From the Lab to the Marketplace (1995)

LBNL's Broader Role in the Buildings Energy Arena

Although best known for our R&D and technology spin-offs to industry, LBNL's buildings energy research programs are distinguished in other areas. LBNL contributes technical input to public policy issues such as global warming, works with utilities on new paradigms for energy planning, examines the effect of the indoor environment on health and comfort, helps the government manage its own facilities more efficiently, and addresses energy problems both locally and internationally.

To foster the adoption and use of energy-efficient technologies in buildings, the Laboratory relies on its information and technology transfer program. The program ensures that research results are transferred quickly to utilities, major builders, and real estate developers by emphasizing strong working relationships with key professional, trade association, and research organizations. These groups serve as intermediaries and brokers in reaching manufacturers, consumers, and the fragmented building-sector industries. In addition, LBNL publishes research results on the Internet.

Education is central to LBNL's strategy for promoting energy efficiency. To this end, the Laboratory has a relationship to a major university (the University of California at Berkeley) that is unique among the national laboratories. Dozens of faculty, staff, and students from a variety of disciplines work in LBNL's energy-efficiency programs. Some graduates stay on at LBNL while others move into industry or the public sector.