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Chuck Goldman
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Electricity Markets and Policy > Staff > Chuck Goldman

Chuck Goldman is a staff scientist and the group leader of the Electricity Markets and Policy Group. Chuck is LBNL's Principal Investigator for Electric Markets Technical Assistance activities sponsored by the Department of Energy's Office of Electric Transmission and Distribution. In that capacity, he provides technical assistance to state, regional and federal agencies, utilities, and ISOs on Demand Response policies, programs, and technologies; design and implementation of public purpose energy efficiency programs, analysis of industry and market trends in the energy services (ESCO) industry, dynamic pricing, analysis of retail energy services and markets, and regional planning and utility portfolio management. On behalf of the California Energy Commission Demand Response Research Center, he leads research on dynamic pricing/demand response and dynamic pricing program/tariff analysis and evaluation. On behalf of the Federal Energy Management Program, he also advises federal agencies and customers on opportunities to manage and reduce their energy costs through energy efficiency, peak load management, pricing, or purchasing retail energy services in competitive electricity markets.

He has authored over 90 publications on various topics including demand response programs, technologies, and policies, market monitoring, impacts of restructuring on energy efficiency and renewables, role of energy service companies, competitive bidding for DSM resources, design and evaluation of innovative DSM programs, technical and market potential for energy efficiency, and utility resource planning. Chuck has worked at LBNL since 1981 and has a M.S. in Energy and Resources from the University of California, Berkeley. From 1997-2000, Chuck served as one of eight members on the California Board for Energy Efficiency, an advisory board to the California PUC, which oversaw and provided advice on energy efficiency programs and policies, market transformation strategies, and administration for energy-efficiency programs with an annual budget of ~$275 million per year. He also serves as a member of the National Association of Energy Service Company's Accreditation Committee for ESCOs.

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(510) 486-4637

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