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Galen Barbose
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Electricity Markets and Policy > Staff > Galen Barbose

Galen Barbose is a Staff Research Associate in the Electricity Markets and Policy Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Galen conducts research and provides assistance to policymakers on issues in the electricity industry related to utility resource planning, renewable energy, and energy efficiency. Since joining LBNL in 2001, Galen has authored numerous publications, including articles published in Energy Policy, the Electricity Journal, Energy Efficiency, and Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, and has presented his work in a wide range of forums. Previously, Galen worked as a project engineer at Nexant, providing project management, engineering, and consulting services for utility-funded energy efficiency and other demand-side management programs. Galen holds bachelor's degrees in mechanical engineering and philosophy from U.C. Berkeley and U.C. Santa Cruz, respectively, and a master's degree from the Energy and Resources Group (ERG) at U.C. Berkeley.

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