structure at depth and to prospect for fault zones, basins, and deposits of economic significance.

Physiographic map icon

Physiographic maps

The shape of the earth’s surface is the primary recorder of the physical processes acting to produce the landscape. Mapping the surface in detail provides clues to the advance and retreat of glaciers, rivers, and oceans, earthquake effects and landslide processes.

lifelines map icon

Lifeline Hazards maps

Urban areas depend on highways, railroads, pipelines, ports, airports, communications, and the electrical power system to sustain economic life. In parts of the Pacific Northwest, many of these critical lifelines lie across the path of faults. These maps show the relation of lifeline elements to selected earthquake hazards.


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U.S. Department of the Interior

This site is maintained by the Pacific Northwest Urban Corridor Geologic Mapping Project of the Western Earth Surface Processes Team, Geologic Division, U.S. Geological Survey

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This page last updated February 11, 2003 (mm).