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Case Studies of State Support for Renewable Energy
This case study series by Berkeley Lab and the Clean Energy Group analyzes the innovative practices of state clean energy funds in support of renewable energy.
Case Studies


Distributed Generation Investment by a Microgrid Under Uncertainty
Siddiqui A., and C. Marnay. LBNL-872E. August 2008
156 KB PDF
Microgrids and Heterogeneous Power Quality and Reliability
Marnay, C. LBNL-777E. July 2008
469 KB PDF
Dezentrale Energieversorgung mit Speichertechnologien
Stadler M. and C. Marnay. LBNL-618E German. July 2008
German, 213 KB PDF
The Operation Result of the Demonstration of Energy Networks of Electricity, Heat, and Hydrogen at an Apartment Building in 2007
Aki, H., Y. Taniguchi, and J. Kondoh, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST); I. Tamura, and A. Kegasa, Osaka Gas Co., Ltd.; Y. Ishikawa, S. Yamamoto, and I. Sugimoto, KRI Inc. June 2008
632 KB PDF
Policymaking for Microgrids: Economic and Regulatory Issues of Microgrid Implementation
Marnay, C., H. Asano, S. Papathanassiou, and G. Strbac. IEEE Power & Energy Magazine. pp. 66-77. May/June 2008
649 KB PDF
A Larger Role for Microgrids: Are Microgrids a Viable Paradigm for Electricity Supply Expansion?
Venkataramanan, G. and Chris Marnay. IEEE Power & Energy Magazine. pp. 78-82. May/June 2008
403 KB PDF
Microgrid Selection and Operation for Commercial Buildings in California and New York States
Marnay, C., M. Stadler, H. Aki, B. Coffey, R. Firestone, J. Lai, and A. Siddiqui. LBNL-313E. May 2008
638 KB PDF
Distributed Energy Resources On-Site Optimization for Commercial Buildings with Electric and Thermal Storage Technologies
Stadler, M., H. Aki, R. Firestone, J. Lai, C. Marnay, and A. Siddiqui. LBNL-293E. May 2008
405 KB PDF
Japan's Residential Energy Demand Outlook to 2030 Considering Energy Efficiency Standards "Top-Runner Approach"
Komiyamaa, R. and C. Marnay. LBNL-292E. May 2008
184 KB PDF
A Buildings Module for the Stochastic Energy Deployment System
Marnay, C., M. Stadler, S. Borgeson, B. Coffey, R. Komiyama, and J. Lai. LBNL-291E. May 2008
281 KB PDF
Coordination of Retail Demand Response with Midwest ISO Wholesale Markets
Bharvirkar, R. and C. Goldman, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab; G. Heffner, Global Energy Associates; and R. Sedano, Regulatory Assistance Project. LBNL-288E. May 2008
1.0 MB PDF
Annual Report on U.S. Wind Power Installation, Cost, and Performance Trends: 2007
Wiser, R., and M. Bolinger. LBNL-275E. May 2008
3.2 MB PDF
Renewables Portfolio Standards in the United States — A Status Report with Data Through 2007
Wiser, R., and G. Barbose. LBNL-154E. April 2008
1.5 MB PDF
Reading the Tea Leaves: How Utilities in the West Are Managing Carbon Regulatory Risk in their Resource Plan
Barbose, G., R. Wiser, A. Phadke, and C. Goldman. LBNL-44E. March 2008
359 KB PDF
Status of Overseas Microgrid Programs: Microgrid Research Activities in the U.S.
Marnay, C. and N. Zhou, LBNL-56E, LBNL-56E Japanese. February 2008
English, 509 KB PDF
Japanese, 307 KB PDF
Estimating Demand Response Load Impacts: Evaluation of Baseline Load Models for Non-Residential Building in California
Coughlin, K., M.A. Piette, C. Goldman and S. Kiliccote. Demand Response Center, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. LBNL-63728. January 2008
439 KB PDF


Using the Federal Production Tax Credit to Build a Durable Market for Wind Power in the United States
Wiser, R., M. Bolinger, G. Barbose. Preprint of article sent to The Electricity Journal. LBNL-63583. November 2007
Microgrids for Commercial Building Combined Heat and Power and Heterogeneous Power Quality and Reliability
Marnay, C., R. Firestone, J. Lai, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory; and G. Venkataramanan, University of Wisconsin. LBNL-63520. October 2007
509 KB PDF
Optimal Real-time Dispatch for Integrated Energy Systems
Firestone, R., Doctorial dissertation, University of California, Berkeley. LBNL-63485. September 2007
1.5 MB PDF
Wind Project Financing Structures: A Review & Comparative Analysis
Harper, J., M. Karcher, and M. Bolinger. LBNL-63434. September 2007
528 KB PDF
A Methodology for Estimating Large-Customer Demand Response Market Potential
Goldman, C., N. Hopper, R. Bharvirkar, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL); B. Neenan, P. Cappers, Utilipoint International, Syracuse, NY. LBNL-63346. August 2007
238 KB PDF
Microgrids: An Overview of Ongoing Research, Development, and Demonstration Projects
Hatziargyriou, N., H. Asano, R. Iravani, and C. Marnay. LBNL-62937. July 2007
2.0 MB PDF
Preliminary Estimates of Combined Heat and Power Greenhouse Gas Abatement Potential for California in 2020
Firestone, R., F. Ling, C. Marnay, and K. LaCommare. LBNL-63319. July 2007
294 KB PDF
The Impact of Retail Rate Structures on the Economics of Commercial Photovoltaic Systems in California
Wiser, R., A. Mills, G. Barbose, and W. Golove. LBNL-63019. July 2007
571 KB PDF
Distributed Energy Resources for Carbon Emissions Mitigation
Firestone, R., and C. Marnay. Conference paper for The European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy 2007 Summer Study, La Colle sur Loup, France, June 4-9, 2007. LBNL-62871. June 2007
Report, 90 KB PDF
Poster, 3.12 MB PDF
Distributed Generation Dispatch Optimization under Various Electricity Tariffs
Firestone, R., and C. Marnay. International Journal of Electronic Business Management, Vol. 5, No. 3, p. 200 (2007). LBNL-62869. June 2007
471 KB PDF
The Summer of 2006: A Milestone in the Ongoing Maturation of Demand Response
Hopper, N., C. Goldman, R. Bharvirkar, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; and D. Engel, Freeman, Sullivan & Co. The Electricity Journal, Vol. 20, Issue 5, June 2007, Pages 62-75. LBNL-62754. May 2007 (revised July 2007)
Pre-print version, 195 KB PDF
Article (ScienceDirect subscribers)
Demand Response Spinning Reserve Demonstration
Eto, J., Principal Investigator (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Project Team: J. Nelson-Hoffman, C. Torres, S. Hirth, B. Yinger (Southern California Edison), J. Kueck, B. Kirby (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), C. Bernier, R. Wright (RLW Analytics), A. Barat (Connected Energy), D. Watson (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory). LBNL-62761. May 2007
799 KB PDF
Loads Providing Ancillary Services: Review of International Experience
Heffner, G. and C. Goldman, LBNL; B. Kirby, ORNL; and M. Kintner-Meyer, PNNL. LBNL-62701, ORNL/TM-2007/060, PNNL-16618. May 2007
Report, 327 KB PDF
Appendix, 829 KB PDF
A Survey of the U.S. ESCO Industry: Market Growth and Development from 2000 to 2006
Hopper, N., C. Goldman (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), D. Gilligan and T. Singer (National Association of Energy Service Companies), D. Birr (Synchronous Energy Solutions). LBNL-62679. May 2007
205 KB PDF
Annual Report on U.S. Wind Power Installation, Cost, and Performance Trends: 2006
Wiser, R., and M. Bolinger. LBNL-62702. May 2007
3.2 MB PDF
Renewables Portfolio Standards: A Factual Introduction to Experience from the United States
Wiser, R., C. Namovicz, M. Gielecki, and R. Smith. LBNL-62569. May 2007
372 KB PDF
The Treatment of Renewable Energy Certificates, Emissions Allowances, and Green Power Programs in State Renewables Portfolio Standards
Holt, E., Ed Holt and Associates, Inc. and R. Wiser, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. LBNL-62574. April 2007
292 KB PDF
Microgrids: An Emerging Paradigm for Meeting Building Electricity and Heat Requirements Efficiently and with Appropriate Energy Quality
Marnay, C., and R. Firestone. Conference Paper for The European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy 2007 Summer Study, La Colle sur Loup, France, June 4-9, 2007. LBNL-62572. April 2007
619 KB PDF
Deemed Savings Estimates for Legacy Air Conditioning and Water Heating Direct Load Control Programs in PJM Region
Prepared by: RLW Analytics and Prepared for: PJM Load Analysis Subcomittee and Charles Goldman, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. LBNL-62570. April 2007
1.6 MB PDF
Wind Power and the Production Tax Credit: An Overview of Research Results. Presented to The Senate Finance Committee, March 29, 2007
Wiser, R. LBNL/PUB-971. March 2007
Distributed Energy Resources Market Diffusion Model
Maribu, K., R. Firestone, C. Marnay, A. Siddiqui. Energy Policy, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 4471-4484. LBNL-60590. March 2007
400 KB PDF
Weighing the Costs and Benefits of State Renewables Portfolio Standards: A Comparative Analysis of State-Level Policy Impact Projections
Chen, C., R. Wiser, and M. Bolinger. LBNL-61580. March 2007
551 KB PDF
Microgrids and Heterogeneous Security, Quality, Reliability, and Availability
Marnay, C. 2007 Power Conversion Conference, Nagoya, Japan, April 4, 2007. LBNL-62460. January 2007
196 KB PDF
Optimal Technology Selection and Operation of Microgrids in Commercial Buildings
Marnay, C., G. Venkataramanan, M. Stadler, A. Siddiqui, R. Firestone, and B. Chandran. LBNL-62315. January 2007
227 KB PDF
Aktuelle Trends in der dezentralen KWK Technologie Integration — Das kalifornische Fördermodell und dessen Implikation für die Endenergieeffizienzrichtlinie
(Current Trends of Decentralized CHP integration — The Californian Investment Subsidy System and Its Implication for the Energy Efficiency Directive)

Stadler, M., T. Lipman, and C. Marnay. LBNL-62314. January 2007
195 KB PDF
Estimating Demand Response Market Potential among Large Commercial and Industrial Customers: A Scoping Study
Goldman, C., N. Hopper, and R. Bharvirkar, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; B. Neenan and P. Cappers, Utilipoint International. LBNL-61498. January 2007
882 KB PDF


Addressing an Uncertain Future Using Scenario Analysis
Siddiqui, A. and C. Marnay. LBNL-62313. December 2006
A Regional Approach to Market Monitoring in the West
Barmack, M., E. Kahn, and S. Tierney, Analysis Group; and C. Goldman, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. LBNL-61313. October 2006
797 KB PDF
Designing PV Incentive Programs to Promote Performance: A Review of Current Practice
Barbose, G., R. Wiser, and M. Bolinger. LBNL-61643. October 2006
616 KB PDF
Distributed Generation Investment by a Microgrid Under Uncertainty
Siddiqui, A., and C. Marnay. Conference Paper for The 19th Mini-EURO Conference Operation Research Models and Methods in the Energy Sector (ORMMES 2006), Portugal. LBNL-60592. Sept. 6-8, 2006
108 KB PDF
Killing Two Birds with One Stone: Can Real-Time Pricing Support Retail Competition and Demand Response?
Barbose, G., R. Bharvirkar, C. Goldman, N. Hopper, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and B. Neenan (UtiliPoint International). In the Proceedings of the 2006 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. LBNL-59739. August 2006
Not All Large Customers Are Made Alike: Disaggregating Response to Default-Service Day-Ahead Market Pricing
Hopper, N. and C. Goldman, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and B. Neenan, Neenan Associates (A Utililpoint Company). In the Proceedings of the 2006 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. LBNL- 59629. August 2006
Energy Efficiency in Western Utility Resource Plans: Impacts on Regional Resource Assessment and Support for WGA Policies
Hopper, N., C. Goldman and J. Schlegel. LBNL-58271. August 2006
Report, 645 KB PDF
Spreadsheet, 88 KB XLS
Integrated Energy System Dispatch Optimization
Firestone, R., M. Stadler, and C. Marnay. Conference Paper for 4th Int'l. IEEE Conference on Industrial Informatics, Singapore. LBNL-60591. August 16-18, 2006
253 KB PDF
The Value of Distributed Generation under Different Tarriff Structures
Firestone, R., K. Maribu, and C. Marnay. Conference Paper for 2006 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency Buildings, Asilomar, CA. LBNL-60589. Aug. 13-18, 2006
244 KB PDF
On-Site Generation Simulation with EnergyPlus for Commercial Buildings
Stadler, M., R. Firestone, D. Curtil and C. Marnay. LBNL-60204. August 2006
175 KB PDF
Avoiding the Haircut: Potential Ways to Enhance the Value of the USDA's Section 9006 Program
Bolinger, M. LBNL-61076. July 2006
268 KB PDF
Optimal Combination of Distributed Energy System in An Eco-Campus of Japan
Yang, Y., W. Gao, N. Zhou, and C. Marnay. Conference paper, The Second International Green Energy Conference Ontario, Canada. LBNL-60516. June 25-29, 2006
424 KB PDF
Distributed Energy Resources Market Diffusion Model
Maribu, K., R. Firestone, C. Marnay, and A. Siddiqui. Conference Paper for 2006 ENERGEX Int'l. Energy Conference & Exhibition, Stavanger, Norway. LBNL-60590. June 12-15, 2006
247 KB PDF
State Clean Energy Funds Support Utility-Scale Projects
Bolinger, M. and R. Wiser. North American Windpower. LBNL-60402. June 2006
203 KB PDF
Demand Response Program Design Preferences of Large Customers: Focus Group Results from Four States
Fry, T. and R. Hinkle, Nexant, Inc.; and D. Engel, Freeman, Sullivan and Company. Prepared for: Charles Goldman. LBNL-60610. June 2006
567 KB PDF
An Analysis of the DER Adoption Climate in Japan Using Optimization Results for Prototype Buildings with U.S. Comparisons
Zhou, N., C. Marnay, R. Firestone, W. Gao, M. Nishida. Journal Article for Energy and Buildings. LBNL-60594. June 2006
189 KB PDF
Localized Aggregation of Diverse Energy Sources for Rural Electrification using Microgrids
Illindala, M., A. Siddiqui, G. Venkataramanan and C. Marnay. LBNL-60399. June 2006
246 KB PDF
Analyzing the Effects of Temporal Wind Patterns on the Value of Wind-Generated Electricity at Different Sites in California and the Northwest
Fripp, M. and R. Wiser. LBNL-60152. June 2006
2.2 MB PDF
Customer Response to Day-Ahead Market Hourly Pricing: Choices and Performance
Hopper, N., C. Goldman, R. Bharvirkar and B. Neenan. Pre-print version of article published in Utility Policy, Vol. 14, Issue 2, Pages 126-134. LBNL-58114. June 2006
107 KB PDF
Modeling Interregional Transmission Congestion in the National Energy Modeling System
Gumerman, E., P. Chan, B. Lesieutre, C. Marnay and J. Wang. LBNL-59076. May 2006
680 KB PDF
Who Owns Renewable Energy Certificates? An Exploration of Policy Options and Practice
Holt, E., R. Wiser, and M. Bolinger. LBNL-59965. April 2006
380 KB PDF
Demand Response from Day-Ahead Hourly Pricing for Large Customers
Hopper, N., C. Goldman, R. Bharvirkar and B. Neenan. Pre-print version of article published in The Electricity Journal, Vol. 19, Issue 3, Pages 52-63. LBNL-59630. April 2006
Operation of Distributed Generation Under Stochastic Prices
Siddiqui, A., and C. Marnay. LBNL-59446. April 2006
941 KB PDF
Exploring the Economic Value of EPAct 2005's PV Tax Credits
Bolinger, M., R. Wiser, and E. Ing. LBNL-59928. March 2006
336 KB PDF
The Role of Demand Response in Default Service Pricing
Barbose, G., C. Goldman and B. Neenan. Preprint version of article published in the The Electricity Journal, Vol. 19, Issue 3, Page 64-74. LBNL-59737. February 2006
RTP as an Optional Service: It's Alive, But Is It Well?
Goldman, C., G. Barbose, and B. Neenan. Pre-print version of article published in the The Electricity Journal, Volume 19, Issue #1, Pages 18-29. LBNL-59740. February 2006
113 KB PDF
Cost of Power Interruptions to Electricity Consumers in the United States (U.S.)
Hamachi LaCommare, K., J. Eto. LBNL-58164. February 2006
Benefits of Demand Response in Electricity Markets and Recommendations for Achieving Them - A Report to the United States Congress Pursuant to Section 1252 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005
February 2006
693 KB PDF
Microgrids in the Evolving Electricity Generation and Delivery Infrastructure
Marnay, C. and G. Venkataramanan. LBNL-59544. February 2006
177 KB PDF
Supporting Photovoltaics in Market-Rate Residential New Construction: A Summary of Programmatic Experience to Date and Lessons Learned
Barbose, G., R. Wiser, and M. Bolinger. LBNL-59299. February 2006
776 KB PDF
A Model of U.S. Commercial Distributed Generation Adoption
Hamachi-LaCommare, K., R. Firestone, K. Mirabu, N. Zhou and C. Marnay. LBNL-57962. January 2006
2.7 MB PDF
Letting the Sun Shine on Solar Costs: An Empirical Investigation of Photovoltaic Cost Trends in California
Wiser, R., M. Bolinger, P. Cappers, and R. Margolis. LBNL-59282, NREL/TP-620-39300. January 2006
Report, 2.1 MB PDF
Executive Summary, 141 KB PDF


Assessment of Distributed Energy Adoption in Commercial Buildings: Part 1. An Analysis of Policy, Building Loads, Tariff Design, and Technology Development
Zhou, N., M. Nishida, W. Gao, and C. Marnay. Journal article, Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering Kyushu Sangyo University, No. 42. LBNL-60494. December 2005
215 KB PDF
Microturbine Economic Competitiveness: A Study of Two Potential Adopters
Firestone R., and C. Marnay. LBNL-57985. December 2005
696 KB PDF
A Review of Recent RTO Benefit-Cost Studies: Toward More Comprehensive Restructuring Policies
Eto, J., B. Lesieutre, and D. Hale. LBNL-58027. December 2005
196 KB PDF
Optimal Model of Distributed Energy System by Using GAMS and Case Study
by-Yang, Y., W. Gao, Y. Ruan, J. Xuan, N. Zhou, C. Marnay. Conference Paper for Intl. Symposium on Sustainable Develop. of the Asian City Enviro (SDACE). LBNL-61117. November 23-25, 2005
185 KB PDF
An Optimization and Assessment on DG Adoption in Japanese Prototype Buildings
Zhou, N., C. Marnay, R. Firestone, W. Gao, M. Nishida. Conference Paper for Intl. Symposium on Sustainable Develop. of the Asian City Enviro (SDACE). LBNL-61116. November 23-25, 2005
131 KB PDF
Improving Dynamic Load and Generator Response Performance Tools
Lesieutre, B. LBNL-59192. November 2005
485 KB PDF
Fostering a Renewable Energy Technology Industry: An International Comparison of Wind Industry Policy Support Mechanisms
Lewis, J. and R. Wiser. LBNL-59116. November 2005
102 KB PDF
Investment Timing and Capacity Choice for Small-Scale Wind Power Under Uncertainty
Fleten, S-E., and K. Maribu. LBNL-58072. November 2005
285 KB PDF
Option Value of Electricity Demand Response
Sezgen, O., C. Goldman, P. Krishnarao. Submitted to Energy Journal November, 2003. LBNL-56170. October 2005
517 KB PDF
The Effects of Electricity Tariff Structure on Distributed Generation Adoption in New York State
Firestone, R. and C. Marnay. LBNL-57942. September 2005
1.0 MB PDF
Integrated Modeling of Building Energy Requirements Incorporating Solar Assisted Cooling
Firestone, R., C. Marnay, and J. Wang. LBNL-58783. August 2005
735 KB PDF
Scenarios for Benefits Analysis of Energy Research, Development, Demonstration, and Deployment
Gumerman, E. and C. Marnay. LBNL-58009. August 2005
205 KB PDF
Empirical Analysis of the Spot Market Implications of Price Responsive Demand
Siddiqui, A., E. Bartholomew and C. Marnay. LBNL-58747. August 2005
226 KB PDF
Customer Strategies for Responding to Day-Ahead Market Hourly Electricity Pricing
Goldman, C., N. Hopper and R. Bharvirkar, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; and B. Neenan, R. Boisvert, P. Cappers, D. Pratt, and K. Butkins, Neenan Associates. LBNL-57128. August 2005
Report, 1.05 MB PDF
Appendix, 665 KB PDF
Real Time Pricing as a Default or Optional Service for C&I Customers: A Comparative Analysis of Eight Case Studies
Barbose, G., C. Goldman, R. Bharvirkar, N. Hopper, and M. Ting, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; and B. Neenan, Neenan Associates. LBNL-57661. August 2005
Report, 985 KB PDF
Appendix, 713 KB PDF
Does It Have To Be This Hard? Implementing the Nation's Most Aggressive Renewables Portfolio Standard in California
Wiser, R. and M. Bolinger, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; K. Porter, Exeter Associates; and H. Raitt, California Energy Commission. LBNL-58728. August 2005
188 KB PDF
Balancing Cost and Risk: The Treatment of Renewable Energy in Western Utility Resource Plans
Bolinger, M., and R.H. Wiser. LBNL-58450. August 2005
Report, 1.09 MB PDF
Executive Summary, 146 KB PDF
Journal Article Pre-Print, 173 KB PDF
Distributed Generation with Heat Recovery and Storage
Siddiqui, A., C. Marnay, R. Firestone, N. Zhou. IAEE Conference, Bergen, Norway. LBNL-58630. August 28-30, 2005
475 KB PDF
U.S. Regional Demand Forecasts Using NEMS and GIS
Cohen, J., J. Edwards, C. Marnay. LBNL-57955. July 2005
6.2 MB PDF
A Locational Analysis of Generation Benefits on Long Island, New York
Wang, J., J. Cohen, J. Edwards, and C. Marnay. LBNL-57506. June 2005
723 KB PDF
Distributed Energy Resources at Naval Base Ventura County Building 1512: A Sensitivity Analysis
Bailey, O. and C. Marnay. LBNL-55340-2. June 2005
423 KB PDF
Distributed Generation Potential of the U.S. Commercial Sector
Hamachi LaCommare, K., Jennifer L. Edwards, Etan Gumerman and Chris Marnay. LBNL-57919. June 2005
756 KB PDF
Optimum Model-E-GAMS for Distributed Energy System by Using GAMS Method
Yang, Y., W. Gao, Y. Ruan, N. Zhou, J. Xuan, and C. Marnay. Journal of the Society of Heating Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan (SHASE), Vol. 12, Pages 83-86. LBNL-57983. May 2005
Japanese, 725 KB PDF
Assessment of Distributed Generation Potential in Japanese Buildings
Zhou, N., C. Marnay, R. Firestone, W. Gao, and M. Nishida. LBNL-57978. May 2005
Review of International Experience with Renewable Energy Obligation Support Mechanisms
van der Linden, N.H., and M.A. Uyterlinde, ECN; C. Vrolijk, IT Power; L.J. Nilsson, J. Khan, K. Åstrand and K. Ericsson, University of Lund; R. Wiser, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. LBNL-57666. May 2005
963 KB PDF
Real Options Valuation of US Federal Renewable Energy Research, Development, Demonstration, and Deployment
Siddiqui, A.S., C. Marnay, and R.H. Wiser. LBNL-58000. March 2005
422 KB PDF
Public and Institutional Markets for ESCO Services: Comparing Programs, Practices and Performance
Hopper, N., C. Goldman and J. McWilliams (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), D. Birr (Synchronous Energy Solutions), K. McMordie Stoughton (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory). LBNL-55002. March 2005
Report, 975 KB PDF
Appendix, 178 KB PDF
Energy Manager Design for Microgrids
Firestone, R. and C. Marnay. LBNL-54447. January 2005
743 KB PDF
Review of U.S. ESCO Industry Market Trends: An Empirical Analysis of Project Data
Goldman, C., N. Hopper, J. Osborn, and T. Singer. LBNL-52320. January 2005
346 KB PDF
Easing the Natural Gas Crisis: Reducing Natural Gas Prices Through Increased Deployment of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
Wiser, R., M. Bolinger, M. St. Clair. LBNL-56756. January 2005
Report, 610 KB PDF
Senate Testimony, 708 KB PDF


Field Study on the Thermal Environment of Passive Cooling System in RC Building
Zhou, N., W. Gao, M. Nishida, H. Kitayama, T. Ojima. LBNL-56937. December 2004
504 KB PDF
Industrial and Commercial Industrial Response To Real Time Electricity Prices
Boisvert, R., P. Cappers, B. Neenan and B. Scott (Neenan Associates). December 2004
732 KB PDF
Evaluating State Markets for Residential Wind Systems:Results from an Economic and Policy Analysis Tool
Edwards, J., R. Wiser and M. Bolinger. LBNL-56344. December 2004
813 KB PDF
A Survey of Utility Experience with Real Time Pricing
Barbose, G. and C. Goldman (LBNL) and B. Neenan (Neenan Associates). LBNL-54238. December 2004
583 KB PDF
Optimal Selection of On-Site Power Generation with Combined Heat and Power Applications
Siddiqui, A., C. Marnay, O. Bailey, K. Hamachi La Commare. LBNL-56774. November 2004
288 KB PDF
A Comparative Analysis of Business Structures Suitable for Farmer-Owned Wind Power Projects in the United States
Bolinger, M. and R. Wiser. LBNL-56703. November 2004
231 KB PDF
A New Approach for Modeling the Peak Utility Impacts from a Proposed Commercial Unitary Air-Conditioning Standard
Hamachi LaCommare, K., E. Gumrman, C. Marnay, P. Chan, K. Coughlin . LBNL-55269. October 2004
282 KB PDF
The Potential for Distributed Generation in Japanese Prototype Buildings: A DER-CAM Analysis of Policy, Tariff Design, Building Energy Use, and Technology Development
Zhou, N., C. Marnay, R. Firestone, W. Gao and M. Nishida. LBNL-56359-English and LBNL-56359-Japanese. October 2004
English, 592 KB PDF
Japanese, 1.01 MB PDF
Effects of a Carbon Tax on Microgrid Combined Heat and Power Adoption
Siddiqui, A., C. Marnay, J. Edwards, R. Firestone, S. Ghosh and M. Stadler. LBNL-51771 Journal. October 2004
160.8 KB PDF
Distributed Energy Resources at Naval Base Ventura County Building 1512
Bailey, O. and C. Marnay. LBNL-55340. October 2004
612 KB PDF
The Potential Impacts of a Competitive Wholesale Market in the Midwest: A Preliminary Examination of Centralized Dispatch
Lesieutre, B., E. Bartholomew, J. Eto. LBNL-56503. October 2004
1.42 MB PDF
Using Energy Information Systems (EIS): A Guidebook for the U.S. Postal Service
Foster, D., B. Hough, G. Barbose, W. Golove and C. Goldman. LBNL-54862. October 2004
310 KB PDF
An Overview of Alternative Fossil Price and Carbon Regulation Scenarios
Wiser, R. and M. Bolinger. LBNL-56403. October 2004
244 KB PDF
Understanding the Cost of Power Interruptions to U.S. Electricity Consumers
Hamachi LaCommare, K., J. Eto. LBNL-55718. September 2004
342 KB PDF
Guide to Purchasing Green Power: Renewable Electricity, Renewable Energy Certificates and On-Site Renewable Generation.
Golove, W., R. Brown, and E. Holt. September 2004
988 KB PDF
Real Time Pricing and the Real Live Firm
Moezzi, M., C. Goldman, O. Sezgen, R. Bharvirkar and N. Hopper. LBNL-54978. August 2004
95.5 KB PDF
Does Real-Time Pricing Deliver Demand Response? A Case Study of Niagara Mohawk's Large Customer RTP Tariff
Goldman, C., N. Hopper, O. Sezgen, M. Moezzi and R. Bharvirkar (LBNL) and B. Neenan, D. Pratt, P. Cappers, and R. Boisvert (Neenan Associates). LBNL-54974. August 2004
250 KB PDF
The Federal Market for ESCO Services: How Does it Measure Up?
Hopper, N., C. Goldman, and D. Birr (Synchronous Energy Solutions). LBNL-54952. August 2004
148 KB PDF
The CERTS Microgrid and the Future of the Macrogrid
Marnay, C. and O. Bailey. LBNL-55281. August 2004
422.3 KB PDF
Empirical Analysis of the Spot Market Implications of Price-Elastic Demand
Siddiqui, A., E.S. Bartholomew, and C. Marnay. LBNL-56141. July 2004
286 KB PDF
Behavior of Two Capstone 30kW Microturbines Operating in Parallel with Impedance Between Them
Yinger, R. LBNL-55907. July 2004
1.1 MB PDF
Customer Response to Day-ahead Wholesale Market Electricity Prices: Case Study of RTP Program Experience in New York
Goldman, C., N. Hopper, O. Sezgen, M. Moezzi and R. Bharvirkar (LBNL) and B. Neenan, R. Boisvert, P. Cappers, D. Pratt (Neenan Associates). LBNL-54761. June 2004
Report, 1.5 MB PDF
Appendix, 752 KB PDF
NMPC RTP Fact Sheet, 344 KB PDF
Independent Review of Estimated Load Reductions for PJM's Small Customer Load Response Pilot Project
Heffner, G., M. Moezzi and C. Goldman. LBNL-54835. June 2004
434.2 KB PDF
Evaluating Experience with Renewables Portfolio Standards in the United States
Wiser, R., K. Porter and R. Grace. LBNL-54439. March 2004
687 KB PDF
Building a Market for Small Wind: The Break-Even Turnkey Cost of Residential Wind Systems in the United States
Edwards, J.L., R. Wiser, M. Bolinger, and T. Forsyth. Presented at Global Windpower, Chicago, Illinois. LBNL-54865. March 2004
148 KB PDF
Pilot Evaluation of Electricity-Reliability and Power-Quality Monitoring in California's Silicon Valley with the I-Grid® System
Eto, J., LBNL; D. Divan and W. Brumsickle, SoftSwitching Technologies. LBNL-52740. February 2004
600 KB PDF
Utility Green Pricing Programs: A Statistical Analysis of Program Effectiveness
Wiser, R. and S. Olson, LBNL, Bird, L. and B. Swezey, NREL. LBNL-54437. February 2004
212 KB PDF
Accounting for Fuel Price Risk When Comparing Renewable to Gas-Fired Generation: The Role of Forward Natural Gas Prices
Bolinger, M., R. Wiser, and W. Golove. LBNL-54751. January 2004
216 KB PDF
Learning and Cost Reductions for Generating Technologies in the National Energy Modeling System (NEMS)
Gumerman, E. and C. Marnay. LBNL-52559. January 2004
124 KB PDF
A Review of Market Monitoring Activities at U.S. Independent System Operators
Goldman, C., B. Lesieutre, and E. Bartholomew. LBNL-53975. January 2004
172 KB PDF


A Framework and Review of Customer Outage Costs: Integration and Analysis of Electric Utility Outage Cost Surveys
Lawton, L., M. Sullivan, K. Van Liere, A. Katz, PRS and J. Eto, LBNL. LBNL-54365. November 2003
616 KB PDF
Electricity Transmission Congestion Costs: A Review of Recent Reports
Lesieutre, B., and J. Eto. LBNL-54049. October 2003
229 KB PDF
Accounting for Fuel Price Risk: Using Forward Natural Gas Prices Instead of Gas Price Forecasts to Compare Renewable to Natural Gas-Fired Generation
Bolinger, M., R.H. Wiser, and W. Golove. LBNL-53587. August 2003
Report, 745.8 KB PDF
Executive Summary, 106.3 KB PDF
December 2006 Update, 100 KB PDF
Using Contingent Valuation to Explore Willingness to Pay for Renewable Energy: A Comparison of Collective and Voluntary Payment Vehicles
Wiser, R. LBNL-53239. August 2003
Report, 8.9 MB PDF
Executive Summary, 771.3 KB PDF
Dividends with Demand Response
Kintner-Meyer, M. (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), C. Goldman, O. Sezgen (LBNL) and D. Pratt (Neenan Associates). LBNL-52980. August 2003
3.3 MB PDF
Social Welfare Implications of Demand Response Programs in Competitive Electricity Markets
Boisvert, R.N. and B.F. Neenan, Neenan Associates. LBNL-52530. August 2003
185.6 KB PDF
Who Should Administer Energy Efficiency Programs?
Blumstein, C., C. Goldman, and G. Barbose. LBNL-53597. August 2003
265 KB PDF
Policies and Market Factors Driving Wind Power Development in the United States
Bird, L., and B. Parsons, NREL, T. Gagliano and M. Brown, National Conference of State Legislatures, and R. Wiser and M. Bolinger, LBNL-53554. July 2003
620.4 KB PDF
Learning by Doing: The Evolution of State Support for Photovoltaics
Bolinger, M. and R. Wiser. LBNL-52398. June 2003
210.4 KB PDF
Distributed Energy Resources Customer Adoption Modeling with Combined Heat and Power Applications
Siddiqui, A.S., R. Firestone, S. Ghosh, M. Stadler, C. Marnay, and J.L. Edwards. LBNL-52718. June 2003
1.2 MB PDF
The New York Transmission Congestion Contract Market: Is It Truly Working Efficiently?
Bartholomew, E., A. Siddiqui, C. Marnay and S. Oren. LBNL-53220. June 2003
208 KB PDF
Price-Elastic Demand in Deregulated Electricity Markets
Siddiqui, A.S. LBNL-51533. May 2003
424.6 KB PDF
A New Approach to Power Quality and Electricity Reliability Monitoring - Case Study Illustrations of the Capabilities of the I-GridTM System
Divan, D., W. Brumsickle and J. Eto. LBNL-52048. April 2003
540 KB PDF
On the Efficiency of the New York Independent System Operator Market for Transmission Congestion Contracts
Siddiqui, A., E. Bartholomew, C. Marnay and S. Oren. LBNL-52386. March 2003
748 KB PDF
Comparing the Risk Profiles of Renewable and Natural Gas Electricity Contracts: A Summary of the California Department of Water Resources Contracts
Bachrach, D., R. Wiser, M. Bolinger and W. Golove. LBNL-50965. March 2003
Report, 605.3 KB PDF
Appendix, 459.3 KB PDF
A Business Case for On-Site Generation: The BD Biosciences Pharmingen Project
Firestone, R., C. Creighton, O. Bailey, C. Marnay and M. Stadler. LBNL-52759. February 2003
1.8 MB PDF
Distributed Energy Resources in Practice: A Case Study Analysis and Validation of LBNL's Customer Adoption Model
Bailey, O., C. Creighton, R. Firestone, C. Marnay and M. Stadler. LBNL-52753. February 2003
Report, 1.7 MB PDF
Appendix, 4.6 MB PDF
Evaluation Framework and Tools for Distributed Energy Resources
Gumerman, E., R. Bharvirkar, K. LaCommare, and C. Marnay. LBNL-52079. February 2003
191.6 KB PDF
Distributed Generation Capabilities of the National Energy Modeling System
Hamachi LaCommare, K., J.L. Edwards, and C. Marnay. LBNL-52432. January 2003
297.2 KB PDF
How and Why Customers Respond to Electricity Price Variability: A Study of NYISO and NYSERDA 2002 PRL Program Performance
Neenan, B., D. Pratt, P. Cappers, J. Doane, J. Anderson and R. Boisvert (Neenan Associates), Goldman, C., O. Sezgen, G. Barbose and R. Bharvirkar (LBNL), Michael Kinter-Meyer, Steve Shankle and Derrick Bates (PNNL). LBNL-52209/PNNL#14220. January 2003
4.3 MB PDF


Configuring Load As A Resource for Competitive Electricity Markets--Review of Demand Response Programs in the U.S. and Around the World
Heffner, G. LBNL-51496. November 2002
203.6 KB PDF
Transacting Generation Attributes Across Market Boundaries: Compatible Information Systems and the Treatment of Imports and Exports
Grace, R. (Sustainable Energy Advantage, LLC) and R. Wiser. LBNL-51703. November 2002
Report, 540 KB PDF
Executive Summary, 96 KB PDF
Effects of a Carbon Tax on Combined Heat and Power Adoption by a Microgrid
Marnay, C., J.L. Edwards, R.M. Firestone, S. Ghosh, A.S. Siddidqui, and M. Stadler. LBNL-51771. October 2002
124.8 KB PDF
New Method and Reporting of Uncertainty in LBNL National Energy Modeling System Runs
Gumerman, E.Z., K. Hamachi LaCommare, and C. Marnay. LBNL-52399. October 2002
Review of Test Facilities for Distributed Energy Resources
Akhil, A., Sandia National Laboratories, C. Marnay, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, T. Lipman, University of California, Berkeley. Report Numbers: SAND2003-1602, LBNL-51954. October 2002
1.1 MB PDF
Analyzing the Interaction Between State Tax Incentives and the Federal Production Tax Credit for Wind Power
Wiser, R., M. Bolinger, LBNL, and T. Gagliano, National Conference of State Legislatures. LBNL-51465. September 2002
Conservation in California During the Summer 2001
Bartholomew, E.S., R. Van Buskirk, and C. Marnay. LBNL-51477. September 2002
500 KB PDF
Innovation, Renewable Energy, and State Investment: Case Studies of Leading Clean Energy Funds
Wiser, R. and M. Bolinger. LBNL-51493. September 2002
704 KB PDF
Assessing U.S. ESCO Industry Performance and Market Trends: Results from the NAESCO Database Project
Osborn, J., C. Goldman, and N. Hopper, LBNL, and T. Singer, NAESCO. LBNL-50304. August 2002
120 KB PDF
The California Climate Action Registry: Development of Methodologies for Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Electricity Generation
Price, L., C. Marnay, J. Sathaye, S. Murtishaw, D. Fisher, and A. Phadke, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and G. Franco, California Energy Commission. LBNL-50250. August 2002
Do "Enabling Technologies" Affect Customer Performance in Price-Responsive Load Programs?
Goldman, C. (LBNL), M. Kintner-Meyer (PNNL) and G. Heffner (LBNL). LBNL-50328. August 2002
78.4 KB PDF
Estimating Carbon Dioxide Emissions Factors for the California Electric Power Sector
Marnay, C., D. Fisher, S. Murtishaw, A. Phadke, L. Price, and G. Stacey. LBNL-49945. August 2002
708 KB PDF
Quantifying the Value that Wind Power Provides as a Hedge Against Volatile Natural Gas Prices
Bolinger, M., R. Wiser and W. Golove. LBNL-50484. June 2002
California Customer Load Reductions during the Electricity Crisis: Did They Help to Keep the Lights On?
Goldman, C., J. Eto and G. Barbose. LBNL-49733. May 2002
180 KB PDF
Customer-Sited PV: A Survey of Clean Energy Fund Support
Bolinger, M. and R. Wiser. LBNL-49668. May 2002
160 KB PDF
Energy Efficiency Options for the New England Demand Response Initiative (NEDRI) - Framing Paper #4
Schlegel, J., Schlegel & Associates, LLC. LBNL/PUB-5482. May 2002
168 KB PDF
Investigation of Residential Central Air Conditioning Load Shapes in NEMS
Hamachi LaCommare, K., C. Marnay, E. Gumerman, P. Chan, G. Rosenquist, and J. Osborn. LBNL-52235. May 2002
116 KB PDF
Market Trends in the U.S. ESCO Industry: Results from the NAESCO Database Project
Goldman, C., J. Osborn and N. Hopper, LBNL, and T. Singer, NAESCO. LBNL-49601. May 2002
Report, 456 KB PDF
Appendix D, 700 KB XLS
Utility-Scale Renewable Energy Projects: A Survey of Clean Energy Fund Support
Bolinger, M. and R. Wiser. LBNL-49667. May 2002
108 KB PDF
Integration of Distributed Energy Resources: The CERTS MicroGrid Concept
Lasseter, R., A. Akhil, C. Marnay, J. Stephens, J. Dagle, R. Guttromson, A.S. Meliopoulous, R. Yinger, and J. Eto. LBNL-50829. April 2002
Report, 257.1 KB PDF
Appendices, 320.1 KB PDF
An Engineering-Economic Analysis of Combined Heat and Power Technologies in a µGrid Application
Bailey, O., B. Ouaglal, E. Bartholomew, C. Marnay, and N. Bourassa. LBNL-50023. March 2002
383.7 KB PDF
Price-Responsive Load (PRL) Program - Framing Paper #1
Goldman, C. LBNL/PUB-5476. March 2002
200.8 KB PDF
Customer Load Participation in Wholesale Markets: Summer 2001 Results, Lessons Learned and "Best Practices"
Goldman, C., G. Heffner, and G. Barbose. LBNL-50966. February 2002
91.5 KB PDF
Impact of Enabling Technologies on Customer Load Curtailment Performance: Summer 2001 Results from NYSERDA's PON 585 and 577 Programs and NYISO's Emergency Demand Response Program
Goldman, C. and G. Heffner (LBNL) and M. Kintner-Meyer (PNNL). LBNL-49858. February 2002
135.6 KB PDF
Assessment of µGrid Distributed Energy Resource Potential Using DER-CAM and GIS
Edwards, J., C. Marnay, E. Bartholomew, B. Ouaglal, A. Siddiqui, and K. LaCommare. LBNL-50132. January 2002
1.03 MB PDF
Innovative Developments in Load as a Reliability Resource
Eto, J. (Member, IEEE), C. Goldman, G. Heffner (Member, IEEE), B. Kirby (Member, IEEE), J. Kueck (Member, IEEE), M. Kintner-Meyer, J. Dagle (Member, IEEE), T. Mount, W. Schultze, R. Thomas (Fellow, IEEE), R. Zimmerman. LBNL-50968. January 2002
34.8 KB PDF


The Implications of Carbon Taxation on Microgrid Adoption of Small-Scale on-Site Power Generation using a Multi-Criteria Approach
Siddiqui, A., A. de Almeida, C. Marnay and F. Javier Rubio. LBNL-49309. December 2001
166.1 KB PDF
Potential for Renewable Energy Development: Alternatives to AEO2001
Osborn, J., K. Hamachi, C. Marnay, E. Gumerman and P. Chan. LBNL-51499. December 2001
312 KB PDF
The Renewables Portfolio Standard in Texas: An Early Assessment
Wiser, R. and O. Langniss. LBNL-49107. November 2001
Forecasting the Growth of Green Power Markets in the United States
Wiser, R., M. Bolinger, E. Holt and B. Swezey. LBNL-48611. October 2001
636 KB PDF
Revisiting the "Buy versus Build" Decision for Publicly Owned Utilities in California Considering Wind and Geothermal Resources
Bolinger, M., R. Wiser and W. Golove. LBNL-48831. October 2001
344 KB PDF
Demand Responsive Programs – An Emerging Resource for Competitive Electricity Markets?
Heffner, G. and C. Goldman. LBNL-48374. August 2001
64.5 KB PDF
Modeling of Customer Adoption of Distributed Energy Resources
Marnay, C., J. S. Chard, K. S. Hamachi, T. Lipman, M. M. Moezzi, B. Ouaglal, and A. S. Siddiqui. LBNL-49582. August 2001
1.25 MB PDF
Reliability of the U.S. Electric System -- Recent Trends and Current Issues
Osborn, J. and C. Kawann. LBNL-47043. August 2001
1.1 MB PDF
Behavior of Capstone and Honeywell Microturbine Generators during Load Changes
Yinger, R. J. LBNL-49095. July 2001
Report, 118.9 KB PDF
Appendix A, 36.1 KB PDF
Appendix B, 66.5 KB PDF
Appendix C, 116.4 KB PDF
Appendix D, 273.8 KB PDF
Appendix E, 268.9 KB PDF
Appendix F, 206.2 KB PDF
Appendix G, 315.7 KB PDF
Appendix H, 207.9 KB PDF
A Scoping Study on Trends in the Economic Value of Electricity Reliability to the U.S. Economy
Eto, J., J. Koomey, B. Lehman, N. Martin, E. Mills, C. Webber, and E. Worrell. LBNL-47911. June 2001
656 KB PDF
Community Wind Power Ownership Schemes in Europe and Their Relevance to the United States
Bolinger, M. LBNL-48357. May 2001
660 KB PDF
Clean Energy Funds: An Overview of State Support for Renewable Energy
Bolinger, M. and R. Wiser. LBNL-47705. April 2001
464 KB PDF
Customer Adoption of Small-Scale On-Site Power Generation
Siddiqui, A., C. Marnay, K. Hamachi and F. Rubio. LBNL-47896. April 2001
110.7 KB PDF
Direct Participation of Electrical Loads in the California Independent System Operation Markets During the Summer of 2000
Marnay, C., K. Hamachi, M. Khavkin and A. Siddiqui. LBNL-47897. April 2001
330 KB PDF
CERTS Customer Adoption Model
Rubio, F., A. Siddiqui, C. Marnay and K. Hamachi. LBNL-47772. March 2001
1.44 MB PDF
Grid Reliability Management Tools
Eto, J., (LBNL), C. Martinez, (SCE) and J. Dyer and V. Budhraja, (Electric Power Group). LBNL-47025. January 2001
Public Goods and Private Interests: Understanding Non-Residential Demand for Green Power
Wiser, R. and M. Fowlie. LBNL-47300. January 2001
288 KB PDF
An R&D Agenda to Enhance Electricity System Reliability by Increasing Customer Participation in Emerging Competitive Markets
Eto, J., C. Marnay, and C. Goldman (LBNL), J. Kueck and B. Kirby (ORNL), J. Dagle (PNNL), F. Alvarado, T. Mount, and S. Oren (PSERC) and C. Martinez (SCE). LBNL-47026. January 2001
A Sensitivity Analysis of the Treatment of Wind Energy in the AEO999 Version of NEMS
Osborn, J., F. Wood, C. Richey, S. Sanders, W. Short and J. Koomey. LBNL-44070, TP-28529. January 2001
288 KB PDF
Spot Pricing of Electricity and Ancillary Services in a Competitive California Market
Siddiqui, A., C. Marnay and M. Khavkin. LBNL-46944. January 2001
248 KB PDF


Managing Electricity Reliability Risk Through the Futures Markets
Siddiqui, A. LBNL-47645. December 2000
324 KB PDF
Customer Choice and Green Power Marketing: A Critical Review and Analysis of Experience to Date
Wiser, R., M. Bolinger, LBNL, and E. Holt, Ed Holt and Associates, Inc. LBNL-46072. August 2000
Electricity Restructuring and Value-Added Services: Beyond the Hype
Golove, B., R. Prudencio, R. Wiser and C. Goldman. LBNL-46069. August 2000
Historical Performance of the U.S. ESCO Industry: Results from the NAESCO Project Database
Goldman, C., P. Juergens, M. Fowlie, J. Osborn and K. Kawamoto, LBNL, and T. Singer, NAESCO. LBNL-46070. August 2000
960 KB PDF
Public Benefit Charge Funded Performance Contracting Programs - Survey and Guidelines
Schiller, S., Schiller Associates, C. Goldman, LBNL, and B. Henderson, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority. LBNL-46071. August 2000
Purchasing Renewable Energy: A Guidebook for Federal Agencies
Golove, B., M. Bolinger and R. Wiser. LBNL-46766. August 2000
784 KB PDF
Estimating Carbon Emissions Avoided by Electricity Generation and Efficiency Projects: A Standardized Method (MAGPWR)
Meyers, S., C. Marnay, K. Schumacher, and J. Sathaye. LBNL-46063. July 2000
English, 628 KB PDF
Japanese, 254 KB PDF
Integrated Assessment of Dispersed Energy Resources Deployment
Marnay, C., R. Blanco, K. Hamachi, C. Kawann, J. Osborn and F. Rubio. LBNL-46082. June 2000
Report, 5.27 MB PDF
Appendix, 136.2 KB PDF
Excessive Price Volatility in the California Ancillary Services Markets: Causes, Effects, and Solutions
Siddiqui, A., C. Marnay and M. Khavkin. LBNL-46083. May 2000
132 KB PDF


The Federal Role in Electric System Reliability RD&D During a Time of Industry Transition: An Application of Scenario Analysis
Eto, J. LBNL-45272. December 1999
The Role of Public Policy in Emerging Green Power Markets: An Analysis of Marketer Preferences
Wiser, R. LBNL-44178. August 1999
188 KB PDF
Ancillary Services Markets in California
Gómez, T., C. Marnay, A. Siddiqui, L. Liew, and M. Khavkin. LBNL-43986. July 1999
536 KB PDF
Green Power Marketing in Retail Competition: An Early Assessment
Wiser, R. (LBNL); J. Fang, K. Porter, and A. Houston (NREL). LBNL-42282. February 1999
232 KB PDF


Supporting Renewable Generation Through Green Power Certification: The Green-e Program
Wiser, R. LBNL-42485. September 1998
504 KB PDF
California's Nonresidential Standard Performance Contract Program
Goldman, C., J. Eto, R. Prahl (Prahl and Associates), and J. Schlegel (Schlegel and Associates). LBNL-42347. August 1998
Details, Details ... The Impact of Market Rules on Emerging "Green" Energy Markets
Wiser, R., S. Pickle, and J. Eto. LBNL-41812. August 1998
The Energy Services Company (ESCO) Industry: Industry and Market Trends
Dayton, D. (HEC, Inc.), C. Goldman, and S. Pickle. LBNL-41925. August 1998
Organizing for Market Transformation: Institutional Issues in the Creation of a New Energy Efficiency Policy Framework in California
Prahl, R., J. Schlegel, and C. Goldman. LBNL-43834. August 1998
1.2 MB PDF
Purchasing Energy and Related Services in a Restructured Electricity Industry
Golove, B., C. Goldman, and S. Pickle. LBNL-41817. August 1998
Restructuring and Renewable Energy Developments in California: Using Elfin to Simulate the Future California Power Market
Marnay, C., S. Kito (MRW), D. Kirshner (EDF), O. Sezgen, S. Pickle, K. Schumacher, and R. Wiser. LBNL-41569. June 1998
380 KB PDF
Ratepayer-Funded Energy-Efficiency Programs in a Restructured Electricity Industry: Issues and Options for Regulators and Legislators
Eto, J., C. Goldman, and S. Nadel (ACEEE). LBNL-41479. May 1998
344 KB PDF
Selling Green Power in California: Product, Industry, and Market Trends
Wiser, R. and S. Pickle. LBNL-41807. May 1998
160 KB PDF
Wind Generation in the Future Competitive California Power Market
Sezgen, O., C. Marnay, and S. Bretz. LBNL-41134. March 1998
Section 1, 1.2 KB PDF
Section 2, 1.05 MB PDF
Section 3, 803.5 KB PDF
Section 4, 1.15 MB PDF
Section 5, 1.89 MB PDF
Section 6, 185.9 KB PDF
Primer on Electricity Futures and Other Derivatives
Stoft, S., T. Belden, C. Goldman, and S. Pickle. LBNL-41098. January 1998
364 KB PDF


Estimating the Environmental and Economic Effects of Widespread Residential PV Adoption Using GIS and NEMS
Marnay, C., R. Richey, S. Mahler, S. Bretz, and R. Markel. LBNL-41030. October 1997
596 KB PDF
Financing End-Use Solar Technologies in a Restructured Electricity Industry: Comparing the Cost of Public Policies
Jones, E. and J. Eto. LBNL-40218. September 1997
640 KB PDF
Green Marketing, Renewables, and Free Riders: Increasing Customer Demand for a Public Good
Wiser, R. and S. Pickle. LBNL-40632. September 1997
212 KB PDF
How Financial Transmission Rights Curb Market Power
Stoft, S. LBNL-40568. June 1997
156 KB PDF
Power Supply Expansion and the Nuclear Option in Poland
Marnay, C. and S. Pickle. LBNL-40391. June 1997
712 KB PDF
How Financial Transmission Rights Curb Market Power
Stoft, S. LBNL-40568. June 1997
156 KB PDF
The Effect of the Transmission Grid on Market Power
Stoft, S. LBNL-40479. May 1997
176 KB PDF
Transmission Pricing and Renewables: Issues, Options, and Recommendations
Stoft, S., C. Webber, and R. Wiser. LBNL-39845. May 1997
272 KB PDF
Financing Investments in Renewable Energy: The Role of Policy Design and Restructuring
Wiser, R. and S. Pickle. LBNL-39826. March 1997
344 KB PDF


The Past, Present, and Future of U.S. Utility Demand-Side Management Programs
Eto, J. LBNL-39931. December 1996
108 KB PDF
Analysis of the California WEPEX Applications to FERC
Stoft, S. LBNL-39445. October 1996
452 KB PDF
Impact of Information and Communications Technologies on Residential Customer Energy Services
Goldman, C. et al. LBNL-39015. LBNL-40026. October 1996
Report, 628 KB PDF
Appendices, 736 KB PDF
California Renewable Energy Policy and Implementation Issues -- An Overview of Recent Regulatory and Legislative Action
Wiser, R., S. Pickle, and C. Goldman. LBNL-39247. September 1996
104 KB PDF
Ratepayer-Funded Energy-Efficiency Programs in a Restructured Electricity Industry: Issues, Options, and Unanswered Questions
Eto, J., C. Goldman, and S. Kito. LBNL-40026. August 1996
A Scoping Study on Energy-Efficiency Market Transformation by California Utility DSM Programs
Eto, J., R. Prahl, and J. Schlegel. LBNL-39058. July 1996
552 KB PDF
Alternative Windpower Ownership Structures: Financing Terms and Project Costs
Wiser, R. and E. Kahn. LBNL-38921. May 1996
228 KB PDF
Market Barriers to Energy Efficiency: A Critical Reappraisal of the Rationale for Public Policies to Promote Energy Efficiency
Golove, B. and J. Eto. LBL-38059. March 1996
228 KB PDF


Organization of Bulk Power Markets: A Concept Paper
Kahn, E. and S. Stoft. LBL-37508. December 1995
460 KB PDF
Where Did the Money Go? The Cost and Performance of the Largest Commercial Sector DSM Programs
Eto, J., S. Kito, L. Shown, and R. Sonnenblick. LBL-38201. December 1995
276 KB PDF
Performance-Based Ratemaking for Electric Utilities
Comnes, A., S. Stoft, N. Greene, and L. Hill. LBL-37577. November 1995
516 KB PDF
Resource Planning for Gas Utilities: Using a Model to Analyze Issues
Busch, J. and G. Comnes. LBL-37717. November 1995
Request a copy
A Framework for Improving the Cost-Effectiveness of DSM Program Evaluations
Sonnenblick, R. and J. Eto. LBL-37158. September 1995
Comparison of Financing Costs for Wind Turbine and Fossil Powerplants
Kahn, E. LBL-36122. February 1995
140 KB PDF
Evaluation of Public Service Electric and Gas' Standard Offer Program
Goldman, C., M. Kito, and M. Moezzi. LBL-37157. February 1995
The Price of Electricity from Private Power Producers, Stage II: Expansion of Sample and Preliminary Statistical Analysis
Comnes, G., T. Belden, and E. Kahn. LBL-36054. February 1995
512 KB PDF
DSM Shareholder Incentives: Current Designs and Economic Theory
Stoft, S., J. Eto, and S. Kito. LBL-36580. January 1995
604 KB PDF


Review of Performance-Based Ratemaking Plans for U.S. Gas Distribution Companies
Comnes, G. LBL-35680. November 1994
The Cost and Performance of Utility Commercial Lighting Programs
Eto, J., E. Vine, L. Shown et al. LBL-34967. May 1994
Impact of Power Purchases from Nonutilities on the Utility Cost of Capital
Kahn, E., S. Stoft, and T. Belden. LBL-34741. March 1994
Review of Utility Experience with DSM Bidding
Goldman, C. and M. Kito. LBL-35021. February 1994
The Theory and Practice of Decoupling
Eto, J., S. Stoft, and T. Belden. LBL-34555. January 1994
4.9 MB PDF


Analysis of PG&E's Residential End-Use Metered Data to Improve Electricity Demand Forecasts
Eto, J. and M. Moezzi. LBL-34431. December 1993
Primer on Gas Integrated Resource Planning
Goldman, C., A. Comnes, J. Busch et al. LBL-34144. December 1993
The Price of Electricity from Private Power Producers
Kahn, E., A. Milne, and S. Kito. LBL-34578. October 1993
The Transmission Interface Constraint Problem
Baldick, R. and E. Kahn. LBL-34772. October 1993


Least Cost Utility Planning, A Handbook for Public Utility Commissioners Volume 2, The Demand-Side: Conceptual and Methodological Issues. Washington DC: National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners.
Krause, F., J. Eto. LBL-25472. 1988
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